700字范文 > 锌锭铸模 zinc ingots mold英语短句 例句大全

锌锭铸模 zinc ingots mold英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-18 07:08:32


锌锭铸模 zinc ingots mold英语短句 例句大全

锌锭铸模,zinc ingots mold

1)zinc ingots mold锌锭铸模

1.Aimed atzinc ingots molds,the thermal and stress fields coupling analysis was utilized to analyze the effect law of casting process and casting mould configuration on temperature field and stress field of molds and casting,thus,the cause of hot cracking in the casting mould was analyzed.以锌锭铸模为对象,采用热力耦合有限元方法,分析了浇注过程铸模及铸件温度场、应力场的变化规律,并由此剖析了铸模热裂失效产生的原因。


1.Failure Mechanism Research and Structure Improvement of Zinc Ingots Molds Based on ProCAST基于ProCAST的锌锭铸模失效机制研究及结构改进

2.Zinc alloy ingots for castingGB/T8738-1988铸造锌合金锭

3.ingot mould of metal for use in metal金属铸造金属铸锭模

4.The moulds are made of cast iron.钢锭模是用铸铁做的。

5.A mold in which such metal is cast.金属铸模金属锭在其中被铸的模子

6.Stress-strain Analysis of Zinc Ingot Die Based on Numerical Simulation基于数值模拟的锌锭模应力应变分析

7.Study on XZJ-10 New Type of Automated Zinc Ingot Stow MachineXZJ-10新型全自动锌及锌合金锭连续铸造机组的研制

8.Improvement on the de-moulding mechanism for 20 kg aluminium ingot continuously casting machines20kg铝锭连续铸造机组脱模机构的改进

9.Quantity and Influences in the Casting Lies the First Area of Cooling and Crystallize in Common Mold普通模铸造一次冷却结晶区的铸锭质量及影响

10.Microstructure and Solidification Simulation of Φ480 ZK60 Mg Alloys Cast Ingot;工业态Φ480ZK60镁合金铸锭组织研究及凝固模拟

11.Coupled Numerical Simulation of Solidification Transport Behaviours in Electromagnetic Continuous Casting of Steel Ingots;电磁场下钢锭连铸凝固传输行为耦合数值模拟

12.Research on the Thermal Fatigue Property of the Aluminum Ingot Mould Material for Continuous Casting Machine Application铝锭连铸机用模具材料热疲劳性能的研究

13.Impact and Improvement Measures of Tooling Mold in Remelting Aluminum Ingot Production工装铸模对重熔用铝锭生产的影响及改进措施

14.The Comparative Advantages of Ingot Casting Production During the Special Steels and Large Steel Ingot Production模铸在大钢锭及特殊钢生产方面的比较优势

15.Casting Process Design and Production of Aluminum Ingot Mold Export to the United States出口美国铝锭模的工艺设计及铸造生产

16.The Choice of Heat Treatment Process of Ductile Iron Mould for Al Ingot球墨铸铁铝锭模具材料热处理工艺的选择

17.Investigation on Thermal Stress Distribution of Cr5 Large-scale Alloy Steel Ingot by SimulatingCr5大型合金钢铸锭热应力状态的模拟分析

18.In the case of rimming steel, no or some deoxidation is carried out before casting. During the solidification in the mould carbon monoxide is formed and the gas makes the steel boils.沸腾钢在铸锭前不脱氧或轻度脱氧。在锭模中凝固的过程中产生的一氧化碳气体使钢液沸腾。


zinc ingot die锌锭模

1.Aiming at breakage ofzinc ingot die caused by fatigue crack at corner,using FEM,the stress-field and its change rules,the displacement and its change rules ofzinc ingot die in pouring the process of zinc ingot cast were analyzed,which could provide theory references for the design and manufacture of zinc ingot and aluminium ingot die.针对锌锭模在使用过程中内圆角部位因疲劳裂纹而失效的问题,利用有限元方法,分析了锌锭模在锌锭浇注过程中应力场及其变化规律,各部分的位移及其变化规律,可作为锌锭、铝锭等模具设计制造的理论参考。

3)static ingot模铸钢锭

4)cast iron mold铸铁锭模


6)gradient mold上宽铸锭模


