700字范文 > 心身合一 the combination of mind and body英语短句 例句大全

心身合一 the combination of mind and body英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-14 07:31:26


心身合一 the combination of mind and body英语短句 例句大全

心身合一,the combination of mind and body

1)the combination of mind and body心身合一

2)harmony of body and mind身心合一

1.This trait,basing on theharmony of body and mind as well as the ignorance of subject and object,and,from the largest level of the entire vision,links up the original essences of human,nature and art so as to realize the surpassing of the human imago in the artistic context.这一特征,首先建立在身心合一、物我双忘的基础上,并以此在整体直观中最大层面地沟通人与自然、人与艺术间的本真之联系,最终在创作活动中,达到身心合一或天人合一的可能性。


1.In Christianity and Judaism, a being composed of a body and a soul or spirit.身心合一的个体基督教或犹太教中肉体和灵魂或精神相结合的物体

2.theory of mind body identity心身同一论 心身同一论

3.A Study about the Influence of Harmony between Human being and Nature and Mind-body Dualism Philosophy on Sports in China and Western Countries“天人合一”和“身心二元论”哲学思想对中西方体育影响的分析研究

4.On the Concept of Physical and Mental Integration of Huang Di Nei Jing:a Mental Health Perspective论《黄帝内经》“心身统一”的心理卫生观


6.A woman"s dress of the18th century, having a fitted bodice and draped cutaway skirt, worn over an elaborate underskirt.波兰式围裙18世纪的一种妇女服装,有合体的上身和斜裁的下摆裙,穿在一条精心制作的衬裙上

7.Discussion on the Cg`s Control in Badminton Sport;析羽毛球运动中身体重心的合理控制

8.Reason, Strategy and Teaching Practice to Direct Students to Proper Nutrition--Teaching Research of “Human Nutrition”;引导学生合理营养 促进身心健康发展

9.She has worked up a lump of clay into a bust.她把一块黏土精心制作成一个半身像。

10.He seemed to radiate an atmosphere which suffused her being.他身上似乎散发出一种氛围,渗透到她全身心。

11.The trousers are all right; now the waistcoat; aha, right again!裤子也合身; 再请穿上背心;啊哈, 又很合适!

12.This condition is not only more desirable in itself, but more conducive to further progress:and a much more considerable amount of wealth is accumulated under it.这种状况不仅本身更加符合人的心意,而且也更有利于进一步的发展。

13."all qigong exercises center on the exercise of the qi. Moreover, qigong stresses a person"s physical and mental condition in determining the type of exercise to use."所有气功锻炼都是气的锻炼。另外,气功要求一个人选择适合自己身心状况的类型。

14.Fellowship of Believers: Believers shall live out the Command of Jesus Christ to love and support one another and together build-up the Body of Christ.信徒团契:信徒执行耶稣基督叫我们彼此相爱的命令,互相扶持,同心合一建立基督的身体.

15.The Analyses of Five Shen and the Unity of Body and Shen;“五神”及“形神合一”解析——论中医学情志病理论的基本内容及其与心身医学的关系

16.Tom broke down and was unable to work for a year.汤姆身心交瘁,有一年时间不能工作。

17."We"ll be most careful of them," he straightened up.“我们一定十分当心,”他站起身来。

18.It was not possible to think of such things without a revolt of his whole being.他一想到这种事就全身感到恶心。


harmony of body and mind身心合一

1.This trait,basing on theharmony of body and mind as well as the ignorance of subject and object,and,from the largest level of the entire vision,links up the original essences of human,nature and art so as to realize the surpassing of the human imago in the artistic context.这一特征,首先建立在身心合一、物我双忘的基础上,并以此在整体直观中最大层面地沟通人与自然、人与艺术间的本真之联系,最终在创作活动中,达到身心合一或天人合一的可能性。

3)the unity of body and mind身心一统

1."the unity of body and mind,mutual promotion of morality and skills,simultaneous accumulation of the knowledge of arts and science and service t.采用文献资料和逻辑分析等研究方法,对吴蕴瑞体育思想的历史渊源,以及在长期高等体育教育研究和实践中形成的“身心一统、德技相长、文理兼修、服务社会”为核心和特色的体育思想及价值,进行较为深刻的论释。

4)Body and mind accord; Body and soul are in harmony身心一致

5)Physical and Mental Unity身心统一

1.An Approach to the Medical Psychology Teaching Reform Based on "Physical and Mental Unity" Concept基于“身心统一”观的医学心理学教学改革探讨

6)physical and mental integration心身统一

1.It proposes a mental health concept featuringphysical and mental integration including the views ofphysical and mental integration,physical and mental harmony,and seven feelings causing diseases,and integration of physical and mental treatment.《黄帝内经》是中国医学的经典文献,在阐述人体疾病的预防、发生、发展和治疗过程中,科学论述了心理与生理的相互关系,形成了"心身统一"的心理卫生观,包括"形神合一"的心身关系观、"心身和谐"的心理健康标准观、"七情伤形"的心理致病观、"形神同治"的疾病治疗观。


