700字范文 > 海防 coast defense英语短句 例句大全

海防 coast defense英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-30 08:50:15


海防 coast defense英语短句 例句大全

海防,coast defense

1)coast defense海防

1.The Germination of Coast Defense Thought in Modern Chinese Times and Its Characteristic of "Learning from Western Countries";浅论近代中国海防思想的萌生及其“师夷”色彩

2.Taiwan: China s strategic junction ofcoast defense;台湾:中国海防安全的战略总枢纽

3.During Tongzhi and Guangxu governing years when China was facing internal disorder and foreign invasions,he advocatedcoast defense construction,and opposed Zuo Zongtang s west advancing.一提到近代中国的海防和塞防,人们不禁会想到左宗棠和李鸿章。


1.New Thesis on Sea Defence and the Great Debate on Sea Defense in 1874-1875《防海新论》与同光之际海防大讨论

2.Taizhou Municipal Office of Sea Defence Management台州市海防管理办公室

3.Study on Soil Improvement Benefit of Coastal Protective Forest in Shanghai City;上海市沿海防护林改良土壤效益研究

4.Current Situation and Construction Countermeasures of Hainan Coastal Defense Forest System海南沿海防护林体系现状及建设对策

5.anti-marine littering防止在海上弃置垃圾

6.International Conference on the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil防止海上油污国际会议

7.International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oi《国际防止海上油污公约》

8.The pier jutted out from the shore into the sea.防波堤从岸边伸向海。

9.marine mole of iron or steel海上防波堤,铁或钢制

10.NMDL (Naval Mine Defense Laboratory)海军水雷防御实验所

11.United States Coast Guard Academy美国海岸防卫队官校

12.Waves dashed against the harbour wail.海潮拍击着港口的堤防。

13.Marine and Offshore Islands Division [Fire Services Department]海务及离岛区〔消防处〕

14.International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Qil防止海上油污国际公约

15.International Convention on Air and Sea Piracy防止海空抢劫国际公约

16.The waves washed over the sea wall with a loud crashing noise.海浪咆哮着冲上防波堤。

17.YUAN: Sea Transport Defense Brigade防御海道运粮万户符

18.The frigate made for the open sea.那艘巡防舰开向大海。


Coastal defense海防

1.In order to make the coastal defense video surveillance system work all weather and round the clock effectively,the radar should be coordinated with the photo electricity sensor.为了使海防视频监控系统能全天候、全天时有效地工作,需要将雷达与光电传感器配合使用,雷达引导是一种基本的协调使用方式。

2.By objectively analyzing the merits and demerits of his coastal defense id.客观而全面地分析李鸿章的海防思想与经营北洋舰队的功过,我们可以得到许多启示。

3)coast defence海防

1.From 1875 to 1894, thecoast defence expenditure was about 42 million taels, more than half of was spent on the building o.1875~1894年间,海防经费总共筹款约4200万两,其中一半以上用于北洋海军建设,约1000万两为宫廷所挪用,主要用于修建颐和园。

4)costal defense海防

1.Facing the unprecedented ocean crisis, Tuo Hunbu actively disposed thecostal defense of Shan Dong.在这次空前严重的海疆危机中,山东巡抚托浑布积极布防,使战前已经废弛的山东海防得到了改观。

5)coastal defence海防

ment on the quarrel about boundary defence andcoastal defence between Zuo Zong-tang and Li Hong-zhang;左、李塞防与海防之争新论

6)Land and Sea Border Defense边防海防


