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写真 portrait英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-22 20:09:13


写真 portrait英语短句 例句大全



1.Du Li-niang s Self-Portrait and Women s Self-Expression;杜丽娘“写真”与女性的自我呈现


1.theatre fact(写真人真事的)活报剧

2.I call it Family Album, U.S.A.我称之为美国写真。

3.Here they are. Family Album, U.S.A.就在这里。美国写真!

4.Good. Very good. Family Album, U.S.A.不错, 很不错。 美国写真集 。

5.you"ll really publish Family Album, U.S.A.?你真的会出版 美国写真集 啦?

6.Should people read only those books that deal with real matters?人们应该只读那些描写真人真事的书籍吗?

7.Fax: Abbreviation for facsimile transmission.See Facsimile.Fax:传真的简写。

8.spoke with blithe ignorance of the true situation.对真实的情况轻描淡写。

9.Fax is the abbreviation of Facsimile.Fax是Facsimile”(传真)的缩写。

10.It was written with genuine, tenderness and modesty.它写得真诚,体贴,谦逊。

11.The report is vividly written and very moving.这篇通讯写得真切感人。

12.And it"s beautiful, absolutely amaz----诗写得真美,绝对令人惊----”

13.He is often unwilling to put pen to paper, but when he does begin, he writes really long letters.他常常懒得动笔,但真的写起来,就写得老长。

14."Holly is happy to be here," the children had carefully stenciled.孩子们认认真真地写着:“霍莉高兴来这儿”。

15.Do you think police TV dramas are realistic?你认为描写警察的电视剧真实吗?

16.I must apologize for not writing to you sooner.我没有及早给你写信,真对不起。

17.She has finished writing two novels in one year; that"s going some!她一年内已写完2部小说,进展真神速!

18.True if the element"s name is case sensitive如果元素的名称区分大小写,则为真


Portrait painting写真

1."Portrait painting" has a long history in China and it s social functions are also diverse and they are even more abundant in Song Dynasty.“写真”在中国历史悠久,其社会功能也是多样的,到了宋代则更加丰富多彩,已经走下了唐及以前大多为上层皇室、贵族服务的狭小、窒息的神坛,深入到社会的方方面面,成为人们生活中必不可少的一部分。

2.It is very important for the current creation of portrait painting to reveal its original status and developmental history as well as to sum up its artistic achievement and experience.唐写真是唐代如实描绘现实生活中某个人物真实形象的画像,是唐代绘画中的一个重要门类。

3)portray a fetus胎儿写真


1.By analyzing the contents of Hamlin Garland s regional short stories, the paper tries to reveal the social significance of his work, his writing style and his literary views-veritism.本文通过评析哈姆林·加兰的边疆小说,来展示加兰小说的社会意义、写作特色和他的文学主张——写真主义。

2.When many people were following European styles to write romantic stories,Hamlin Garland experimented with his literary techniques inveritism and helped form up the national literature on the new continent.加兰提倡写真主义,其艺术思想和文学实践对民族文学的形成做出了较大贡献,他的成功既得益于西部开发运动又与当时盛行的印象主义艺术的影响密切相关。

5)light path portrait光路写真

6)photo album写真集

1.The consumption ofphoto album has rich psychological implication which embodies female vanity and female fashion-seeking psychology and aesthetic fantasy of changing beauty.写真集的消费有着丰富的心理蕴涵:它体现了女性的虚荣心理、追求时尚的心理、百变女神的审美幻想。


