700字范文 > 国际人权 International Human Rights英语短句 例句大全

国际人权 International Human Rights英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-15 09:08:17


国际人权 International Human Rights英语短句 例句大全

国际人权,International Human Rights

1)International Human Rights国际人权

1.《Olympic Charter》andInternational Human Rights;《奥林匹克宪章》与国际人权问题研究

2.As for the subject on international human rights, the two most prevalent interpretative approaches, namely universalism and cultural relativism, have been opposite to and compatible with each other.在国际人权议题上,普遍主义与文化相对主义的人权观既相对立又在一定程度上兼容。

3.Following the development of the basic contradiction, international law itself presents its prospect: international order leads to international human rights in the rise course of thought, and then mankind freedom as an answer to the serious crisis involved in the second segment of international law.在这对矛盾发展过程中 ,国际法的三维结构依次呈现 :国际秩序在思维行程中导致国际人权的生发 ;国际人权潜伏的危机激发国际法向自由个性阶段演进。


1.International League for Human Rights国际人权联盟(人权联盟)

paring lnternaticonal Humanitarian Law with International Law of Human Rights;国际人道主义法与国际人权法之比较

3.The Comparison between International Conventions on Human Rights and China’s Human Rights Legislation;国际人权公约与我国人权立法的比较

4.European Conference on International Human Rights Standards欧洲国际人权标准会议

5.Independent Counsel on International Human Rights国际人权独立顾问小组

6.Final Act of the International Conference on Human Rights国际人权会议最后文件

7.On the Fundamental Human Rights Protection of the International Human Rights Charter;论国际人权宪章对基本人权的国际保护

8.International Federation of Human Rights国际人权联合会(人权联合会)

9.Federation internationale des Ligues des droits de l"homme国际人权联盟联合会(人权联会)

10.On Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Reflection on the Mechanism of International Human Rights;从《残疾人权利公约》反思国际人权机制

11.On the contribution made by African human rights law to the International human rights protection;论非洲人权法对国际人权保护的贡献

12.Discussion on National Sovereignty and International Human Rights Protection;谈国家主权与国际人权保护——以公民权利为视角

13.International Human Rights and Capital Punishment;国际人权与死刑──以国际人权法为线索的分析兼及中国的应对

14.The Non-governmental International Human Right Organizations from the Perspective of the International Human Right Protection Mechanism;国际人权保护机制视角下的国际人权非政府组织

15.China has acceded tot eh international human rights covenant.中国已经加入了国际人权公约

16.Universal Declaration of the Rights of Peoples各国人民权利国际宣言

17.International Federation for Rights of Man国际争取人权联合会

18.International Association for Respect of Autochthonous People"s Rights国际尊重土著人权协会


international human rights act国际人权法

1.Ininternational human rights act, the minority refers to a small group of people who have national, ethnic, religious or linguistic characteristics within a certain country.国际人权法上的少数人主要指一个国家内部拥有民族、种族、宗教或语言上特征的少数人群体。

2.This essay studiedinternational human rights act from a formal perspective.国际人权条约是国际人权法最重要的渊源。

3)international human rights law国际人权法

1.The Contribution of the International Court of Justice to International Human Rights Law;国际法院对国际人权法的贡献

2.Based on the statement of the meaning of conflicts between treaties,analyzing the different situations of conflicts between the WTO law andinternational human rights law in detail.大多数情况下,善意地解释和实施WTO规定,并考虑相关的国际人权法以及例外规定的援引,将足以协调WTO法和国际人权法律制度。

3.Surveying China s penal system according to the measurement of legally prescribing penalty ininternational human rights law, we can find that the penal system of our country does not completely meet the require of legally prescribing penalty in many aspects.国际人权法上对罪刑法定作出规定,使罪刑法定的地位更显重要。

4)international law of human rights国际人权法

paring lnternaticonal Humanitarian Law with International Law of Human Rights;国际人道主义法与国际人权法之比较

5)human rights internationalization人权国际化

6)damage of international human rights国际人权侵害


