700字范文 > 蜀州刺史 the provincial governor of Shu Zhou英语短句 例句大全

蜀州刺史 the provincial governor of Shu Zhou英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-26 20:02:20


蜀州刺史 the provincial governor of Shu Zhou英语短句 例句大全

蜀州刺史,the provincial governor of Shu Zhou

1)the provincial governor of Shu Zhou蜀州刺史

2)Jingzhou prefectural governor荆州刺史

3)state CiShi州刺史

1.The systems ofstate CiShi has been changed to that of ZhouMu twice during the period from emperor Wu of Han Dynasty,who first adopted the system ofstate CiShi,to the reign of Wangmang.自汉武帝设州刺史制度 ,到王莽执政时期 ,曾两次改州刺史为州牧。


1.Bai Juyi, the Tang poet mentioned earlier, was once governor of Hangzhou.唐代著名诗人白居易,担任过杭州刺史。

2.In April, 907, the magistrate of Bianzhou, Zhu Wen by name, raised an army and proclaimed himself king, calling his regime Hou Liang or the Later Liang.907年4月,汴州刺史朱漫拥兵自立,建立后梁政权。

3.The district magistrate of Jiangzhou, an official named Wang Hong, wanted very much to make his acquaintance but was simply unable to reach him.江州刺史王弘很想跟他交往,可就是见不到他。

4.Studies on Asking for Poems in the Yuwang Mansion and Yu Xinzhong, Governor of Mianzhou in the Dang Dynasty;越王楼征诗及唐代绵州刺史于兴宗小考

5.Discussing on the thoughts and states of mind of HAN Yu when he was in Chaozhou--focusing on "Chaozhou Cishi Xieshang Biao";韩愈在潮州的思想与心态考论——以《潮州刺史谢上表》为中心

6.The Lins in Putian and the Vigorous Development of the Culture in Fujian--An Exploration on Lin Yun s Muzhu Cishi ErFujun Sendao Inscription;莆田林氏与唐代福建文化的振兴——林蕴《睦州刺史二夫君神道碑》考论

7.Suzhou emBroidery has a long history of Brisk sales Both at home and aBroad.苏州刺绣畅销国内外已有很长的历史。

8.On Cishi’s Military Power and the Provincial Military Function in Tang Dynasty;唐代刺史的军事职掌与州级军事职能

9.An Explorement of Repeated Abolishment and Establishment of CISHI and ZHOUMO in the later west Han Dynasty;西汉后期刺史州牧反复罢置的原因及影响新探

10.The Transformation of Military and Political Status of the Three Gorges Area during Tang and Song Dynasties--Analysis of Kuizhou Administration and Selection of Its Governor;唐宋时期长江三峡地区军政地位之演变——以夔州治所及其刺史人选为中心的考察

11.Suzhou has a long history of emBroidery production.苏州刺绣驰名中外。

12.A Probe into the Phenomenon of Ci-shi Power exceeding during the Middle and Latter Period of Han Dynasty;西汉中后期刺史越权现象的历史考察

13.a pyramidal fir of southwestern California having spiny pointed leaves and cone scales with long spines.加州西南一种锥形冷杉,刺状叶,被长刺球果。

14.Analyzing the Spiritual Characteristics of the Assassins in the Warring States Period through the Study of The Biographies about the Assassins in Shi Ji;从《史记·刺客列传》看战国时刺客的精神特征

15.Smith bowed out of the race for governor.史密斯退出了州长竞

16.Museum of Overseas Communications History, Quanzhou泉州海外交通史博物馆

17.Natural History of Massachusetts麻萨诸塞州的自然历史

18.The First Monograph on the Research of Huzhou History--Commenting on the Draft of the Ancient History of Huzhou, Which Was Written by Shen Hui , a Scholar of Huzhou;湖州历史研究的拓荒之作——评沈慧《湖州古代史稿》


Jingzhou prefectural governor荆州刺史

3)state CiShi州刺史

1.The systems ofstate CiShi has been changed to that of ZhouMu twice during the period from emperor Wu of Han Dynasty,who first adopted the system ofstate CiShi,to the reign of Wangmang.自汉武帝设州刺史制度 ,到王莽执政时期 ,曾两次改州刺史为州牧。

4)Qin Zhou Governors秦州刺史

5)Tanzhou magistrate潭州刺史

6)office of Xuzhou feudal provincials徐州刺史部


