700字范文 > 刑法意义 criminal significance英语短句 例句大全

刑法意义 criminal significance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-27 12:55:49


刑法意义 criminal significance英语短句 例句大全

刑法意义,criminal significance

1)criminal significance刑法意义

1.By the analysis of the definition, new types and process t o know about the crime, and discussion about thecriminal significance of it, th e problems and countermeasures is found in the prevention.通过对洗钱犯罪的概念、我国当前洗钱犯罪的新形式、我国刑法对此类犯罪的认识深化过程的分析和刑法意义上的商榷 ,以找出目前在防范洗钱犯罪方面存在的问题及应进一步采取的措


1.Up to now, in China public security and disciplinary measure system in the criminal law sense has not been established and there is not a tiny space for the public security and disciplinary measure system in Chinese criminal law system.中国至今没有建立刑法意义上的保安处分制度,在刑法学体系中也缺乏它的一席之地;

2.On Criminal Law status of Employer:From the Perspective of Crime of Forcing Employees to Work“用人单位”的刑法意义探讨——以强迫职工劳动罪为视角

3.On the Sense of Criminal Law of Freedm of Speech论言论自由的刑法意义——从思想言论罪到言论自由

4.Exploring the Modality in the Judgments of American Criminal Law;美国刑法司法判决书的情态意义研究

5.The Bases and Significance to Institute the System ofMaking Contribution in National Criminal Law;我国刑法设立立功制度的依据和意义

6.A paraphrase of philosophy of criminal law in the sense of natural law:With comments on the humanity basis of criminal law by prof. Chen Xingliang;解读自然法意义上的刑法哲学——兼评陈兴良著《刑法的人性基础》

7.Brief Introduction to Sexual Crime of Wyoming Code in U.S.A.--the Reference Significance to Our Country’s Criminal Legislation;美国怀俄明州刑法典性犯罪概述——兼论对我国刑事立法的借鉴意义

8.The Basic Points of Structure Analysis of Criminal Legal Norm;刑法规范结构分析的基点初论——刑法规范结构之内涵与意义探究

9.On the Guiding Significance of Constitution Amendment to Criminal Law Construction;论宪法修正对刑事法制建设的指导意义

10.How to Evaluate the Legal Meaning of PenaI Code Casted by the Zheng and Penal Pot Casted by the Jin during the Periods of the Dynasty of Spring and Autumn;如何看待春秋期间郑铸刑书、晋铸刑鼎的法律意义

11.His conception of the criminal law turned on the idea of retributive justice.在刑法观上,他不同意关于惩罚的正义性观点。

12.On the Strict Liability Doctrine in the Anglo-American Criminal Law and Its Adoptability in the Chinese Criminal Law英美刑法中的严格责任制度及其借鉴意义

13.The Potential Significance of the Restorative Justice Theory to the Criminal procedure Reform of China;恢复性司法理论对中国刑诉改革的可能意义

14.On the Value and Significance of Criminal Code′s Principle of Clarity;论刑法明确性原则的价值蕴涵和现代意义

15.The Theory of Relative Causality In Criminal Law and Its Significance on Our Criminal Law;相当因果关系理论及其对我国刑法理论的意义

16.On Limitation of Punishment and Its Influence on Criminal Policy;刑罚功能的局限性及其刑事政策意义

17.Study on Legislation and Legal Theory for Crime in Taiwan as well as Uses for Domestic Reference;论我国台湾地区刑法罪数形态的立法和理论对大陆刑法的借鉴意义

18.Abstract Issues and Their Significance --A Preliminary Investigation of the Position of Rule by Law in the Area of the Criminal Law抽象性问题及其意义——对刑法领域法治立场的初步考察


crime on criminal law刑法学意义上的犯罪

3)criminal law in a broad sense广义刑法

4)justice of criminal law刑法正义

5)the value of criminal responsibility刑事责任的意义

6)criminal law dogmatic刑法教义学

1.The Stratum system of criminal theory in the continental law tradition is a system ofcriminal law dogmatic,which is the interpretation and systematization to the general part of criminal law.刑法教义学是以制定法和判例为基础的学问,其研究方法的核心是对刑法的解释和体系化。


《德意志联邦共和国刑法典》德意志联邦共和国现行刑法典,是对1871年帝国《刑法典》进行多次修改后,于1969、1974年分别通过总则和分则,1975年1月1日生效。 全文358条,分总则、分则两编。总则5章,规定适用范围、犯罪、行为的后果、亲告和时效。分则28章,规定各种具体罪行和法定刑。这部法典是经过多年准备和反复争论后制定的,对各种犯罪行为规定得相当详细,不仅罪行种类较全,而且在每一罪行中又规定了在不同情节下法院应采取的措施,以减少分散的单行法规,并给法院以裁量的余地。该法典的主要特点有:①采取报应刑与矫正刑相结合的量刑办法;②实行多种多样的保安与矫正措施;③绝对废除死刑;④无期徒刑仅限于个别犯罪(如发动或准备侵略战争、谋杀、以灭绝种族为目的而杀人);⑤严格限制适用短期自由刑(6个月以下),而代之以罚金;⑥实行"日数罚金制"(Tagesbussensystem),即在刑法分则各条中只规定处罚金而不定数额,法院在判决时,根据罪行和被告经济情况,在法定幅度(5~360天,每天2~10000马克)内,宣告被告应处若干日罚金,每日罚金额为若干马克,共应缴纳罚金若干马克。日数罚金制原系19先在瑞典提出的,195月芬兰刑法首先采用,后来墨西哥(1929)、瑞典(1931)、巴西(1935)、古巴(1936)、丹麦(1939)各国陆续采用。联邦德国的采用,使这一制度受到了一些国家的法学家的注意。
