700字范文 > 铸造锌合金 zinc alloy ingots for casting英语短句 例句大全

铸造锌合金 zinc alloy ingots for casting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-20 21:57:36


铸造锌合金 zinc alloy ingots for casting英语短句 例句大全

铸造锌合金,zinc alloy ingots for casting

1)zinc alloy ingots for casting铸造锌合金

1.A new method was studied for the dete rmination of Al ?Mg ?Cu?Cd?Fe?Pb and Sn inzinc alloy ingots for casting by ICP -AES with CID detector and echelle optics.介绍了以CID作检测器、中阶梯光栅为分光系统的全谱直接等离子光谱仪直接测定铸造锌合金中Al、Mg、Cu、Cd、Fe、Pb、Sn元素含量的分析方法,确定了试样分解方法对测定的影响,优选了适宜的分析谱线和仪器测定参数,通过准确选取同步背景校正点和基体匹配方法,消除了基体的影响,对实际样品进行了分析结果对照和精密度考核等,方法应用于生产获得了满意的结果。

2.Analysis ofzinc alloy ingots for casting by The optical emission spectrometry was studied in the paper,appropriate analytical lines and reference lines was selected,done experiment for flush time,prespark time,spark light source,spark time,precision and accuracy.文章研究了光电直读发射光谱法分析铸造锌合金,选择了合适的分析线与参比线,对冲洗时间、预激发时间、激发光源、激发时间、精密度、准确度进行了试验。


1.Zinc alloy ingots for castingGB/T8738-1988铸造锌合金锭

2.Analysis of Zinc Alloy Ingots for Casting by The Optical Emission Spectrometry光电直读发射光谱法分析铸造锌合金

3.Ajax casting alloy艾杰克斯铸造铜硅锌合金

4.Study on Wear Properties and Casting Techniques of Zinc-based Alloy锌基合金的磨损性能和铸造工艺研究

5.Superplastic Treatment and Application of Cast Zn-Al Eutectoid Alloy铸造锌铝共析合金的超塑性处理及应用

6.Study on the Fusible Plaster Mold Cast Process of High Al Zinc Alloy富铝锌合金石膏型熔模铸造工艺的研究

7.Effect of Trace Nd in Magnesium Zinc Alloy稀土元素Nd在铸造镁-锌合金中的晶粒细化作用

8.Study on XZJ-10 New Type of Automated Zinc Ingot Stow MachineXZJ-10新型全自动锌及锌合金锭连续铸造机组的研制

9.The Research on the Fundamental Problem of ZA27 Alloy Squeeze Casting with High Ratio of Height to Thickness;大高径比高铝锌基合金铸件挤压铸造成形问题的研究

10.Study on Squeeze Processing of ZA Alloy Casting with High Ratio of Height to Thickness;大高径(厚)比锌铝合金铸件挤压铸造工艺技术研究

11.Research on Mechanical Properties and Friction and Wear Properties of Squeeze Casting Zinc-Aluminium;挤压铸造锌铝合金力学性能及摩擦磨损性能的研究

12.Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field of Squeeze Casting of ZA27 Alloy with Large Ratio of Height to Diameter;大高径比锌铝合金挤压铸造过程温度场数值模拟

13.The Tribological Properties of Cast Zinc-Graphite Composite铸造锌-石墨复合材料的摩擦学特性

14.magnesium-aluminium-zinc alloys, unwrought镁铝锌合金,未锻造

15.Casting defects analyzing and prevention of aluminum alloy cast by traveling magnetic field铝合金铸件移动磁场铸造的铸造缺陷及防止

16.Aluminium alloy ingots for castingGB/T8733-1988铸造铝合金锭

17.t-chromium alloy for high frequency casting高频铸造用钴铬合金

18.loy for dental casting牙科铸造用钴铬合金


cast Zn-Al alloy铸造锌铝合金

1.With the introduction of the effect of modification elements on the microstucture and proper- ties ofcast Zn-Al alloy ZA27,this paper makes an analysis of the modification mechanism,and foresees the prospects of modification treatment of the alloy.介绍了变质元素对铸造锌铝合金ZA27显微组织与性能的影响,分析了变质机理,并对ZA27合金变质处理的发展趋势作了展望。

3)casting Al-Zn-Si allay铸造铝锌硅合金

4)casting Zine containing alloy铸造锌基合金

5)alloy ZA27铸造锌铝合金ZA27

6)Al-Zn east aluminium alloy铝-锌系铸造铝合金


铝-锌系铸造铝合金分子式:CAS号:性质:以锌为主要合金元素的铸造铝合金,是最早获得工业应用的铝合金之一。在工业中应用的Al-Zn系铸造铝合金成分是5%~14%Zn,2%~3%Cu,6%~8% Si,0.1%~0.7%Mg,并含有少量其他元素。Al-Zn-Cu合金强度较高、切削加工性能和焊接性能良好,但铸造性能和抗腐蚀性能差。Al-Zn-Mg合金具有良好的力学性能和抗腐蚀性能,可以在淬火时效状态下使用,具有更高的强度。另外该合金的熔化温度较高,但其铸造工艺性能较差。Al-Zn-Si合金具有较高的力学性能和良好的铸造性能,广泛用于砂型、金属型和压力铸造。
