700字范文 > 行业分布 Industrial Distribution英语短句 例句大全

行业分布 Industrial Distribution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-01 02:16:03


行业分布 Industrial Distribution英语短句 例句大全

行业分布,Industrial Distribution

1)Industrial Distribution行业分布

1.Basing on analyzing the industrial distribution pattern of foreign investors M&A behavior among Chinese listed companies,this paper tries to create conception models and use for reference the related analytical index,to perform quantitative analyses on the medium and/or long term potential and the degree of short term activity for the foreign investors M&A among important industries.本文在分析外资并购中国上市公司的行业分布格局的基础上,尝试自创概念模型和相关分析指标,对重点行业的外资并购中长期潜力以及短期活跃度进行定量预测分析。

2.This paper first analyses the features of the industrial distribution of FDI in Henan Province,then discusses the reasons of its unbalanced distribution,and finally evaluates its performance from the following six aspects:industrial growth,total investment in fixed assets,tax,export,employment and regional development.文章分析了河南省外商直接投资的行业分布特点,探讨了河南省外商直接投资行业非均衡分布的原因,并且从工业增长、固定资产投资、税收、出口、就业及地区均衡发展六个方面对其行业分布绩效进行了评价,在此基础上提出河南省吸引外资的产业导向性政策建议。

3.In 21st century, the industrial distribution of FDI in service has changed a lot, for FDI in service has shifted from finance and insurance to such highly-monopoly industries as water, electricity and telecommunications, and professional business services also become a hotspot in attracting F.进入21世纪后服务业对外直接投资的行业分布发生了很大的变化,对服务业的直接投资从以前的金融和保险转向了水力、电力和电信等高度垄断的行业以及如管理咨询、法律和会计等主要的专业(商务)服务业。


1.i.The Analysis on the Industrial Distribution of the NGEs(一)民营企业的行业分布分析

2.Report Five:The Industrial Distribution and the Competitiveness of the Chinese NGEs分报告之五:行业分布与民营企业竞争力

3.iii.The Analysis on the Relations between the Industrial Distribution and the Chinese NGE Competitiveness(三)民营企业行业分布与竞争力相互关系分析

4.The industrial distribution structure of bubbles in chinese stock market我国股市(负)泡沫的行业分布结构

5.I.The General Information一 民营企业行业分布及其竞争力的基本情况

6.The number of employed women has continuously grown, and their work involvement has become rational.妇女就业人数不断增加,行业分布趋于合理。

7.iii.The High Technology Tendency in Industrial Distribution(三)民营企业的行业分布还将呈现高技术化倾向

8.III. The Development Tendency of the NGE Industrial Distribution and the Competitiveness三 民营企业行业分布与竞争力的发展趋势

9.Characteristics of Industrial Distribution of International Women Migrants and Its Indications to Our Policy;国际妇女移民的行业分布特征及其政策启示

10.Industrial Distribution of the Foreign Direct Investment in Henan and Its Evaluation of Performance;河南外商直接投资的行业分布与绩效评价

11.Industrial distribution features of China s anti-dumping cases with chemical products;我国化工反倾销立案产品的行业分布特点

12.An Analysis on the Present State and the Causes of Industry and Trade Population Distribution in China;中国产业、行业人口空间分布现状及成因分析

13.Dynamic analysis of distribution of hepatitis B markers in service industry employees服务行业从业人员乙肝标志物分布动态分析

14.The Economical Scale and Industry Layout of Jiangxi Paper Nanufacture Industry;江西造纸行业经济规模和产业布局分析

15.A Solution Based on the Distributed Business Processing Centralization in Insurance Industry;保险行业基于分布式的业务集中实现方案

16.Analysis of Rational Bubbles and their Characters of Industry Distribution in Shenzhen"sStock Market of China深圳股市理性泡沫及其行业板块分布特征分析

17.dispersion of employees in various types of industries across a given area."如在特定地区在各类行业中的雇员的分布情况。

18.Thoughts about Revising Loss Distribution Approach of Commercial Bank s Operational Risk;修正商业银行操作风险损失分布模型的思考


spatial distribution of FDI of different industryFDI行业空间分布

3)trade and region distribution行业与区域分布

4)decentralization orchestration分布式业务执行系统

5)trip distribution出行分布

1.Entropy models of inhabitanttrip distributions and parameters calibration;居民出行分布的熵模型及其参数标定

2.Inhabitstrip distribution model based on maximum information entropy theory;基于最大信息熵原理的居民出行分布模型

3.The Study on the Model and Parameter of Urban-Trip Distribution in Metropolises of China;我国特大城市出行分布模型及其参数的研究

6)distributed parallel分布并行

bination of object oriented programming withdistributed parallel processing will bring about object orienteddistributed parallel system, not only having object oriented property but also making better use of system resources and shortening user s computing time as well.将面向对象程序设计与分布并行处理相结合 ,可产生既具有面向对象特征 ,又充分利用资源 ,还可缩短作业运行时间的对象分布并行系统 。

2.The analysis of the electric power automation system show that thedistributed parallel computer automation with high reliability, high price/performance, and high expandability has open vast application .本文首先介绍当前的分布并行系统的发展情况和电网自动化系统的发展情况,从而提出了电网自动化系统对分布并行操作系统任务调度的需求;接着讨论分布并行操作系统中任务调度的问题、矛盾和常见算法;然后提出了衡量任务调度算法好坏的几个指标,并以此分析了投标算法的性能,提出了改进的意见。


