700字范文 > 教学和科研 teaching and research英语短句 例句大全

教学和科研 teaching and research英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-05 16:29:56


教学和科研 teaching and research英语短句 例句大全

教学和科研,teaching and research

1)teaching and research教学和科研


1.A Discussion of Classified Guidance of Teaching and Research in Teaching-research-type Universities;教学研究型大学教学和科研工作分类指导探讨

2.Mutual Response and Promotion between Ordinary Course Teaching and Scientific Research in College of Teaching-researching type of University;综合大学中教学研究型学院本科教学和科研的互动与互进

3.Improving Young Teachers Teaching Level by Compounding Teaching and Scientific Researches;教学和科研相结合对青年教师教学水平的提高

4.Conflict and Harmony of Teaching Practice and Research;大学英语教师教学和科研的矛盾与统一

5.possess advanced equipment for teaching and scientific research拥有先进的教学和科研设备

6.color][/b]Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics -妇产科教授协会促进妇科学、产科学和妇女保健方面的教学和研究。

7.Relevant Analysis on Higher Vocation-technical Education and Research;论高等教育中教学与科研的和谐关系

8.On the Paradigm and Developing Points of Vocational Education;论职业教育学的范式研究和学科发展

9.On Study Object and Discipline System of Educational Diagnostic Theory;论教育诊断学的研究对象和学科体系

10.The Position and Role of Scientific Research in College Education;科学研究在大学教育中的地位和作用

11.The role and position of science of science in post-graduate education;科学学在研究生教育中的地位和作用

12.A teaching model which combines teaching and research;课程教学和科学研究相结合的教学方式

13.Article16 Higher curricula education is divided into specialty education, undergraduate education and post graduate education.第十六条高等学历教育分为专科教育、科教育和研究生教育。

14.and to push on the research in tourism education and science.有利于促进旅游教育教学和旅游科学研究。

15.Thoughts on the Research of Academic Profession Crossing Pedagogy and Sociology跨越教育学和社会学学科边界的学术职业研究

16.That is combination of laboratory analysis, scientific research and teaching.也就是实验与科研和教学的有机结合。

17.Promotion of the Quality of Undergraduate Training by Harmoniously Developing Teaching and Scientific Research in University;教学科研和谐发展 提高人才培养质量

18.The Reseach of Practicality and Feasibility to Teaching Idea of P. E. With Amenity;“和乐体育”教学思想的科学性和可行性研究


teaching and scientific research教学和科研

1.Under the situation of socialist market-oriented economy,there are some interests relations and contradictions inteaching and scientific research process,most of which belong to the problems in the field of teachers professional ethics.在社会主义市场经济条件下,教师在教学和科研工作中存在的利益关系和矛盾大多数属于教师职业道德领域的问题。

3)chemical research and teaching化学科研和教学

1.Application of the computer technology based on the world wild Web in thechemical research and teaching;作者等就计算机网络技术在陕西师范大学化学与材料科学学院的应用,及笔者的体会对以下两方面的内容做简要介绍和展望:(1)现代网络计算机技术的发展状况;(2)网络计算机技术在高校化学科研和教学中的应用,及其未来的发展方向。

4)mechanism in teaching and research教学和科研机制

5)teaching and research教学科研

1.Doing well in the chemical reagent supply, to serve theteaching and research;做好化学试剂供应,为教学科研服务

2.Role of new era vocational college library: how to serve forteaching and research;新时期高职院校图书馆如何为教学科研服务

3.On the Role of the Branch Library System to the Teaching and Research in Peking University;北京大学图书馆分馆工作对教学科研的保障作用

6)teaching and scientific research教学科研

1.Enhancing the management of radiation safety to guarantee the safe operation forteaching and scientific research;加强辐射安全管理,保障教学科研安全运行

2.An Exploratory Study on the Mode of College Teaching and Scientific Research in the Environment of the WIKI Technology;WIKI技术环境下的高校教学科研模式探究

3.Seizing the Chance,Seeking Truth and Striving for Practice to Meet the Requivement of the Qualified Estimation of Teaching Level for Undergraduate Courses A Speech at the First Conference on Awarding the Achievements of Teaching and Scientific Research;抓住机遇 求真务实 迎接本科教学水平合格评估——在首届教学科研成果表彰奖励会上的讲话


全苏文书学和档案工作科研所苏联文书和档案专业科学研究中心。1966年在苏联档案管理总局中央科研实验室的基础上建立,设在莫斯科。研究范围包括文书学、档案学、文献编纂学、科学技术档案和专门档案管理以及档案保护技术的基础理论、应用理论和方法。所内设档案学、文书学、科技档案和专门档案管理、档案保护、自动化管理和科学情报 6个处。 每个处下设若干研究室,如档案学处设有检索工具研究室、文献编纂研究室等。到1988年全所共有 248名工作人员,其中除20人左右行政人员外,均为科研人员。他们中有博士 5人,副博士55人。从成立到1987年共出科研成果 250余种,分为基础理论、档案保护、档案工作的规章和标准、劳动经济效益和定额、文书学及文书工作的规章和标准、文献编纂、科技情报7大类。 该所还负责研究、修改和起草苏联档案工作的规章制度、文书工作和档案工作的标准。
