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补偿教育 compensatory education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-14 18:40:41


补偿教育 compensatory education英语短句 例句大全

补偿教育,compensatory education

1)compensatory education补偿教育

1.We must prevent students from dropping out of school by the law and set up the stereoscopic preventive system guarding against the appearance of underachievers by thecompensatory education.通过专项执法可以遏止辍学,通过补偿教育可以建立预防、转化差生的立体防治体系,并结合小康农村教育实际,达到标本兼治的最终目的。

2.As the second largest of early child care and education program in America,the Child Care and Development Fund Program has greatly promoted the development of the earlycompensatory education with regard to poor children in the United States,especially 0-5 year-old child care development.作为美国的第二大贫困儿童早期保教项目,"儿童保育与发展专款"项目极大地促进了美国贫困儿童早期补偿教育事业的发展。


pensatory education补偿教育(美国提高贫苦儿童教育水平的教育工作)

pensating Education for Peasant Worker and the Libraries’ Measure;论农民工的“补偿教育”与公共图书馆的作为

3.The Compensation for Compulsory Education: The Practical Need of Educational Justice;义务教育补偿:教育正义的现实呼唤

4.Defects and Compensations of Teaching Patterns in Normal Universities;高师院校教师教育模式的缺陷与补偿

5.Research of Cost Compensation Issue on Agricultural Higher Vocational Education;农业高等职业教育成本补偿问题研究

6.Analysis of Educational Compensation of the Scientific Reading for Deaf Children;科学认读与聋童语言缺陷的教育补偿

7.On the Effective Ways to Compensate the Cost of Our Higher Education;论我国高等教育成本补偿的有效方式

8.On the Basic Framework of China s Policy of Higher Education Cost Recovery;试论高等教育的成本分担与补偿机制

9.The Research on Higher Education Cost Compensation Mechanism from the Perspective of Education Equity;教育公平视角下高等教育成本补偿机制研究

10.The Research on Equity of Education of Cost Compensation Principle in Higher Education;我国高等教育成本补偿制度中的教育公平研究

11.The Sharing and Compensation of the Cost of the Sevice Product in Higher Education我国高等教育服务产品成本费用的分担补偿

12.Study on the Policy of Cost Compensations for High Education in Geology of China;我国地质类高等教育成本补偿的政策研究

13.Studies on the Education Cost Accounting and Compensation of Agriculture Higher Vocational Education College;农业高职院校教育成本核算及补偿问题研究

14.Studying for Ways of Cost-sharing and Compensation of China s Higher Education;中国高等教育成本补偿与分担途径研究

15.The Discuss on the Training Cost Share and Compensation for the Tertiary Vocational Education in Our Country;我国高职教育培养成本分担与补偿问题之探讨

16.On Higher Capital Theory of the Cost of Higher Education Compensation Mechanism;高等教育成本补偿机制的人力资本理论分析

17.Education Assistance of Vulnerable Groups’ Offspring: From Moral Request to Policy Compensation;弱势群体子女教育救助:从道德诉求到制度补偿

18.Cost Compensation for Higher Education at Present and Analysis about Ways to Improve the Cost Compensation in China;中国高等教育成本补偿现状及完善措施探析


compensational education补偿教育

1.Americancompensational education from Torstern Husen s viewpoint of equal education——Revelation on the Chinese modern educational equlity;从胡森的教育平等观看美国的补偿教育——兼谈对我国实现教育平等的启示

2.There are many problems existing in current living, development and educational situations of the children of those criminals under penalty through investigations in Fujian Province, therefore, the social function should be fully implemented so as to make a whollycompensational education for those children in such defected families.调查发现,福建省在刑人员子女的生存、发展及教育存在诸多问题,应充分发挥社会职能,使缺陷家庭的孩子得到完整的补偿教育。

3)Educational compensation教育补偿

1.The significance of educational compensation for vulnerable groups is analyzed.介绍了对弱势群体教育补偿的重要性,论述了对弱势群体教育补偿的理论和现实依据。

4)education compensation教育补偿

1.According to Rawls principles of justice, we can put on the four principles of education fairness, namely, the principle of equal educational rights, the principle of equal educational opportunities, the principle of education efficiency and the principle ofeducation compensation.根据罗尔斯的正义原则,可以推论出教育公平所依赖的四个原则,即教育权利平等原则、教育机会平等原则、教育效率原则和教育补偿原则。

5)compensatory education policy补偿教育政策

1.The basic strategies of equal educatinal opportunity havecompensatory education policy and school choice system.该运动显示出美国教育机会均等有四个方面的含义:机会的平等、结果的平等、能力的平等和选择的平等,反映出教育机会均等的含义是一个从简单到复杂的发展历程;实现教育机会均等的基本策略有补偿教育政策与学校选择制度两种。

6)the Compensation for the Compulsory Education义务教育补偿

1.On the Value Basis ofthe Compensation for the Compulsory Education;义务教育补偿的价值基础研究


补偿教育补偿教育compensatory education补偿教育(eompensatory edueation)采用多种不同的教育方案,以补偿那些幼年未能享有足够文化刺激的处于社会不利条件一F的儿童,减少其入学后在课业学习上的困难。其基本观点是:(l)假设教育可能补偿心智发展之不足。(2)强调无论家境如何,儿童皆有受教育的权利。(3)确认早期生活经验对后来个体发展的重要性。(张宁生撰李幸忠审)
