700字范文 > Unit 8 I’m hungry(2) _小学三年级英语教案

Unit 8 I’m hungry(2) _小学三年级英语教案

时间:2024-01-29 16:54:34


Unit 8 I’m hungry(2) _小学三年级英语教案

教学内容unit 8 i’m hungry(2)

教学目标1、听懂会说单词some bread , some rice , soft drinks

2、会说句子what about …? …please. i’m thirsty. 且会在实际生活中灵活运用。

教学重点1、单词some bread , some rice , soft drink 的正确的发音




电脑多媒体,课件,单词卡片,收音机,unit 8的磁带


step1 free talk

t: good morning / afternoon .

how are you?

ss: i’m fine.

教师走向个别学生t:excuse me . who’s he /she ?(教师指着另外一个学生问)

ss : he/she is xxx.

step 2 revision

t: xxx i can’t find my bag .can you help me find it?

ss: ok. it’s on the chair.(事先放在讲台旁的椅子上)

t: thank you.(教师从自己的包里面拿出一本书,书里面夹着手表)

t:where’s my watch ?

ss: it’s in your book.

t: thank you.

step 3 presentation

⑴(教师看手表)t:it’s …time to go to new york.

ss: but how?

t: by plane. but we should to go to airport by bus.


t: be quick , we will late

(教师边做跑的动作边喊:please wait .)

(公交车停下)t:oh , i’m so hot .i’m thirsty .

new : thirsty

⑵t: i’d like some soft drinks .

new : soft drink (拿出饮料实物)


⑶t:it’s twelve o five . i’m hungry . let’s go for lunch.


salesman:good afternoon. what would you like ? a hot dog ?

t: no , i’d like some rice.

new : some rice

⑷t: and i should take some bread.

new : some bread

(教师对着销售员)t: some bread, please.

new : ...please.

⑸(点击播放声音)what about...?

new : what about ...?...怎么样?

step 4 consolidation

⑴work in pairs


a: what would you like ?

b: i’d like …

a: what about …?

b:sounds good .


t:what are they talking about?

watch the cartoon and answer the question ?

⑶ than read after the tape

read it together.

step 5 homework

1、look at the picture 2 and 4 of part c and make dialogues.

2、read the dialogues .(part a)

教学板书 unit 8 i’m hungry

thirsty soft drink

what about …? some rice

…, please. some bread
