700字范文 > 盖挖逆作 cover and excavation top-down英语短句 例句大全

盖挖逆作 cover and excavation top-down英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-25 09:46:02


盖挖逆作 cover and excavation top-down英语短句 例句大全

盖挖逆作,cover and excavation top-down

1)cover and excavation top-down盖挖逆作

1.On the construction technique of thecover and excavation top-down method in the reconstruction project for Suzhou railway station苏州火车站改造工程盖挖逆作法施工技术


prehensive Construction Technology of Cover and Cut Reverse Method in Metro地铁盖挖逆作条形基础综合施工技术

2.Top-Down Construction Technique for Excavation of Working Shaft Cover of TSM in Shanghai Subway Station上海地铁车站盾构工作井盖挖逆作施工技术

3.Analysis and Study on Flat Slab with Opening for Cover and Excavation Top-Down Method;盖挖逆作法施工中预留孔洞的分析与研究

4.Analysis on Covered Top-down Excavation Technique Adopted in Practical;盖挖逆作法施工技术在某工程中的实践分析

5.Construction Technique of Intermediate Pile for Subway Station with Top-Down Inverse Method盖挖逆作法地铁车站的中间桩施工技术

6.On the construction technique of the cover and excavation top-down method in the reconstruction project for Suzhou railway station苏州火车站改造工程盖挖逆作法施工技术

7.Application of Timbering System with Prestressed Anchor Rope in Top-Down Construction预应力锚索支护体系在盖挖逆作工程中的应用

8.Application of Intermediate Post Pile in Segment of Cover-excavation Reverse Operation in Transportation Hub Engineering,Tianjing Station天津站交通枢纽工程盖挖逆作段中间立柱桩施工技术

9.Stress Analysis of Steel Tube filled Concrete Column in one Long-span Top-down Covered Excavation Subway Station某大跨度盖挖逆作地铁车站钢管混凝土柱的受力计算分析

10.Cover and Cut Method and Finite Element Analysis of Comprehensive Transportation in Futian Subway Station深圳市福田站地下综合交通枢纽工程配套设施盖挖逆作施工方法与结构整体有限元分析

11.Assessment of Construction Methods the Top-Down and Excavation under Cover Board Used in Harbin Subway HLJ Univ. Station;哈地铁黑大站逆作与盖挖法评价研究

12.Total Reverse Construction Method Construction Technology for Underground Chamber Excavation全“逆作法”地下室挖运土方施工技术

13.Numerical Analysis of Excavation Characters in Top-down Construction and Bottom Upheaval for Deep Excavation;深基坑坑底回弹及逆作法开挖性状数值分析

14.Technology of Top-down Bored Excavation with Cast-in-situ Arch for Metro Station Construction一次扣拱暗挖逆作法修建地铁车站新技术

15.The techniques of topdown construction method for air shaft of metro line地铁中间风井超深基坑明挖逆作法施工技术

16.Cut and cover method明挖覆盖法(隧道)

17.Monitoring and Analysis on Cover-Excavation Consequent Operation of Metro Station;地铁车站盖挖顺作法施工监控量测与分析

18.Analysis of Supporting Structure Behavior of Deep Pit with Cover Plate Semi-inversed Construction Method深基坑盖板半逆作施工的支护结构性能分析


cover-excavation reverse method盖挖逆作法

1.Construction technology of the subway station by using thecover-excavation reverse method under the complex environment;复杂环境下盖挖逆作法地铁车站修建技术

3)topdown construction盖挖逆作法施工

1.The application of dual-purpose pile intopdown construction can not only save costs,but also make the mechanic condition of substructure walls more rational.在盖挖逆作法施工中采用"一桩两用"技术,不仅可节约大量费用,而且使地下结构的外墙的受力状态更为合理。

4)Cut under Cover(Top Down)Method盖挖逆作法(CCTDM)

5)integrated covered top down method盖挖-逆作一体化

6)top-down invers method盖挖逆筑


