700字范文 > 道德法律化的必要性 the necessity of moral legalization英语短句 例句大全

道德法律化的必要性 the necessity of moral legalization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-21 20:56:02


道德法律化的必要性 the necessity of moral legalization英语短句 例句大全

道德法律化的必要性,the necessity of moral legalization

1)the necessity of moral legalization道德法律化的必要性

2)Legal ethicality法律的道德性


1.Research on the Internal Morality of Law--on Fuller s The Morality of Law;探寻法律的内在道德——兼论富勒《法律的道德性》

2.On the Relation of Law and Morality;道德性:法律的人性之维——兼论法与道德的关系

3.Law and Moral--Three Argumentations on Legitimacy of Law;法律与道德——法律合法性的三种论证路向

4.On the Legal Ethicality in Occidental and Chinese Jurisprudential Context of Situation;中、西法学语境中的“法律道德性”

5.On Moral and Legal Control of Covert Coverage;论隐性采访的道德与法律的双重制衡

6.On legalization of morality and moralization of Law in traditional Chinese culture;论中国传统文化中的"道德法律化"和"法律道德化

7.Codifying Morals-An Important Way of Cultivating Morals at Present;道德法律化:当前道德建设的重要途径

8.Law and Virtue: Uniform and Complementarity Theoretical Basis of Employing "Rule of Law and Rule of Virtue" Strategy;法律与道德的一致性和互补性是德治法治并举的理论基础

9.The main feature of moral is self-control, while the law is the nation"s implementation-compulsory.道德主要靠自律,法律则具有国家的强制性即他律;

10.Moral Puzzlement and Moral Self-discipline in Women Intellectuals in Institutions of Higher Learning;高校知识女性的道德困惑及道德自律

11.The Relationship Between Law and Morality from the Philosophy of Law from Kant"s View从康德的法哲学看法律与道德的关系

12.Analyzing the Legalization of the Chinese Traditional Morality through the Law of West Han Dynasty;从西汉法律看中国传统道德的法律化

13.Thoughts on the Appropriateness of Compulsory Law Enforcement of Ethics对道德的法律强制之正当性及实现途径的思考

14.Ethical and Lawful Thinking on Procreation Right in Single Women从“独身女性可生育”引发的伦理道德和法律思考

15.The Improvements of Substantial Results in Ideological Education for University Students;如何提高《思想道德修养和法律基础》课的实效性

16.Study on the Mutual Effect of Enterprise Morals and Law;企业道德建设对法律互补性的作用研究

17.Rational Analysis on Collision between Law Consciousness and Moral Idea;对法律意识与道德观念冲突的理性分析

18.On Possibility of Legal Support to the Socialist Ethical Construction;论法律支持社会主义道德建设的可能性


Legal ethicality法律的道德性

3)legalization of morality道德法律化

1.On Legalization of Morality and Moralization of Law;浅议道德法律化与法律道德化

2.In recent years, scholars have discussed the related problem onlegalization of morality.近几年 ,许多学者都论述了道德法律化的相关问题。

4)moral legalization道德法律化

1.Importance and limits on sportmoral legalization;体育道德法律化:意义及其限度

2.Themoral legalization refers to transforming the certain society s ethics principle and the moral request or the stipulation as the legal system in the moral reconstruction.道德法律化是指在道德建设中将一定社会的伦理原则和道德要求转化或规定为法律制度。

3.Chang Jian-jun has advanced the opinion thatmoral legalization is indispensable as well as possible.面对当前道德教育和道德建设效率低下的严峻现实,常建军撰文提出,道德法律化不仅是可能的,而且也是必要的。

5)Morality Legalization道德法律化

1.The plight of "Morality Legalization" in the judicial practice;司法实践中“道德法律化”的困境

2.This article argues that we can t practise morality legalization in an oversimplified way at the present stage of our country.道德法律化是目前学术界比较关注的问题,本文认为在我国现阶段不能简单地实行道德法律化,道德法律化自身存在着负效应,建设有中国特色社会主义市场经济行之有效的方法是德法并重。

6)moralization of law法律道德化

1.On Legalization of Morality and Moralization of Law;浅议道德法律化与法律道德化

2.Today,when the country’s economic and social development is at high speed,legalization of morality andmoralization of lawhave become an inexorable trend.在我国经济社会高速发展的今天,作为道德提倡的行为有可能转化为法律要求,而作为法律要求的行为也有可能成为一种道德责任,道德法律化和法律道德化已成为必然趋势。


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
