700字范文 > 自发性群众体育组织 spontaneous mass sports organizations英语短句 例句大全

自发性群众体育组织 spontaneous mass sports organizations英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-09 02:21:44


自发性群众体育组织 spontaneous mass sports organizations英语短句 例句大全

自发性群众体育组织,spontaneous mass sports organizations

1)spontaneous mass sports organizations自发性群众体育组织


1.General Research on the Spontaneous Non-official Sports Organizations;自发性群众体育组织研究现状与述评

2.The Countermeasures to the Spontaneous Mass Sports Organizations of Our Country我国自发性群众体育组织发展对策研究

3.Mechanisms of the formation and development of spontaneous community mass sports organizations from the perspective of synergetics协同学与社区自发性群众体育组织形成与发展机制

4.Theoretical research on the causes of formation of non-official mass sports organizations--Also on the main issues in follow-up demonstration research;自发性群众体育组织成因的理论探讨——兼论后继实证研究面临的主要课题

5.Spontaneous Physical Activity Study of the Organization for the Masses in Jiaozuo City焦作市自发性群众体育活动组织的研究

6.Self-Organization analysis of development mass sports management system;群众体育管理体制发展的自组织分析

7.The Study on the Non-Profit Character of Commonweal Mass Sports organization;公益性群众体育组织的非营利性研究

8.Empirical Study on the Identification of Rural Spontaneous Sports Organization农村自发性体育活动群体组织识别的实证研究

9.Mobilize, inform, educate and serve the people组织群众、宣传群众、教育群众、服务群众

10.On establish the organizational and administrative development system ofthe publical physical education in China;21世纪我国群众体育发展组织管理机制的建立

11.The Legal Study of Autonomy of Mass Autonomous Organization of Basic Level in Chinese Urban;我国城市基层群众性自治组织自治性研究

12.Some mass organizations also perform many tasks to guarantee the development of the work concerning children in China.一些群众性团体和组织也承担了大量的保障儿童事业发展的任务。

13.Countermeasures of Mass Sports Development in Tibet;西藏自治区群众体育发展的对策研究

14.Research on Organization and Practical Operation of College Student s Mass Sports Competition;大学生群众体育竞赛的组织与运作实践研究

15.Analysis of Operating Mechanism of Basic Mass Sport Organization in Big Cities in China;我国大城市基层群众体育组织运行机制分析

parative Study on the Sport Organizations in Country and in Cities of Shanxi Province山西省城乡群众体育活动组织现状的对比研究

17.First, organize and arm the masses while arousing them.第一是发动群众,在发动群众中组织群众、武装群众;

18.According to the law, residents" committees are organizations of“ mass self-government”.依据法律的规定,居委会是“群众性自治”组织。


Spontaneous physical activity Organization for the masses自发性群众体育活动组织

3)spontaneous community mass sports organization社区自发性群众体育组织

1.Mechanisms of the formation and development ofspontaneous community mass sports organizations from the perspective of synergetics协同学与社区自发性群众体育组织形成与发展机制

4)mass sport clubs群众性体育社团组织

1.The quo state ofmass sport clubs in our country was analyzed from the law position & its management mechanism,equipments and the human resources,financial situation &function.从法律地位与管理机制、设备与人力资源情况、财务状况、功能等具体方面,对当前我国群众性体育社团组织的发展现状进行了分析,找出了群众性体育社团组织发展过程中存在的问题,以期引起社会和有关部门的重视,为我国体育事业的发展提供参考。

5)mass sports organization群众体育组织

1.Taking the theory of law and the property theory as the angle of view,this paper discusses the non-profit character of commonwealmass sports organization and analyzes the reasons of the non-profit character and the judgment standards of the non-profit.以法学理论和产权理论为视角,探讨公益性群众体育组织的非营利性,分析了非营利性是公益性群众体育组织应然属性的原因及其判断标准,并提出了约束公益性群众体育组织以使之践行其非营利性的制度安排。

6)spontaneous sports organization自发性体育组织

1.This article takes as research subject the sports administrative departments,sports organization leaders andspontaneous sports organizations in underdevelopment regions in northern and western Guangdong.以粤北、粤西欠发达地区的体育行政部门、体育组织的领导者和自发性体育组织为研究对象,分析了自发性体育组织的特征及存在问题:自发性体育组织投资少效益高成为低收入群体健身活动的首选,但由于缺乏财力的支撑,健身活动在免费场地进行,活动形式以成员之间相互学习为主,发展所需的资金难以筹集,针对这些问题,提出欠发达地区自发性体育组织培育与发展思路。


