700字范文 > 经贸词语 phrases in business and trade英语短句 例句大全

经贸词语 phrases in business and trade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-11 13:16:22


经贸词语 phrases in business and trade英语短句 例句大全

经贸词语,phrases in business and trade

1)phrases in business and trade经贸词语

2)Business english dictionary经贸英语词典

1.An Investigation on Uses of Business English Dictionary;经贸英语词典使用调查研究

3)neologisms of economy and trade经贸新词

1.Under this background,neologisms of economy and trade in both English and Chinese have mushroomed,which deserve our careful study.在这样一个全球经济大繁荣的背景下,英汉经贸新词如雨后春笋般应运而生,值得我们认真加以研究。

4)business English经贸英语

1.A Survey on the Study of Textual Rhetoric of Business English;经贸英语篇章修辞研究述评

2.The article,based on a case study of the needs analysis and the practice of the relevant curriculum reforms inbusiness English teaching,hopes to .随着我国外贸经济的快速发展,许多高校越来越重视经贸英语教学。

3.With the entry into WTO,business English is becoming more and more important.随着我国加入W TO,经贸英语越来越显示出其重要性,因此弄清楚经贸英语的特点与翻译方法是非常必要的。


1.My major was Economic Trade and English.我主修的是经贸英语。?

2.I majored in economic and trade English.我主修的是经贸英语。

3.On the Role of Social Context in Business English Translation;浅议经贸英语翻译中语境因素的作用

4.The Negative and Active Function of Fuzzy Language in Business Writing;论模糊语言在经贸英语写作中的作用

5.The Reformed Teaching Method Applied in English Courses in Business English;经贸英语专业英语课教学方法的改革实践

6.The Application of Collaborative Teaching Model in Business English Course Delivery;协作化教学在《经贸英语》课程中的应用

7.Research and practice on building up a curriculum system of business English in English major;构建经贸英语课程体系的研究与实践

8.Reflections on Teaching Commercial English;关于“经贸英语”课教学的几点思考

9.The New Trend of Economy & Trade English after China s Entry into WTO;经贸英语在中国加入WTO后的新趋势

10.Course Reformation of English for International Economy and Trade Based on Need Analysis需求分析指导下的经贸英语课程改革

11.Linguistic Analysis on the Application of Politeness Principles to Foreign Trade Correspondence;浅析语用礼貌在对外经贸英语函电中的运用

12.Business English correspondence plays an important role in international trade.经贸英语函电在对外经济贸易业务中的作用十分重要。

13.On Educational Reform of the Trade and Economic English;适应社会发展 培养合格经贸英语人才——对我校经贸英语专业人才培养模式的分析

14.On the Design of Business English Course from a Perspective of Market Need;从市场需求的视角探讨经贸英语课程的设计

15.Needs Analysis and the Course Design of Business-Oriented English;需求分析与经贸英语专业课程设置浅探

16.The Application of Modern Information-processing Theory in the Teaching of English for Economy and Trade;现代信息加工理论在经贸英语教学中的应用

17.A Classification & Translation of Words Denoting Major Positions in Business English;经贸英语中主要职务用词的分类与翻译

18.Impact of the Cultural Difference on Legal & Commercial English Translation;文化差异对法律及经贸英语翻译的影响


Business english dictionary经贸英语词典

1.An Investigation on Uses of Business English Dictionary;经贸英语词典使用调查研究

3)neologisms of economy and trade经贸新词

1.Under this background,neologisms of economy and trade in both English and Chinese have mushroomed,which deserve our careful study.在这样一个全球经济大繁荣的背景下,英汉经贸新词如雨后春笋般应运而生,值得我们认真加以研究。

4)business English经贸英语

1.A Survey on the Study of Textual Rhetoric of Business English;经贸英语篇章修辞研究述评

2.The article,based on a case study of the needs analysis and the practice of the relevant curriculum reforms inbusiness English teaching,hopes to .随着我国外贸经济的快速发展,许多高校越来越重视经贸英语教学。

3.With the entry into WTO,business English is becoming more and more important.随着我国加入W TO,经贸英语越来越显示出其重要性,因此弄清楚经贸英语的特点与翻译方法是非常必要的。

5)business-oriented English经贸英语

1.This paper,based on an analysis of the problems found in China sbusiness-oriented English teaching and an introduction of the needs analysis theory,aims to explore whether and how n.近几年来,随着我国进出口贸易的快速增长,一些高校纷纷把传统的英语专业课程和国际贸易方面的课程结合起来,开设了经贸英语专业。

2.This paper, based on an analysis of the problems found in China’sbusiness-oriented English teaching and an introduction of the needs analysis theory, aims to explore whether and.近几年来,随着我国进出口贸易的快速增长,一些高校纷纷将传统的英语专业课程和国际贸易方面的课程结合起来,开设了经贸英语专业。

6)Commercial English经贸英语

1.Reflections on TeachingCommercial English;关于“经贸英语”课教学的几点思考

pared with common English,commercial English has its own features,so commercial English should be translated accordingly to meet special needs,such as accuracy.与普通英语相比,经贸英语有其显著的特点,因而,经贸英语就应根据其显著特点翻译,以满足其特殊的要求,这样译文才能做到准确、适当。


