700字范文 > 人像 portrait英语短句 例句大全

人像 portrait英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-01 15:05:40


人像 portrait英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper presents a general description of main technical problems relating to the photography ofportrait used in the second generation ID cards scheduled to grant to all citizens from to in China,e.本文详细阐述预计于至在我国发给公民的第二代身份证所用的人像照片拍摄方面的主要技术问题,如:公安部颁发的第二代身份证所用的人像数码相片的国家标准,身份证照片的数码照相拍摄过程以及照片检测、收集、输入网络程序等等。


1.The art or practice of making portraits.肖像绘制法,人像摄影法

2.A person who makes portraits, especially a painter or photographer.肖像画家,人像摄影师肖像制作者,尤指肖像画家或人像摄影师

3.An unclothed human figure, especially an artistic representation.裸体像裸体人像,尤指艺术雕塑

4.Detection of Human Compositing Images Based on Illuminant Direction基于光照方向的人像合成图像的检测

puter portrait print system计算机人像打印系统

6.a good [bad, flattering] likeness很像的 [不像的,比本人好看的] 相片 [肖像]

7.The character"人"is made up of two strokes.“人”字两半身像。

8.A figure made of wax, especially a life - size wax effigy of a famous person.蜡像蜡制的像,尤指与真人大小一样的名人蜡像

9.They are not in trouble as others are; they have no part in the unhappy fate of men.他们不像别人受苦,也不像别人遭灾。

10.The man bears himself like a soldier.这个人的举止像个军人。

11.A portrait or representation of a person"s head.头像一个人物头部的肖像或艺术作品

12.All stood like statues.所有的人都像雕像般站立着。

13."Then was the Lord like one awaking from sleep, and like a strong man crying out because of wine."那时主像世人睡醒,像勇士饮酒呼喊。

14.Write like the learned, speak like the masses.写作要像知识分子,说话要像人民大众。

15."as a servant desiring the shades of evening, and a workman looking for his payment:"像奴仆切慕黑影,像雇工人盼望工价。

16.Analyzing Image-creation Activities of Humankind by the Metaimage Theory;运用“元影像”解析人类的影像创造活动

17.The Anthropological Value of Portrayal in the Han Dynasty;汉代画像石图像中的文化人类学价值

18."The men of Babylon made Succoth-benoth, and the men of Cuth made Nergal, and the men of Hamath made ashima,"巴比伦人造疏割比讷像。古他人造匿甲像。哈马人造亚示玛像。



3)human body image人体图像

1.Self-adaptive filtering processing ofhuman body image based on wavelet transformation;基于小波变换的人体图像自适应滤波处理

2.According to the peculiarity ofhuman body image, dyadic wavelet transform is successfully applied to detecting the face and profile edges ofhuman body image and the Mallat algorithm is used in the wavelet decomposition in this paper.根据人体图像的特点 ,利用三次样条二进小波 ,采用Mallat快速算法进行小波分解 ,提取了人体图像的正面和侧面边缘 。

4)big iron statue of human大铁人像

5)human eye aberrations人眼像差

6)group figures人物群像


金村战国银着衣人像中国19世纪代末在河南洛阳金村周墓中被盗掘出土的银着衣男像,已流入日本。此像高约 9厘米,两臂下垂,两手半握,科头露髻,着长抵膝部的深衣,窄裤,跣足。背后的衣裾上刻有一行记重铭文。曾有人认为它是胡人像。但其发髻、服装都是华夏族的式样,跣足在华夏族当时的礼俗中系在君前示敬之意,故此像所表现的是一位华夏族宫廷小臣。其面貌憨厚,表情恭谨,作者对人物的身分和性格都塑造得恰如其分。它是在秦兵马俑之前,中国早期雕塑中最富于写实风格的人像之一。由于银器在当时很珍罕,作为银人像,它是中国已发现的最早的两例之一,故尤为宝贵。
