700字范文 > 地区会计工作 the work of regional accounting英语短句 例句大全

地区会计工作 the work of regional accounting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-04 04:33:19


地区会计工作 the work of regional accounting英语短句 例句大全

地区会计工作,the work of regional accounting

1)the work of regional accounting地区会计工作

2)accounting work会计工作

1.With the fast development and popularization of e-commerce,the industry accounting is assaulted and is faced difficulties in some domains,such as the accounting theory,accounting work,accounting function,accounting organization,accounting laws and accounting security.电子商务的快速发展与迅速普及,使企业会计工作受到强烈的冲击,在会计理论、会计实务、会计职能、会计组织、会计法规、会计安全等方面面临时代困境。

2.This has resulted in different effects onaccounting work,both the computerization accounting process and traditional accounting process.随着计算机的普及和财务软件水平的提高,会计电算化已在一定的范围内普及了,这就使得会计电算化下的会计工作对传统的会计工作有了不同的影响,文章主要对会计核算工作、内部控制工作和会计档案管理三方面阐述了会计电算化对会计工作的影响。

3.This paper analyzes on and sums up the connotations and features of the modern accounting, this paper puts forward several suggestions on strengthening theaccounting work in the light of the present situation of our country saccounting work.分析和总结了现代会计的内涵及特点,针对我国会计工作的现状提出了加强会计工作的几点建议。


1.Strengthening the Basic Work of Accounting and Consummating Accounting work Sequence;强化会计基础工作 完善会计工作秩序

2.Analysis on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Accounting Computerization in Accountancy;会计电算化在会计工作中的利弊浅析

3.Check Accounting Information Distortion to Raise Accounting Quality;遏止会计信息失真 提高会计工作质量

4.Influence of E-calculation on Accounting Work;会计电算化对会计工作的影响的探讨

5.Accountancy and Its Innovation in Knowledge-based Economy Ages;知识经济时代的会计工作和会计创新

6.Establishing the Effective Internal Control System to Regulate Acco- unting in Enterprise;严格内部会计控制规范企业会计工作

7.The normalization of China s new accountancy law on accountancy work in higher learning institutions;新《会计法》对高校会计工作的规范

8.Improving Accounting Information Quality Normalizing Accountancy’s Order;提高会计信息质量 规范会计工作秩序

9.With your head for figures, you should go in for accountancy.既然你善于计算,就应从事会计工作。

10.Accountant work for ** office and project.为**办事处和工程部提供会计工作。

11.Intensifying Basic Work of Accounting in Colleges and Establishing Standard Working Orders of Accounting--Discourse of Groundwork of Accounting;加强高校会计基础工作建立规范的会计工作秩序——浅谈会计基础工作的重要性

12.If want to work in accounting profession, learn more with respect to need, experience of actual accounting work.要是想在会计职业里工作,就需要多学习,实际会计工作经验。

13.work sheet工作底稿(会计学)

14.Subcommittee on Statistical Activities统计工作小组委员会

15.Joint School Social Service Scheme学校社会工作综合计划

16.About Accounting Electrical Reinforced for Accounting Basic Work;谈会计电算化对会计基础工作的强化

17.Bring into effect accounting law seriously and strengthen account administrative work;认真实施《会计法》,强化会计管理工作

18.Strengthening trade union outlay s collection and regulating accounting basie operation;加强工会经费收缴 规范会计基础工作


accounting work会计工作

1.With the fast development and popularization of e-commerce,the industry accounting is assaulted and is faced difficulties in some domains,such as the accounting theory,accounting work,accounting function,accounting organization,accounting laws and accounting security.电子商务的快速发展与迅速普及,使企业会计工作受到强烈的冲击,在会计理论、会计实务、会计职能、会计组织、会计法规、会计安全等方面面临时代困境。

2.This has resulted in different effects onaccounting work,both the computerization accounting process and traditional accounting process.随着计算机的普及和财务软件水平的提高,会计电算化已在一定的范围内普及了,这就使得会计电算化下的会计工作对传统的会计工作有了不同的影响,文章主要对会计核算工作、内部控制工作和会计档案管理三方面阐述了会计电算化对会计工作的影响。

3.This paper analyzes on and sums up the connotations and features of the modern accounting, this paper puts forward several suggestions on strengthening theaccounting work in the light of the present situation of our country saccounting work.分析和总结了现代会计的内涵及特点,针对我国会计工作的现状提出了加强会计工作的几点建议。


1.Whether the enterprise environment is good or not has an effect onaccountancy.企业环境的优劣直接影响会计工作质量的高低。

2.This paper introduces the development history of accounting computerization, expounds the active function of accounting computerization inaccountancy, analyzes some problems of accounting computerization inaccountancy, and advances some improvement measures in the light of these problems.介绍了会计电算化的发展历史,阐述了会计电算化在会计工作中的积极作用,分析了会计电算化在会计实际工作中暴露出的一些问题,并针对这些问题提出了相应的改进措施。

3.The purpose of investigating and analyzing theaccountancy status in non-public enterprises of Guizhou is to solve theaccountancy problems of non-public enterprises in Guizhou and even in our country.非公经济管理、会计信息是做好会计管理工作的基础,调查与分析贵州省非公企业会计工作现状,目的是解决贵州省乃至我国非公企业会计工作的现状。

4)regional accounting地区会计

1.In order to coordinate the regional economic development, we need to build a service platform, that is, the establishment ofregional accounting.协调地区经济发展,就需要建设一个服务的平台,即建立地区会计学。

5)calculating work space计算工作区

6)Local work space本地工作区


