700字范文 > 合约关系 contractual relationship英语短句 例句大全

合约关系 contractual relationship英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-19 07:33:02


合约关系 contractual relationship英语短句 例句大全

合约关系,contractual relationship

1)contractual relationship合约关系

1.It is pointed out that since marketing channels are but a series of contracts, analysis of channel behavior should be based oncontractual relationship.文章指出销渠道是一串合约,分析渠道行为应该站在合约关系的角度上来分析。

2)relational contracts关系合约

1.Algorithms study onrelational contracts to solve problems of underinvestment of specific assets in supply chain;供应链系统专用性投资不足的关系合约算法

2.This paper,in the light of inadequate investment caused by hold-up problems in traditional transactions under the situation that new products are frequently introduced and market demands are unstable so that upstream suppliers have to make investments in production capacities,studied the solutions to the above-mentioned problems by applyingrelational contracts theory.针对市场需求不确定,新产品频繁推出,上游企业必须提前进行生产能力的投资等情况,分析了传统交易中因投资套牢而导致的投资不足问题,运用关系合约理论研究了解决该问题的方案。

3.New economic sociology studiesrelational contracts from the information perspective.关系合约会损害网络组织的经济效率,因为多个关系合约的相互嵌入可能在网络组织中形成低效率合作;同时,关系合约形成的交易封闭性,降低了网络组织的适应性效率,企业的创新动力被弱化,快速创新难以成为企业的最佳战略选择。


1.Relational Contract s Damage to the Economic Efficiency of Network Organization;关系合约对网络组织经济效率的损害

2.On Relationship Contract and Stability Mechanism in Cluster Economy;集群经济中的关系合约与稳定性机制研究

3.Contractual Nature and Construction of Bank-corporation Relation;中国银企关系合约的非市场化性质分析

4.A Study on the Relation of Collusion and Contracts Designing in VC Investment;合谋和风险投资合约设计的关系探讨

5.Modern Affiliated Enterprise:the Integration of Relational Contract and Individual Contract近代联号企业:关系性契约与个别性契约的融合

6.Treaty on Good Neighbourliness, Friendly Relations and Cooperation睦邻、友好关系与合作条约

7.Interlinking Markets, Relational Contract and Economic Transition;市场互联性、关系型合约与经济转型

8.Relational Contracting: Institutionalized Arrangement of the Trade within Enterprise;关系性合约:企业内交易的制度安排

9.Austin thought, the correspondence relations between statements and world are conventional relations.奥斯汀认为 ,陈述与世界之间的符合关系是一种约定的符合关系。

10.Restriction and Counter - restriction in VO Construction--Analysis on "进NP" Construction;运宾组合中的制约与反制约关系——以“进NP”结构分析为例

11.Study on Supply Chain Partnership and Supply Chain Contract供应链合作伙伴关系及供应链契约的研究

12.Attribute Reduction Based on Relations and Set Approximations in Concept Lattices;基于关系的概念格属性约简及集合近似

13.A Study on the Interactive Relationship between China and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea;中国与《联合国海洋法公约》的互动关系研究

14.Researches on the Relationship of Employer-Organization Fittness Regulated by Mixed Contracts;混合契约规制下的企业员工——组织配适关系研究

15.Enterprise Contract and Financial Report System Suitable to Stake-holders;企业合约与利益相关者适用型财务报告体系

16.Research on the mechanism of long-term R&D cooperation based on relational contract;基于关系契约的长期研发合作机制研究

17.Interlinked Relational Contract, Endogenous Institutions and Economic Development;互联的关系型合约、内生的制度与经济发展

18.The Rationality of Explanation of International Relations Theories of NATO Enlargement;国际关系理论对北约扩大的解释及其合理性


relational contracts关系合约

1.Algorithms study onrelational contracts to solve problems of underinvestment of specific assets in supply chain;供应链系统专用性投资不足的关系合约算法

2.This paper,in the light of inadequate investment caused by hold-up problems in traditional transactions under the situation that new products are frequently introduced and market demands are unstable so that upstream suppliers have to make investments in production capacities,studied the solutions to the above-mentioned problems by applyingrelational contracts theory.针对市场需求不确定,新产品频繁推出,上游企业必须提前进行生产能力的投资等情况,分析了传统交易中因投资套牢而导致的投资不足问题,运用关系合约理论研究了解决该问题的方案。

3.New economic sociology studiesrelational contracts from the information perspective.关系合约会损害网络组织的经济效率,因为多个关系合约的相互嵌入可能在网络组织中形成低效率合作;同时,关系合约形成的交易封闭性,降低了网络组织的适应性效率,企业的创新动力被弱化,快速创新难以成为企业的最佳战略选择。

3)Relational contract关系合约

1.In the perspective of relational contract,this thesis attempts to take advantage of transaction cost theories to discover the mechanism of cooperation dilemma in the food safety regulation.本文以关系合约为切入点,运用交易费用的相关理论,对我国食品安全监管部门间合作困境的机理进行探究,认为导致部门间合作困境的重要因素有:部门对"领域的极端敏感性"与合作之间的内在紧张关系;部门边界的模糊性为机会主义行为提供的体制可能性;监管"团队生产"的特性导致上级运用等级权威进行有效控制的困难;被普遍认可的协商机制的缺乏;部门间成本收益分配的不对等。

4)Relational Contract关系型合约

1.Interlinking Markets,Relational Contract and Economic Transition;市场互联性、关系型合约与经济转型

5)relational contract关系性合约

1.This contract composing the enterprise is a kind ofrelational contract.企业是一系列合约的联接,但是与市场上通行的合约不同,构成企业的合约是一种关系性合约,根据合约的约定,要素所有者将要素的支配权让渡给中心签约人,并获得中心签约人固定的支付。

6)collaboration relationship agreement合作关系约定


