700字范文 > 赫哲族 Hezhe nationality英语短句 例句大全

赫哲族 Hezhe nationality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-29 04:41:25


赫哲族 Hezhe nationality英语短句 例句大全

赫哲族,Hezhe nationality

1)Hezhe nationality赫哲族

1.Cultivating Wilderness, Guarding the Frontier of Hezhe Nationality and Its Social Change during Qing Dynasty;清代赫哲族屯田戍边及其社会变迁

2.Traditional folk sports culture ofHezhe nationality新时期赫哲族民间传统体育文化的研究

3.Formation and transition of traditional sport ofHezhe nationality赫哲族传统体育的形成及流变


1.Inter-Ethnic Marriages of Hezhe People:a Typical Investigation on Inter-Ethnic Marriages of Hezhe People in Jiangjinkou Township of Hezhe Nationality of Tongjiang City;赫哲人的族际婚姻——关于同江市街津口赫哲族乡赫哲人族际婚姻的典型调查

2.The Difficult and Challenge of Language courses in Heze A fieldwork at Center school of Heze township in Jiejinkou赫哲族语言课程的困境与挑战——街津口赫哲族乡中心校赫哲语课程调查

3.Ling Chunsheng and his "Hezhe Nationality in Lower Reaches of Songhua River";凌纯声和他的《松花江下游的赫哲族》

4.An Analysis of Social Cultural Factors about the Lossof Hezhe Nationality s Language;赫哲族语言丢失的社会文化因素分析

5.The Digital Construction of Hezhe Nationality"s Immaterial Cultural Heritage赫哲族非物质文化遗产的数字化建设

6.The Study of Curriculum Construction of National Culture of Jiejinkou Hoche Center School街津口赫哲族乡中心校民族文化课程建设研究

7.Hezhe people in the process of modernization现代化过程中的赫哲族:“文化”还是“生产方式”?

8.The View on the Recognition and Protection of the National Culture of He Zhe Nationality;对黑龙江赫哲族文化认识与保护的思考

9.Discussion on the Mutuality and Suitability of the Herzhes Traditional Culture and the Nature;试论赫哲族传统文化与自然环境的互动和适应

10.The Preservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage as Seen from the Perspective of an Investigation on the Music of the Hezhe Ethnic-group;从赫哲族音乐考察谈非物质文化遗产的保护

11.Annotate Saman Culture in the Book of Hezhe Nation in the ower Reaches of Songhuajiang River;诠释《松花江下游的赫哲族》中的萨满文化

12.Discussion on the Style, Features and Cause of Formation of Wooden Products of Hezhen Nationality in Ancient Times;略述古代赫哲族木制品的类型、特点及成因

13.The Current Situation, Problem and Solution of the Elementary Educationof the Hezhen Nationality in Jie Jin Kou;街津口赫哲族基础教育的现状、问题与对策

14.Saman Fairy and Saman Worship;萨满神话与萨满崇拜——对赫哲族神话的思考之五

15.Exploring the Creation Culture of Sanjiang Plain from Fish Skin Clothing of Hezhe Ethnic Group从赫哲族鱼皮服饰探寻三江平原的造物文化

16.Traditional folk sports culture of Hezhe nationality新时期赫哲族民间传统体育文化的研究

17.Research on the hunting and fabricating art of Hezhe from the cultural and ecological field of vision文化生态视野中的赫哲族渔猎造物艺术研究

18.Research on Situation and Characteristics of the Traditional Sports of Hezhe Nationality in Heilongjiang Province黑龙江赫哲族传统体育状况与特点的研究


Hezhen Nationality赫哲族

1.Art of ornament-in-lines and primitive worship──A comparison between culture of ornament-in-lines of Hezhen nationality and culture of ornament-in-lines of Ainu nationality;纹饰艺术与原始崇拜──日本阿伊努族和中国赫哲族纹饰文化比较研究

2.Before using the Chinaware, the Hezhen nationality people made lots of simple, practical, easy-to-life wooden productive instruments and living containers made of wood, which were full of local characteristics and national styles and provided abundant ethnological materials for the research of Hezhen ancient culture.在陶瓷器、铁器没有进入赫哲地区前,赫哲族人曾以树木为材料,制作了一件件简单实用、贴近生活的木制生产用具和生活器皿,这些充满浓郁地域特色和民族风格的木制品,为研究赫哲族的古代文化提供了极其丰富的民族学资料。


1.On the Study of "Skin of Fish"Paper-cut ofHezhen Minority;赫哲族“鱼皮”剪纸简论

2.TheHezhen nationality in our country and Nanai in Russia were originally of common source and ancestor who lived along the Heilong Jiang River, crossing the eastern border of Sino-Russia.中国赫哲族和俄罗斯那乃族是沿着黑龙江(俄罗斯称阿穆尔河)两岸而居的跨界同源民族。

4)the Hezhen nationality赫哲族

1.The article analyzes the practical foundation and the advantageous condition in the construction of well-off society ofthe Hezhen nationality in TongJiang city and puts forward the guiding ideology, struggling aims and measures for the construction.本文分析了同江市赫哲族全面建设小康社会的现实基础和有利条件,提出了同江市赫哲族加快全面建设小康社会步伐的指导思想、奋斗目标和措施。

2.Based on the research of the historical changes and development and the current situation of the elementary education ofthe Hezhen nationality in Jin Jie Kou, the article points out the main problems and puts forward some solutions to offer some enlightenment to the improvement of the elementary education of the minority nationalities.本文在对街津口赫哲族基础教育的历史沿革、现状调研的基础上,指出其存在的主要问题,并提出对策,以期能对改善我国少数民族基础教育有一定的启示。

5)Hezhe Nation赫哲族

1.Annotate Saman Culture in the Book ofHezhe Nation in the ower Reaches of Songhuajiang River;诠释《松花江下游的赫哲族》中的萨满文化

2.The Hezhe nation has the least people in our country,Along with social economy development,it faced unprecedented challenges.赫哲族是我国人口最少的民族,随着社会经济文化的发展,赫哲文化在倍受人们关注的同时也面临着空前的挑战。



