700字范文 > 客家饮食文化 Hakka food culture英语短句 例句大全

客家饮食文化 Hakka food culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-08 03:52:12


客家饮食文化 Hakka food culture英语短句 例句大全

客家饮食文化,Hakka food culture

1)Hakka food culture客家饮食文化

1.The development of culture and that of environment complement each other,Hakka food culture has a close connection with the geographical environment.文化的形成总是和环境相辅相成的,客家饮食文化的形成离不开所处的特定地理环境。

2)Hakka diet客家饮食


1.The Cultural Adaptation and the Difficult Inheritance Condition of the Diet Custom of Luchuan Hakka;陆川县客家饮食习俗的文化适应与传承困境

2.The Investigation and Study on Hakka Sacrifice Diet Custom in Hezhou;贺州客家人祭祀饮食习俗调查与研究

3.A Study on Hakka Festival Diet Custom in Bobai;博白客家节日饮食习俗的调查与研究

4.The Investigation and Study on the Diet Custom of the Rites of Passage in Bobai Hakka;博白客家人生礼仪饮食食俗的调查与研究

5.The Symbol Metaphor of Sacrificial Diet of Hezhou Hakka--Taking Baihua Village of Liantang Town as an example;贺州客家人祭祀饮食符号的象征隐喻——以莲塘镇白花村为个案

6.We set food and drink before the travellers.我们把食物和饮料放在旅客面前。

7.Baoshan Food in Xu Xiake s Travel Notes;从《徐霞客游记》看明代保山饮食民俗

8.Guangxi Dietetic Culture and《Xu Xiake Travel Notes》;《徐霞客游记》中的广西饮食文化研究

9.The Importance of Regions to the Formation of Boatmen Catering Culture--The Serial Papers on Boatmen Catering Culture(Ⅱ);地域对船家饮食文化形成的重要性——船家饮食文化系列论文之二

10.Servants were carrying great silver trays of party food and drinks.仆人们正用银盘端着宴客的食物和饮料。

11.Experts say the food people eat greatly affects their health.专家指出,人的饮食与健康休戚相关。

12.Goats" milk improves the diet of many families around the world.山羊奶改善了全世界许多家庭的饮食。

13.One hundred yuan for a family of three to drink and eat at will.花一百元,一家三口,任饮任食。

14.We"re never told the details of their intimate family life or daily meals."至家庭闺阁中一饮一食,总未述记."

15.Water the livestock when you feed them.给家畜喂食时要给它们饮水。

16.A person specializing in dietetics.营养学家研究饮食营养的人

17.a restaurant serving traditional Scottish fare一家提供苏格兰传统风味饮食的餐馆

18.Eating or drinking at your work station where prohibited在禁止饮食、饮酒的区域内饮食、饮酒


Hakka diet客家饮食

3)diet culture饮食文化

1.Research of song dynastydiet culture in Kaifeng travel;河南省开封市“宋都”特色饮食文化旅游开发研究

2.The Research on the Diet Culture of Intellectuals in Wei and Jin Dynasties by <Shi Shuo Xin Yu>;《世说新语》中魏晋士人饮食文化研究

3.Tableware Design under Diet Culture Influence;饮食文化影响下的餐具设计

4)catering culture饮食文化

1.Catering Culture From Local Feathers of Catering Utensils"Material;从饮食器具材料的地方性特色谈饮食文化

2.The Importance of Regions to the Formation of Boatmen Catering Culture——The Serial Papers on Boatmen Catering Culture(Ⅱ);地域对船家饮食文化形成的重要性——船家饮食文化系列论文之二

3.Zhuang Ethnic Minority, with the largest population among the ethnic groups in China, has shaped up acatering culture with its own ethnic characteristics as well as that of Han nationality and other ethnic minorities.壮族是中国人口最多的少数民族,在长期的历史发展过程中,形成了既具有自己民族特色,又有汉族等其他民族习俗在内的饮食文化习俗。

5)dietetic culture饮食文化

1.The art of dish naming and thedietetic culture;菜肴命名艺术与饮食文化

2.The Study on the Dietetic Culture of <Outlaws of the Marsh>;《水浒传》饮食文化研究

3.Though friendly neighbors to each other,Korea and China differ in histories,cultures and customs,so aredietetic cultures.韩国是中国的友好近邻,但两国有着不同的历史、文化和习俗,两国的饮食文化也不同。

6)food culture饮食文化

1.English idioms fromfood culture and their figure of speech;源于饮食文化的英语习语及修辞特点

2.What is more,religious beliefs played an important part in thefood culture of the Western Region.由西域各族人民共同创造的西域饮食文化是中华饮食文化,也是西域文化的重要组成部分,还是一种处于东西方文化交汇的多源发生、多维发展的中国地域文化。

3.In the process of researching on thefood culture,geographers emphasized human nature connation reflected on thefood culture,the impact of geographical environment onfood culture,and the variation regulation of geography in thefood culture.饮食文化是人类社会发展过程中,关于食物需求、生产和消费方面的文化现象,既包括人与自然的关系,也包括食物与人类社会的关系。


