700字范文 > 重大误解 the great misunderstanding英语短句 例句大全

重大误解 the great misunderstanding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-20 20:04:58


重大误解 the great misunderstanding英语短句 例句大全

重大误解,the great misunderstanding

1)the great misunderstanding重大误解

1.Discussion is made on determingthe great misunderstanding consisting of four cases of presupposition, conditions, degree and forseen result.从构成重大误解的前提、条件、程度以及后果预见四个方面阐述了对重大误解的认定。


1.Disscussion on Determining the Great Misunderstanding in Law of Contract;论《合同法》中“重大误解”的认定

2.Civil Law of Civil Law System Adopting the Rules of Error of the Roman Law And Gross Misunderstanding in Chinese Civil Law;大陆法系民法对罗马法错误制度的继受及中国民法中的重大误解

3.Honor is greatly misunderstood in the current human paradigm.尊重在当前人类范式中被巨大误解。

4.Corrections to serious mistakes of traditional two-dimensional analytic theories;对传统二维解析理论重大错误的修正

5.Now the explanation is that blunders were made by Stalin.现在的解释是斯大林犯了一些重大错误。

6.Error Analysis of "Double Source Apportion" for Atmospheric Particulates大气颗粒物“二重源解析”技术的误差分析

7.Positive statements can prevent many misunderstandings and mean a lot to marital happiness.正面的话能减少许多误解,并且对幸福婚姻来说意义重大。

8.They mistook the mettle of their sons.她们误解了儿子的大胆。

9.To interpret incorrectly;misunderstand.误解错误地解释,误解

10.To Dispel the Misgivings and Clear up the Misunderstandings very importance to the Solution of the Medical Dissension解除疑虑、清除误解对解决医疗纠纷极其重要

11.the act of rearranging things to give a misleading impression.重新安排事物给人一种易误解的印象。

12.His costly mistake resulted in severe loss.他的严重的错误导致了重大的损失。

13.It began with a small misunderstanding and it grew into a major difference, and into a major difference, and finally it exploded into an exchange of bitter words followed by weeks of silence.而这一切源于小小的误解,导致重大分歧,最后爆发为恶语相向,之后又是几个星期的互不理睬。

14.She scrupulously reworks translations of ancient texts to make them comprehensible, spotting mistranslations and misapprehensions galore.她挑出古文翻译中的大量错译和误译之处,并重新进行了一丝不苟的翻译,使之易于理解。

15.It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstandings between them.它时常是自然为青年人重要对他们的父母和由于大多误解责备他们在他们之间。

16.There is no one who never makes mistakes;the only difference lies in the gravity of the mistakes people make.没有不犯错误的人,只是错误有大小轻重的区别。

17.Carelessness is at the bottom of all great mistakes.粗心大意是一切重大错误的根源。

18.Ten Misunderstandings of "Exchange Market for Technology";解读“以市场换技术”的十大认识误区


serious misunderstanding重大误解

1.A civil act ofserious misunderstanding is an act performed by a civil subject who seriously misunderstood the important content of the act.重大误解行为是民事主体基于对行为相关的重要事项的错误认识而实施的客观效果与其内心真意相违背 ,并且对其权利义务的享有和承担有重大不利影响的行为。

3)On the Significant Misconception重大误解研究

4)The Study on the Significant Misconception System重大误解制度研究

5)Analyse the Connotation of Heavy Misunderstanding析重大误解之内涵

6)material misstatements of fact重大误报


误解1.理解得不正确。 2.不正确的理解。
