700字范文 > 国际人权法 international human rights law英语短句 例句大全

国际人权法 international human rights law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-22 23:59:36


国际人权法 international human rights law英语短句 例句大全

国际人权法,international human rights law

1)international human rights law国际人权法

1.The Contribution of the International Court of Justice to International Human Rights Law;国际法院对国际人权法的贡献

2.Based on the statement of the meaning of conflicts between treaties,analyzing the different situations of conflicts between the WTO law andinternational human rights law in detail.大多数情况下,善意地解释和实施WTO规定,并考虑相关的国际人权法以及例外规定的援引,将足以协调WTO法和国际人权法律制度。

3.Surveying China s penal system according to the measurement of legally prescribing penalty ininternational human rights law, we can find that the penal system of our country does not completely meet the require of legally prescribing penalty in many aspects.国际人权法上对罪刑法定作出规定,使罪刑法定的地位更显重要。


paring lnternaticonal Humanitarian Law with International Law of Human Rights;国际人道主义法与国际人权法之比较

2.On the Solution of Conflicts Between the WTO Law and International Human Rights Law;论WTO法与国际人权法之间冲突的解决

3.International Human Rights and Capital Punishment;国际人权与死刑──以国际人权法为线索的分析兼及中国的应对

4.The Dialectical Relationship Between State Sovereign Rights and the International Law of Human Rights国家主权原则与国际人权法的辩证关系

5.The New Trends of the Theories of International Human Right Law: Base-line Ethics and Minimal Human Rights;国际人权法理论的新进展:底线伦理与低度人权

6.Training Course in International Human Right Law and Diplomacy国际人权法与外交训练班

7.Legally Prescribing Penalty in International Human Rights Law and China s Penal Law;国际人权法上的罪刑法定与中国刑事制度研究

8.Value and Application of International Human Right Law in the construction of China s human rights oriented legal system;国际人权法在中国人权法制建设中的地位和作用

9.The Comparison between International Conventions on Human Rights and China’s Human Rights Legislation;国际人权公约与我国人权立法的比较

10.On the contribution made by African human rights law to the International human rights protection;论非洲人权法对国际人权保护的贡献

11.The Problem Research of the Human Rights Protection of the International Law and the Domestic Law;人权的国际法与国内法保障问题研究

12.International League for Human Rights国际人权联盟(人权联盟)

13.Politics Prevailing States:International Rule of Law Dimension of the Relationship Between Sovereignty and Human Rights;超越国家间政治——主权人权关系的国际法治维度

14.The Legal Interpretation of Chinese Citizen s Sports Right from the Perspective of International Human Rights;国际人权视野下我国公民体育权利的法学诠释

15.Sinolization of International Human Rights Law:Focus on Democratic Rights论国际人权立法的中国化——以民主权为中心

16.Carry Out the Duties of International HR Conventions &Strengthen the Protection of Criminal Legal HR;履行国际人权公约义务,强化刑事法律人权保障

17.On Protection of the Internal Law of Human Rights of our Minority Peoples and the International Law;我国少数民族人权的国内法与国际法保护

18.International Seminar on Human Rights Standards and the Administration of Justice国际人权标准和司法讨论会


international law of human rights国际人权法

paring lnternaticonal Humanitarian Law with International Law of Human Rights;国际人道主义法与国际人权法之比较

3)international human rights act国际人权法

1.Ininternational human rights act, the minority refers to a small group of people who have national, ethnic, religious or linguistic characteristics within a certain country.国际人权法上的少数人主要指一个国家内部拥有民族、种族、宗教或语言上特征的少数人群体。

2.This essay studiedinternational human rights act from a formal perspective.国际人权条约是国际人权法最重要的渊源。

4)subject in international human rights law国际人权法主体

5)the international legislation of human rights人权的国际立法

6)International Court of Human Rights国际人权法院


