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教学科研 teaching and research英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-04 02:23:37


教学科研 teaching and research英语短句 例句大全

教学科研,teaching and research

1)teaching and research教学科研

1.Doing well in the chemical reagent supply, to serve theteaching and research;做好化学试剂供应,为教学科研服务

2.Role of new era vocational college library: how to serve forteaching and research;新时期高职院校图书馆如何为教学科研服务

3.On the Role of the Branch Library System to the Teaching and Research in Peking University;北京大学图书馆分馆工作对教学科研的保障作用


1.Scientific Research Regurgitation Feeding and Interact with Teaching;教学科研互动 科研反哺教学——浅谈教学与科研的关系

2.a scientific discovery, instrument, textbook, researcher科学发现、 科学仪器、 理科教科书、 科学研究人员.

3.Research Teaching in Arts Undergraduate Instruction;大学文科本科生教育研究性教学初探

bination of teaching and research to improve the quality of undergraduate teaching教学与科研结合 提高本科教学质量

5.The Study of Scientific Inquiry Teaching upon the Perspective of the Philosophy of Science;科学哲学视野下的科学探究教学研究

6.The field of study that is concerned with the pedagogy of teaching and learning.研究教与学方法的学科.

7.Academy and Discipline:Academic Research and Scientific Research in Education学术与学科:教育学术研究与教育科学研究

8.The Study of Teaching Language Pragmatics Principles for Science Course;科学学科课程教学语言语用原则研究

9.Investigation and Study of the Teachers Scientific in Primary Schools;小学科学教师科学素养的调查与研究

10.Relationship between Scientific Inquiry Teaching and Scientific Research;科学探究教学与科学研究的关系初探

11.Teaching Combined with Scientific Research for Promoting the Innovation Education以科研促教学,带动本科生科技创新

12.Discipline-institutionalized research and multidisciplinary research of higher education;高等教育的学科化研究与多学科研究

13.Research-based Teaching:A New Union Form of Teaching and Research in the University;研究性教学:大学教学与科研新“联盟”

14.A Practical Research on Bilingual Science Teaching in Middle School双语教学在初中科学学科教学中的实践研究

15.Static Research on Spirit of Science in Science Textbook for Junior High School;初中科学教材中科学精神的静态研究

16.Prepare Lesson to Study in Industry Science Professional Course Teaching of College;专科学校工科专业课程教学备课研究

17.Study on the Relationship between Adult Education Disciplines and Relevant Disciplines;成人教育学科与相关学科的关系研究

18.Play of Scientific Research in Improving College Teaching Quality;发挥科学研究作用 提升本科教学质量


teaching and scientific research教学科研

1.Enhancing the management of radiation safety to guarantee the safe operation forteaching and scientific research;加强辐射安全管理,保障教学科研安全运行

2.An Exploratory Study on the Mode of College Teaching and Scientific Research in the Environment of the WIKI Technology;WIKI技术环境下的高校教学科研模式探究

3.Seizing the Chance,Seeking Truth and Striving for Practice to Meet the Requivement of the Qualified Estimation of Teaching Level for Undergraduate Courses A Speech at the First Conference on Awarding the Achievements of Teaching and Scientific Research;抓住机遇 求真务实 迎接本科教学水平合格评估——在首届教学科研成果表彰奖励会上的讲话

3)teaching research教学科研

1.A teaching method of combination of physics, history of physics andteaching research;面向21世纪专业教学、物理学史与教学科研相结合教学法

2.Library, being one of three pillars of colleges, is the important guarantee ofteaching research in college.图书馆作为高校三大支柱之一 ,是高校教学科研的重要保证。

4)teaching and scientific research教学与科研

1.Equal importance should be given to bothteaching and scientific research——On the relationship betweenteaching and scientific research in higher education;教学与科研两手抓,两手都要硬——谈高等教育中的教学与科研的关系问题

