700字范文 > 鲜切果蔬 Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables英语短句 例句大全

鲜切果蔬 Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-01 02:28:07


鲜切果蔬 Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables英语短句 例句大全

鲜切果蔬,Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables

1)Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables鲜切果蔬

1.The microbial infection and sterilization techniqueof fresh-cut fruits and vegetables鲜切果蔬的微生物污染及其杀菌技术

2.Enzymatic browning is one of the most reactions impacting quality of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables.酶促褐变是影响鲜切果蔬品质的重要原因之一。

3.The paper discusses the factors affecting the quality of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables from the aspects of physiological and biochemical reactions, nutrition changes and microbial infection.从鲜切果蔬生理生化反应、营养成分变化、微生物侵染等几个方面阐述了影响其品质的若干因素,对当前已实施的几种实用保鲜技术作了介绍。


1.Effect of High Oxygen on the Quality of Fresh-cut Fruits and Vegetables;高氧气调包装对鲜切果蔬品质的影响

2.HACCP in the fresh-cut Fruits and Vegetables ProcessingHACCP在鲜切果蔬加工中的应用

3.The microbial infection and sterilization techniqueof fresh-cut fruits and vegetables鲜切果蔬的微生物污染及其杀菌技术

4.Infection Pathway and Controlling Methods of Microorganism in Fresh-cut Fruits and Vegetables鲜切果蔬表面微生物侵染途径及控制

5.Modified Atmosphere Packaging Technology and Quality Evaluation of Fresh-cut Fruits and Vegetables;鲜切果蔬产品气调包装工艺及质量评价

6.Research progress on enzymatic browning mechanism of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables and its control鲜切果蔬酶促褐变机理及控制研究进展

7.The Research Process of Physiological and Biochemical Changes and Preservation Methods of Fresh-cut Fruits and Vegetables鲜切果蔬的生理生化变化及其保鲜技术的研究进展

8.fresh vegetables, fruit, meat, etc鲜的蔬菜、 水果、 肉等.

9."Though we have to go without fish and meat, There are fruits and vegetables aplenty."鲜肥属时禁, 蔬果幸见尝。

10.A retail seller of fresh fruits and vegetables.蔬菜水果零售商卖新鲜水果和蔬菜的零售商

11.Studies on the Rinsing, Browning Controlling and Packaging Techniques of Fresh-cut Vegetables;鲜切蔬菜清洗、护色和包装技术的研究

12.Study on the Browning Inhibition Technology for Fresh-cut Root and Tuber Vegetables;鲜切根、茎类蔬菜褐变控制技术的研究


14.A grocer sells foods in packages as well as fresh fruit and vegetables.杂货店销售包装食品、鲜水果和蔬菜。

15.Farm products, especially fresh fruits and vegetables.农产品农产品,尤指新鲜水果和蔬菜

16.fresh fruits and vegetable grown for the market.用于市场买卖的新鲜水果和蔬菜。

17.You can buy fresh fruit and vegetables in the market.你可以在市场买到新鲜的水果和蔬菜。

18.Joyce ? If you mean fresh fruit and vegetables, no.乔伊斯?你是说新鲜的水果蔬菜吗?没有。


fresh-cut fruit and vegetable鲜切果蔬

1.According to a large number of research results, discussing molecular structure and characteristic of chitosan on keeping freshness, reviewing application of chitosan onfresh-cut fruit and vegetable and food keeping freshness.对壳聚糖特有的分子结构和良好的防腐保鲜性能及其在鲜切果蔬和食品保鲜中的应用研究作一论述,展望其应用前景。

2.The number of microorganism is an important index that can be served as one of determinations of shelf life offresh-cut fruit and vegetable.微生物数量往往被作为衡量鲜切果蔬产品货架期的一个重要指标,针对鲜切果蔬中微生物的感染途径,对感染鲜切产品常见微生物的类型及生产贮藏中控制微生物的措施进行概述。

3)fresh fruits and vegetables新鲜果蔬

bining the modified atmosphere packing principle offresh fruits and vegetables,it analyzes the influ-ence of different factors on the modified atmosphere packing of fruits and vegetables,describes the established way of different modified atmosphere in packing and the effect of modified atmosphere packing undertheconditionof some technical parameters.结合新鲜果蔬气调包装保鲜原理,分析了不同因素对果蔬气调包装效果的影响,介绍了气调包装内不同气调的建立方式,以及某些技术参数条件下果蔬气调包装的效果。

4)fruits and vegetables preservation果蔬保鲜

1.The components and the mechanism of propolis were introduced,the prospect and the application of propolis infruits and vegetables preservation were expounded in this paper.介绍了蜂胶的成分和保鲜机理,同时阐述了蜂胶在果蔬保鲜领域中的应用研究和前景。

2.In recent years the research offruits and vegetables preservation has also increased day by day,especially the irradiation technology,high-voltage static electric field technology and ultra-high pressure technology.近年来,果蔬保鲜技术的研究也日益增多,特别是辐照技术、高压电场技术、超高压技术等非热技术作为一类新型、简捷的技术也逐渐开始被应用在果蔬保鲜领域,且较其他保鲜技术有其独到之处。

5)fresh maintenance technique for vegetables and fruits蔬果保鲜

1.Application and analyses offresh maintenance technique for vegetables and fruits on warship蔬果保鲜技术在舰船中的应用分析

6)Fresh Vegetables and Fruits鲜蔬果


鲜蔬酿鲜鱿菜 名: 鲜蔬酿鲜鱿主 料: 鲜鱿鱼(中)2只,椰菜叶6片,甘笋、白萝卜、青瓜各1/2条,金菇1两(约40克),姜2片,盐适量。配 料: 汁料:醋2汤匙,糖、生抽各1茶匙,盐1/3茶匙。做 法: 1、鲜鱿鱼去头,洗净,鱿鱼身保持圆筒状,触须洗净留用。2、鱿鱼筒、触须分别放入滚水中氽至刚熟,沥干水分;椰菜叶放入加盐滚水中焯软,沥干水分备用。3、甘笋、白萝卜去皮切筷子条状,金菇切去根部,姜片切丝,青瓜去瓤切条;全部材料放滚水中氽水,即捞起,沥干。4、椰菜叶铺开,放上(3)的蔬菜料及鱿鱼触须,卷上成长卷状,酿入鱿鱼筒内。5、酿好的鱿鱼筒放入加盐开水内,用碟轻压着,使之浸于水里约1小时。6、酿鱿鱼横切约5厘米长段,上碟,进食时淋上调匀的汁料即成。
