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相互关系 relationship英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-13 11:10:55


相互关系 relationship英语短句 例句大全



1.The variations andrelationships of bio-impedance,pH and water lose rate in bovine muscles;牛宰后肌肉生物电阻抗值、pH值、失水率的变化及相互关系的研究

2.The Variations and Relationships of Bio-impedance and Water Lose Rate in Bovine Muscles;牛宰后肌肉生物电阻抗值与失水率的变化及相互关系的研究

3.A Discussion on Relationship of Nitrogen in Forms of Ammonium,Nitrite and Nitrate in Water;水中氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮及硝酸盐氮相互关系探讨


1.pulse coding and correlatio脉冲编码和相互关系

2.industrial relations research association工业相互关系研究协会

3.the interrelation(s) between custom and morality习俗与道德的相互关系

4.Such a relationship is presently unproven.这种相互关系尚未证实。

5.That is how the three are related to each other.这就是三者的相互关系。

6.relating to or employing correlation.与相互关系有关或使用相关性。

7.Understanding the Relationship between Economic Relation and Ethics;如何理解经济关系和道德的相互关系

8.The relationship between financial industry and real industry is one of equality and mutual benefit.金融产业与真实产业之间的相互关系是相互依存、相互制约、平等互利的产业经济关系。

9.On the Number Word“One”in the Altai Various Languages and Their Correlations关于阿尔泰诸语数词“一”及其相互关系

10.Thoughts on Relationship between Fairness and Efficiency;关于公平与效率相互关系的几点思考

11.reciprocal inter dependence互惠式相互依赖关系

12.relevant relation or interconnection.相关的联系和互相联络。

13.relation of mutual understanding or trust between people.人与人之间相互理解相互信任的关系。

14.pooled interdependence联营式相互依赖关系

15.a series of discrete events一系列互不相关的事件.

16.sequential inter dependence顺序式相互依赖关系

17.interests interfering with each other互相冲突的利害关系

18.global interdependence全球性相互依存(关系)



1.A Preliminary Study on the Interrelation of Converting Farmland to Forest and the Discipline on Soil and Water Conservation;浅论退耕还林与水土保持学的相互关系

2.Theinterrelation between Chilo suppressalis and crops and its influencing factors.;二化螟与作物的相互关系及其影响因素

3.A Summarizing of the Interrelation of Two Levels in Measuring the Transaction Cost;交易费用测量的两个层次及其相互关系研究述评

3)correlation[英][,k?:r?"le???n, ,k?r-][美][,k?r?"le??n, ,kɑr-]相互关系

1.Development and application condition of green building and intelligent building and theircorrelation study;绿色建筑与智能建筑的发展与应用状况以及相互关系的研究

2.Primary Probe on Correlation of Natural Forest Conservation and Wildlife;天然林保护与野生动物的相互关系之初步探讨

3.Distribution characteristics of hydro-chemical elements and theircorrelation in Fangchenggang Bay of Guangxi;防城港水化学要素含量的分布特征及相互关系


1.The Interaction between Aerial Part and Under Ground Portion in Evergreen Fruit Trees;常绿果树地上部与地下部的相互关系(综述)

2.Theinteraction of botrytis cinerea and trichoderma was studied in detail in this article.对灰霉菌(Botrytis cinerea)和木霉菌BTW41(Trichoderma atroviride)之间相互关系作了初步研究。

3.The Interaction of Several PhyIIosphere Non-pathogenic Microorganisms and Trichoderma;atroviride)之间相互关系作了初步研究,研究发现木霉菌具有较强的营养竞争能力,几种叶面真菌和木霉菌混合处理叶片试验中,黑曲霉菌混合木霉菌的处理会影响木霉菌在番茄叶表的定殖,使木霉菌在番茄叶表的定殖量减少,而其它几种真菌未使木霉菌定殖量减少。

5)mutual relationship相互关系

1.Onmutual relationships between holistic medicine and holistic nursing;试论整体医疗与整体护理的相互关系

2.Studies onmutual relationship of Fusarium from ear rot and stalk rot in maize using isozyme techniques;玉米穗、茎腐病镰刀菌相互关系的同工酶分析

6)mutual relation相互关系

1.Basic concepts of information theory and theirmutual relations;构成信息理论体系的关键物理量及其相互关系

2.Second, somemutual relations for two kinds of powers sum polynomials are been established.首先 ,给出这类多项式的定义和基本性质 ;其次 ,建立两类幂和多项式的相互关系 ;最后 ,介绍上述结果在求解自然数幂和公式方面的应用 。


