700字范文 > 补偿正义 Compensatory justice英语短句 例句大全

补偿正义 Compensatory justice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-16 07:27:26


补偿正义 Compensatory justice英语短句 例句大全

补偿正义,Compensatory justice

1)Compensatory justice补偿正义


1.Rational Understanding of Dismissal Protection System in Labor Contract Law:Based on Value-orientated "Compensatory Justice"《劳动合同法》对解雇保护制度的认知理性——以“补偿正义”为价值取向

2.The Compensation for Compulsory Education: The Practical Need of Educational Justice;义务教育补偿:教育正义的现实呼唤

3.Definition of Power in AC Sinusoidal Circuit and Power Compensation;交流正弦电路的功率定义及功率补偿

4.Lack of Rationality and the Relevant Compensation of System Justice制度正义的“理性不及”及其价值补偿

5.turns correction compensation匝数更正(补偿)值

6.Regularization and Pole-placement of Descriptor Systems by Dynamic Compensation基于动态补偿的广义系统的正则化与极点配置

7.Substantive Justice of Compensation Reform of Dispute Settlement Mechanism of WTO;WTO争端解决机制补偿制度改革之实质正义

pass compensation and adjustment罗盘自差补偿及校正

9.impedance compensator阻抗校正器阻抗补偿器

10.There is theoretical and practical significance in the just compensation for the expropriation of land and properties.对土地和财产征收的公正补偿具有重要的理论与现实意义。

11.Amends or reparation made for an injury or wrong;expiation.补偿为某一伤害或错误行为而做出的纠正或补救;补偿

12.You have specified customized compensation actions. Setting the Compensation property to None or Default will cause your custom compensation actions to be removed已指定自定义的补偿操作。将补偿属性设置为“无”或“默认值”将导致自定义补偿操作被删除

pensation (given or received) for an injury or insult.对伤害和侮辱进行补偿(一般或正式)。

14.Research on Nonlinear Correction and Dynamic Compensation of Sensors;传感器的非线性校正及动态补偿研究

15.On the Concept and Legislation of Just Compensation Principle;公正补偿原则的概念解析与立法建议

16.Research on a Price Model of Self-adjusting Prediction Compensation;一种自校正预测补偿价格模型的研究

17.Analysis of Non-sinusoidal Reactive Power Algorithm and Reactive Power Compensation非正弦无功功率算法与无功补偿研究

18.A New Method of Motion Compensation for Positive and Negative Stepped-frequency Radar正负步进频率雷达的运动补偿新方法


significance of the compensation补偿意义

3)semantic underspecification语义补偿

1.We believe that an integrated description of the Valency theory must be adequate along both the formal and semantic dimensions, and that it must be adequate in its study of the predicate-argument structure,semantic underspecification, and situational elements.由于研究角度的局限,无论是配价语法,还是西方配价理论都难以对配价问题做出全面合理的解释,而对配价理论要进行整合性描写,就必须兼顾形式与语义两个方面,必须深入研究其行动元构造、语义补偿及情景要素,即运用配价语义补偿理论去阐释配价关系。

4)positive sequence compensation正序补偿

5)fair compensation公正补偿

1.Property expropriation is an act which can deprive the property rights of obligee on the basis of the purpose of public interests and offer thefair compensation beforehand according to the condition and process of laws.财产征收是国家基于公共利益的需要,在事先给予公正补偿的前提下,依据法律规定的条件和程序,强制性地取得权利人财产权的行为。

6)just compensation公正补偿

1.In this article,the author fully introduces the common fair market evaluation approaches,time of evaluation,fee interests,less than fee interests and components of property affecting fair market evaluation ofjust compensation during the process of condemnation in America.美国行政征用公正补偿的计算标准和方法诸多,对应获公正补偿权益的市场价值计算时间、限定继承和非限定继承不动产权益的价值计算方法以及相关影响被征用财产市场价值的因素等的系统研究,有望能为中国解决当前征用中面临的相关问题提供借鉴。

2.Almost every democratic constitutional country formulates the principle ofjust compensation.在限权条款中规定公正补偿原则是民主宪政国家的通例。

3.There is theoretical and practical significance in thejust compensation for the expropriation of land and properties.对土地和财产征收的公正补偿具有重要的理论与现实意义。


