700字范文 > 音位对比 phonemic contrasts英语短句 例句大全

音位对比 phonemic contrasts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-04 02:12:51


音位对比 phonemic contrasts英语短句 例句大全

音位对比,phonemic contrasts

1)phonemic contrasts音位对比

1.The development of speech intelligibility andphonemic contrasts in Putonghua-speaking children was investigated across 5 adult listeners as a task of perception.普通话言语的发展:言语清晰度、音位对比及声学特征 本研究采用音位对比的分析框架研究讲普通话儿童的言语声的发展,研究中采用了临床中的两种角度:知觉任务和声学性质。


1.Chaozhou Dialect as a Negative Transfer in the Acquisition of English Phonetics--A Contrastive Study of Phonemes of English Consonants and the Initial Consonants in Chaozhou Dialect潮州方言对英语语音习得的负迁移研究——一项英语辅音和潮州方言声母的音位对比研究

2.Development of Putonghua Speech Sounds: Speech Intelligibility, Phonemic Contrsts, and Acoustic Features;普通话言语的发展:言语清晰度、音位对比及声学特征

pare of Phoneme Contrast Recognize Ability between CI Children and Normal Children;人工耳蜗植入儿童与健听儿童音位对比式言语识别能力的比较研究

4.a logarithmic unit of sound intensity; 10 times the logarithm of the ratio of the sound intensity to some reference intensity.声音强度对数单位;等于音强或功率比值的常用对数乘以。

5.A Preliminary Contrastive Analysis of Speech Sounds in Minnan Chinese and British English by Praat;闽南方言与英国英语的音位系统对比——语音软件Praat的应用分析

6.The study and establishment of the phonemes of a language.音位学对一种语言音位的研究和建立

7.This is a logarithmic scale which means that increasing the number of decibels corresponds to a multiplication of intensity. as a generalization. loss of hearing will result with prolonged exppsure to noise in excess of 90dB.分贝单位是对数比例,是音量的 度以倍数选进。长期处于分贝以上的音量中,通常用导致失聪。

8.To write or arrange(music)in counterpoint.用对位法写或安排(音乐)

9.the contrast in musical tone forming the fascination of this kind of rendering.音色对比,相逐成趣。

10.Please contrast your pronunciation with your teacher"s.请把你的发音与老师的发音对比看看。

11.A Comparative Study on Japanese and Chinese Nasals;日语和汉语的鼻音发音特点对比研究

12.Contrastive Study on the Pronunciation and Sound Effect between Korean and Chinese Onomatopoetic Words朝汉象声词语音及音响效果对比研究

parative Characters of English-Chinese Sounds and English Sounds Teaching英汉发音的对比特征与英语语音教学

14.On the influence of phonetic system of mandarin on perceiving that of English;普通话音位系统对英语音位感知的影响

15.The comparative study of music of different cultures.比较音乐学对不同文化音乐的比较研究

16.The Phonetic Pedagogy for Foreigners Enlightened by Comparing the Phonetic Differences Between Chinese and Manchu汉满语音对比及其对于对外语音教学法的启示

17.A Comparative Analysis of the Thematic Structure of Parable Openings in the Gospel of Matthew and Luke;比较分析《马太福音》和《路加福音》中比喻起始句的主位结构

parison to Vowels in English and Mongolian Language and Their Connection with Consonants;英语与蒙古语中元音的对比以及元音和辅音之间的发音关系


Minimal phoneme contrast最小音位对比

3)contrastive stress对比重音

1.The restrictiveness of headed relatives is determined bycontrastive stress, and the definiteness of ‘bare de’ constructions is decided by the tense.一般关系从句的限制性主要由对比重音决定,光杆"的"关系结构的确定性则主要由时态决定。

4)phonetic comparison语音对比

5)syllable contrast音节对比

6)Timbre contrastion音色对比


