700字范文 > 地区会计主体 the main body of regional accounting英语短句 例句大全

地区会计主体 the main body of regional accounting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-19 14:54:17


地区会计主体 the main body of regional accounting英语短句 例句大全

地区会计主体,the main body of regional accounting

1)the main body of regional accounting地区会计主体

2)regional accounting地区会计

1.In order to coordinate the regional economic development, we need to build a service platform, that is, the establishment ofregional accounting.协调地区经济发展,就需要建设一个服务的平台,即建立地区会计学。

3)Accounting entity会计主体

1.For the sake of thevariety of environment, the meaning of accounting assumption frame (accounting entity, going concern, accountingperiod and monetary measurement) needs to be re-scrutinized and reconstructed so as to ensure a good work of ac-counting information system.为了适应环境的变化,有必要对会计主体、持续经营、会计期间和货币计量假设的含义进行重新审视和构建,从而保证会计信息系统的良性运作。

2.The essay sets forth the conception of accounting entity postulate,analyses the special characteristics of virtual-corporation and its impact on the traditional accounting entity postulate,and points out that the space demarcation of accounting entity postulate needs to be understood again and expanded in the network era.阐述了会计主体假设的内涵,分析了网络公司的特点及其对传统会计主体假设的影响,指出在网络时代会计主体假设的空间界限需要重新认识和拓展。

3.China\"s current accounting system for colleges and universities has restricted real,complete and accurate costing of higher education in the following aspects such as the accounting entity,accounting basis and accounting requirements,which is not conducive to cost control of education.我国现行高校会计制度在会计主体、会计核算基础和会计核算科目等方面的规定却制约了高校对教育成本进行真实、完整、准确的会计核算,也不利于对教育成本的控制。


1.A Comparison Between the Accounting Subject of the Enterprise Annuity Fund and the Enterprise Accounting Subject;企业年金基金会计主体与企业会计主体的比较

2.A Brief Analysis of Fictitious Accountancy of Construction Corporations in the Theme of Accounting;在会计主体下虚拟建设单位会计浅析

3.Retrospection of Accounting Entity and Questions on the Entity Equity Theory;对会计主体的再认识及对主体权益论的质疑

4.The transaction of different accounting entities should not be accounted for together. Each accounting entity should be evaluated separately.不同会计主体的交易不能集中核算,每一会计主体应单独进行评价。

5.Budget Accounting Reform in the Function Shift of the Accounting Subject基于会计主体职能转变的预算会计改革

6.One of the principles of accounting is that information is provided to a clearly defined accounting entity.会计的一个原则是会计信息应向某一特定的会计主体提供。

7.On Accountancy Corpus Asstimption under the Economic Environment of Network;网络经济环境下的会计主体假设探讨

8.On Accounting Duty of Head of An Enterprise;浅谈单位负责人作为会计主体的职责

9.For each accounting entity a self-contained, double-entry accounting system is employed.每一个会计主体都运用独立的复式记账体系。

10.Government accounting innovations must focus on accounting objective, note-accounting base, accounting entity and financial statements, etc.政府会计改革应着重从会计目标、记账基础、会计主体、会计报告等方面进行。

11.The network economy has many impacts on the hypothesis of accounting subject, sustainable management, accounting duration,and money calculating.网络经济对会计主体。 持续经营、会计分期、货币计量等会计假设产生了冲击;

12.Quality of Accounting Staff and Accounting Information;会计人员的主体素质与会计信息质量

13.The most basic concept in accounting is that of the entity.会计最基本的概念就是主体。

14.Understanding for the Beginning of Modernism Design Movement;对西方现代主义设计运动先声的体会

15.On the Absence of the Effective Demand and Supply Subject and the Distortion of Accounting Information;有效需求主体的缺失与会计信息失真

16.Subject Structure Design in Pazhou Complex of Canton Fair广交会琶洲展馆综合楼主体结构设计

17.History Dynamic State of the Olympic Game Badge Spirit;奥运会会徽设计主体精神的历史动态解读

18.The main dealings and experience of teaching mode innovation on the course "management accounting";“管理会计”课程教学模式改革的主要做法与体会


regional accounting地区会计

1.In order to coordinate the regional economic development, we need to build a service platform, that is, the establishment ofregional accounting.协调地区经济发展,就需要建设一个服务的平台,即建立地区会计学。

3)Accounting entity会计主体

1.For the sake of thevariety of environment, the meaning of accounting assumption frame (accounting entity, going concern, accountingperiod and monetary measurement) needs to be re-scrutinized and reconstructed so as to ensure a good work of ac-counting information system.为了适应环境的变化,有必要对会计主体、持续经营、会计期间和货币计量假设的含义进行重新审视和构建,从而保证会计信息系统的良性运作。

2.The essay sets forth the conception of accounting entity postulate,analyses the special characteristics of virtual-corporation and its impact on the traditional accounting entity postulate,and points out that the space demarcation of accounting entity postulate needs to be understood again and expanded in the network era.阐述了会计主体假设的内涵,分析了网络公司的特点及其对传统会计主体假设的影响,指出在网络时代会计主体假设的空间界限需要重新认识和拓展。

3.China\"s current accounting system for colleges and universities has restricted real,complete and accurate costing of higher education in the following aspects such as the accounting entity,accounting basis and accounting requirements,which is not conducive to cost control of education.我国现行高校会计制度在会计主体、会计核算基础和会计核算科目等方面的规定却制约了高校对教育成本进行真实、完整、准确的会计核算,也不利于对教育成本的控制。

4)accounting subject会计主体

1.Theaccounting subject of Chinese enviornment should be accepted by the government not the enterprises.鉴于我国目前会计信息失真的普遍性和企业自律能力较差的客现事实,中国环境会计主体不宜定位于企业,而应由政府承担。

5)main body of accounting会计主体

1.main body of accounting, sustained operation, accounting periodicity and monetary counting, queries to the four accounting assumptions connecting with the economic characteristics of the times, and points out the limitation of the financial accounting.分析了财务会计的四大假设,即会计主体、持续经营、会计分期、货币计量,并结合时代经济特点对四大会计假设提出质疑,指出财务会计的局限性。

6)accounting main body会计主体

1.This paper introduces the influence of the network on theaccounting main body hypothesis,accounting period hypothesis,money measurement hypothesis,and continuous operation hypothesis,and puts forward the suggestion of rebuilding the accounting hypotheses under the network environment for laying solid foundation for the revolution of the whole accounting system and frame.介绍了网络对会计主体假设、会计分期假设、货币计量假设、持续经营假设的影响,提出了重构网络环境下的会计假设,为整个会计体系与框架的革新奠定了坚实的基础。


会计主体 会计主体——会计主体或称会计实体,是指会计工作所服务的特定单位或组织。一般来说,法人必定是会计主体,而会计主体并不一定是法人。