2.On the base of summarizing the experience from the teaching practice of Diffraction Physics, the paper has put forward to the adoption of the multiple - teaching methods and the combi-nation ofteaching and scientific research in order to make the students becomc the bodies of learning,thereby to upraise the teaching quality.总结“衍射物理”课程教学实践的体会,提出采用多样化的教学方法和教学与科研相结合的方法,使学生成为学习的主体,从而提高教学质量。

3.The origin and definition of the subject librarian system are expatiated,the necessity of establishing subject librarian system in TIUC is discussed,and the important role which will be played by subject librarian inteaching and scientific research of TIUC is illustrated.概述了学科馆员制度的起源、定义,讨论了我院图书馆建立学科馆员制度的必要性,阐明了学科馆员将在促进学院的教学与科研发展中发挥的积极作用。

5)promoting experiment teaching by scientific researches科研带教学

6)teaching and research教学与科研

1.Appointment under the management of sportsteaching and research work status聘任制下的体育教师教学与科研工作现状分析

2.Discussing haw to deal with the relationship between Teaching and research of Teachers in university论高校教师如何处理好教学与科研的关系

3.This paper discusses the college library information services supportteaching and research in developing requirement.本文论述了高校图书馆开展信息支持服务是教学与科研发展的需要,并根据高校图书馆信息服务的现状,对高校图书馆如何开展基于教学与科研需求的信息支持服务进行了探讨。


草地科研草地科研grassland science researcheaodi keyon草地科研(g旧Ssland seienee research)探索草地和草地畜牧业的自然规律和经济规律的活动。主要研究对象从草地环境到草地牧草、草食动物,再到畜产品,形成一个完整的体系。涉及的学科有生物学、地学、农学(包括畜牧学、饲料科学)、生态学、经济学和系统科学等领域,综合性很强。研究内容从草地的宏观管理到草地动植物的微观性状。主要包括牧草及饲用植物的形态、生理、生态及遗传、育种;草地的类型、组成、结构、生产力与生态地理分布、草地的利用与改良;牧草种子生产及人工草地的建立;草食动物的习性、营养需要、摄食特性与生产效率;草地环境状况;草地生态系统的能量流动、物质循环与调控途径;草地病、虫、鼠害控制及其他草地管理措施;草地资源经济及草地牧业经济等。草地科研的主要目的是不断提高草地持续生产能力,建立不同类型的草地畜牧业优化生产体系,发挥各类型草地资源的潜在生产能力,为社会提供优质、高效的草、畜产品。草地科研是随着现代畜牧业的发展而发展起来的。19世纪中叶之后,商品畜牧业生产迅速发展,对草地利用规模日益扩大,草地管理问题引起人们的注意,开始了现代草地科学的研究。稍后,产生了第一批草地科学研究机构。如19前苏联建立了草地科学研究所(1930年改名为全苏饲料科学研究所)。美国农业部也在20世纪20~so年代在全国不同自然区域建立了一系列草原试验站。英国于1949年创办了赫尔利草地研究所。此后,澳大利亚、新西兰、日本、印度等国先后都成立了草地研究所。草地科研对促进草地畜牧业的发展起到了重大作用。进人70年代以来,由于资源、环境等问题日益突出,草地合理利用与管理成为国际性共同问题,随着航天遥感技术、计算机技术、生物技术等现代科学技术的发展,使草地科学研究进一步往深度和广度上发展。西欧、新西兰等国家对人工草地研究较多,侧重牧草育种、草地建植与管理技术,种群生态与放牧管理;而美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国则对草地生态与系统分析等领域研究较多。中国草地科学研究起步较晚,1949年以后,发展加快。1957年农业部举办了第一个草原科学讲习班,培养草地科学人才。1964年中国农业科学院创办了草原研究所。之后,四川、新疆、青海等省区、东北师范大学、北京农业大学相继创办了草地研究所。1981年农业部和甘肃省共同建立了甘肃草原生态研究所。中国农科院畜牧研究所及中国科学院植物研究所、自然资源综合考察委员会等单位也都设立了草地研究的研究室或组。
