700字范文 > 外研版新标准英语五年级上册全册教案(一年级起点)4_小学五年级英语教案


时间:2023-04-13 06:32:20



teaching plan 11月24日title nse book 9 module 7 unit 2aims .consolidating future tense and the usage of “could” “couldn’t”focus to use “could” “couldn’t” to advise sth aids tape-recorder word cards pictures compmter teacher’s activitystudents’activityre-preparationteaching process一warming up and revision.greetingorganize pupils to sing a songuse “can” “can’t” make sentences二 leading-- in 1.teacher shows the photo of the students then say “he couldn’t speak english then he can speak now2.then teacher writes it on the board then practise in pairs3.invite students to come to the front三listening and reading activities.1.look at the picture and listen to the tape2.listen to the tape once more and then draw a line and sentences write “couldn’t and “could”3.listen and repeat4.to give the ss some paper then let them find corresponding picture then say5. listen and say then sing6.say and point四farther development. look at the student’s book activity 3 let them work in pairs五 homeworkpreview the next unit greetingsing a song and do the actionslisten and look practise in pairslisten to the tape and look at picture and try their best to understand the testlisten and draw the firemen couldn’t see the peoplethey couldn’t help the peopleit could hear the peoplelisten and repeat find and saylisten and say sing and do the action work in pairsask them try to recite the text by looking at the given words. feed backthey are interested in this module. most of them can spell the words and drills correctly. they like to talk about their ability at before and now.

teaching plan 11月25日

titlense book 9 module7 revision

aims1get students to review the new dialogue and the new words2through this lesson,get the students to grasp” can” and its other forms.
