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滨海 coast英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-15 12:28:13


滨海 coast英语短句 例句大全



1.Research on Water and Soil Resources for the Use of Planting Rice in the Coastal Region of East Hebei under Serious Water Shortage;冀东滨海稻区水改旱的弊端及应对策略

2.Development of the Coastal Tourism Resources of Shenzhen;深圳滨海旅游资源开发研究


1.The best hotels are no the sea front.最好的旅馆在滨海地区。

2.Qingdao is a city on the sea.青岛是一个滨海的城市。

3.sandy shore of a lake,sea or river(多沙的)湖滨, 海滨,河岸.

4.be, come, go on a visit to the seaside在、 来、 去海滨游玩

5.On the seashore On the seashore of endless worlds children meet.在海滨在无尽世界的海滨,孩子们相聚。

6.The fields, the woods, the mountains, the beach...“田野、森林、群山、海滨……”

7.promenade one"s child along the seashore带着孩子在海滨散步

8.proposed to downzone residential areas near the shore.提议缩小海滨居住区

9.We would like to live beside the sea.我们喜欢生活在海滨。

10.Our ships pressed in close to shore.我们的船只已靠近海滨。

11.They are vacationing at the beach.他们正在海滨度假。

12.One day he went to the seashore before daybreak.一天黎明前他来到海滨。

13.Many people resort to the beaches in hot weather.天热时,很多人到海滨去。

14.and Susan and Robbie to Jones Beach?Susan、Robbie去Jones海滨的事吗?

15.Earlier the waves had washed out Beach Drive.海滨公路早已被冲毁了。

16.It"s less than a mile to the beach.离海滨不到一英里.

17.We"re planning to holiday at the seaside.我们打算去海滨度假。

18.They repaired to the seaside in summer.夏天,他们经常去海滨。



1.With swift and violent development ofseashore tourist industry,the new developing travel way-seashore sports tourism receives attention of people and becomes the new light spot ofseashore tourist industry.随着滨海旅游业的迅猛发展,滨海体育旅游已得到人们充分认识和重视。

2.The law is the basis handling theseashore leisure sports traveling accident.法律是处理滨海休闲体育旅游事故的依据,它有利于促进滨海休闲体育旅游健康发展。

3.Investigate the process ofseashore beaches greening engineering problems and benefit of sustainable development in China.回顾国内外近来对滨海滩涂的研究与开发情况,探讨国内在滨海滩涂绿化过程中的工程问题与可持续开发的途径。


1.The Landscape Planning ofSeaside Ring Road in Yantai City;烟台市滨海路环境景观规划

2.Research on Evaluation Target System ofSeaside Ecological Tourism Resource;滨海城市生态旅游资源评价指标体系的研究

3.Theplanningand policyareraisedtodealwiththe problemsexistinginthesoutheast seasidedevelopmentofXiamenIs land .以厦门本岛东南滨海地区城市设计为例 ,针对滨海区开发中存在的问题 ,提出规划设计的思路和对策 ,着重阐述滨海区可持续发展的生态主义思想理论及其运用 ,并对城市设计在宏观、中观、微观层次的不同做法作相关介

4)coastal region滨海

1.Thecoastal region is the main tourist area in the world, and the coastal tour is a popular way for the tourist.滨海地区是全球主要的旅游地 ,滨海旅游是一种非常受欢迎的旅游方式。


1.Survey and analysis onlittoral ecologic wetland in Qingdao;青岛滨海生态湿地的调查与分析

2.Features of thelittoral tourist resource ,the current situation exploitation and exiting problems are analyzed by composing the resource.漳州是闽南金三角旅游区的薄弱环节,通过对漳州滨海旅游资源的整合,分析其具有的特征以及开发利用现状与存在问题,提出把开发建设漳州滨海旅游带作为振兴漳州旅游的重点和突破口的构想和发展措施。


1.A Research on PutianCoastal Leisure Sports Tourism Exploitation and Development对莆田滨海体育休闲旅游开发的认识与思考

2.Research onCoastal Sports Tourism Exploitation and Development——as putian,Fujian for example对沿海城市滨海体育旅游开发的几点认识与思考——以福建莆田市为例


