700字范文 > 产业布局 industrial distribution英语短句 例句大全

产业布局 industrial distribution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-31 11:46:46


产业布局 industrial distribution英语短句 例句大全

产业布局,industrial distribution

1)industrial distribution产业布局

1.Empirical study on theindustrial distribution in Tokyo and enlightenment for urban industrial planning东京产业布局实证研究及对我国城市产业规划启示

2.Ningxi Railway Line is another artery of traffic, which will take great effect on the development of our country sindustrial distribution and the regional economy.宁西铁路是我国又一东西交通大通道 ,将对我国的产业布局和区域经济发展产生重大影响。


1.Enlightenment on Effect of the Theory of Industrial Cluster to Industry Layout;产业集群理论对实施产业布局的启示

2.Research on Sports Industrial Policy and Industrial Distribution in Fujian福建省体育产业政策和产业布局研究

3.The Formation and Development of Industrial Distribution Theories--Also on the Distribution of Industrial Productivity in Jiangxi Province;试论产业布局理论的形成及其发展——兼论江西省工业生产力布局

4.On Adjusting the Industry Distribution of the Old Industrial Bases in the Northeast;浅谈东北老工业基地产业布局的调整

5.Research on Tianjin s Industrial Distribution Based on the Industrial Agglomeration Theory;基于产业聚集理论的天津工业产业布局研究

6.Industrial Cluster and the Adjustment of the Industry Layout in the Northeast Old Industry Base of China;产业集群与东北老工业基地产业布局调整

7.The Industrial Layout and Selection of the Modern Service Industry:Chongqing for Example现代服务业支柱产业选择与产业布局:重庆例证

8.Effect on Logistics of Economic Ring s Industry Structure and Layout;物流对经济圈产业布局和结构的影响

9.Research on Logistics and Industry Distribution in Changjiang River Economic Belt;长江经济带物流发展与产业布局优化

10.Foreign Trade,Local Protectionism and Industrial Location in China;对外贸易、地方保护和中国的产业布局

11.Cultural Industry Planning and Priority in Yunnan Province;云南省文化产业布局和发展重点选择


13.The Planning of Peri-urban Agricultural Predominant Sectors and Regional Development;北京都市型现代农业优势产业及布局

14.Adjusting Industrial Structures, Developing the Professional Education;谈产业结构布局调整与职业教育改革

15.The Study on the Structure and Distribution of Population and Industry in Yangtze River Delta;长三角地区人口与产业空间布局研究

16.Small and Middle-sized Enterprise Producing Layout Program and Evaluation;中小型企业生产系统布局方案与评价

17.A Study on the Industrial Harmonious Development and Distribution in Guanzhong Urban Agglomeration;关中城市群产业协调发展与布局研究

18.The Research of Zhuanghe Industrial Layout on the Basis of the GIS;GIS支持下的庄河市产业空间布局研究


industrial layout产业布局

1.Shaanxi regionalindustrial layout and key industrial coordination development;陕西区域产业布局及重点产业协调发展研究

2.Adhereing to the market in old industrial base to adjust theindustrial layout;坚持市场化的方向 调整老工业基地的产业布局

3.The adjustment of space layout is Nanping s enormous challenges in the new period, and throughindustrial layout adjustment and the layout of the population, Nanping City will be able to achieve the economic, social, and environmental de-velopment and will become the promoting economic zone in Fujian Province.空间布局调整是南平市在新时期面临的巨大挑战,通过产业布局和人口布局调整,南平市将能够实现经济、社会、环境的协调发展,成为福建省的经济推动区。

3)industry layout产业布局

1.Research on Industry Layout Based on Industry Cluster View;基于产业集群视角的产业布局研究

2.From different angles, the two optimization models of transportation in the regionalindustry layouts are constructed: one is the balance cost model, which is mainly used in the transfer of industry; the other is the minimum total transportation volume model, which is mainly used in new industries.从不同角度分析了区域产业布局中交通运输最优化的两个模型:一个是均衡成本模型,主要运用于产业转移;另一个是最小总运量模型,主要运用于新建产业。

3.This text,according to the agricultural location theory and general regulation ofindustry layout,analyze the present conditions and the agricultural industry development trend of the regions of returning farmland to fo.本文按照农业区位理论和产业布局演变的一般规律,在分析西部退耕还林区现状及农业产业发展趋势的基础上,对西部退耕还林区农业产业布局进行科学规划,并用“吴旗模式”验证其可行性,为西部区域经济发展提供现实的指导意义。

4)industry distribution产业布局

1.A Study of the Impact of Trade Liberalization on China s Industry Distribution;贸易自由化对中国产业布局影响的研究

2.By investigation on theindustry distribution,product structure,product value,product circulating and consuming,science research and talented persons condition of Jilin province flower industry,knows the present conditions of Jilin province flower industry development,summarizes the character of this industry,analyzes its development foreground.对吉林省花卉产业布局、产品结构、产品产值、产品流通及消费、吉林省花卉业科研和人才状况等进行了调查,明确了吉林省花卉业的发展现状,总结出吉林省花卉产业的特点,分析了花卉产业发展趋势,为制定吉林省花卉业发展对策研究提供了依据。

3.It seeks to understand the relationship betweenindustry distribution and location decision-making of multimedia industry in Shanghai.最后,对多媒体产业布局和企业区位决策之间的关系进行空间相关分析。

5)Industrial chain layout产业链布局

6)agricultural industry distribution农业产业布局


