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学科基础 Subject Foundation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-15 04:40:25


学科基础 Subject Foundation英语短句 例句大全

学科基础,Subject Foundation

1)Subject Foundation学科基础

2)disciplinary bases学科基础

1.Thedisciplinary bases are exte nsive,inter -disciplinary and dy.针对目前关于生态经济学,尤其是基础理论的模糊认识,对于生态经济学的产生、基本问题、学科基础、研究手段和发展方向进行了探讨。

3)discipline basis学科基础

1.Circular economy practices have already had remarkable achievements, however, circulation economy theory should be further deepened, and it has important theory meaning of exploring todiscipline basis of circulation economy.循环经济的实践已经取得瞩目的成就,循环经济的理论研究还需要进一步深入,探析循环经济的学科基础具有重要的理论意义。

4)discipline foundation学科基础

1.Based on the definition of appropriateness, it suggests that the appropriateness of verbal communication between doctors and patients has very extensivediscipline foundation, covering medical ethics, medical sociology, medical psychology, semantics, pragmatics, etc.对医患言语交际的得体性作出定义,分析认为医患言语交际的得体性具有医学伦理学、医学社会学、医学心理学及语义学、语用学等学科基础。

2.The practice shows that the optimization and construction of the platform course have tamped students\"discipline foundation,strengthened students\" basic skill,improved students\" working adaptability,promoted the teaching level and pushed forward the progress of science and technology.围绕地方院校的人才培养目标,即培养基础厚、素质高、具有科学精神和实践能力的苦干、实干、会干、能干的应用型专门人才,采用树型人才培养模式,构建了生物与化学类专业学科基础课平台。

5)scientific basis科学基础

1.Earth system science-the frontier of earth science andscientific basis of the sustainable development strategy in the21st century;地球系统科学——21世纪地球科学前沿与可持续发展战略科学基础


1.Scientific Foundation of Vacuum Technique真空技术的科学基础

2.We should step up the development of infrastructure for research.加强科学基础设施建设。

3.Innovation and Practice for the Undergraduate Course Teaching of "Foundation of Materials Science"《材料科学基础》本科教学的改革与实践

4.Future Education: the Science and Value Basis of Education;未来的教育:教育的科学基础和价值基础

5.Exploitation of the CAI Network Teaching Platform of the Course of the Fundamentals of Materials Science;《材料科学基础》网络CAI教学系统的开发

6.NDE is an aftermost application course based on basic medical and pharmaceutical knowledge.本学科建立在药学基础学科和基础医学学科之上,为终末应用学科。

7.Hello: Astronomy is the fundamental course of science.你好:天文学是自然科学的基础学科。

8.Create Premium Quality Courses for Basic Medicine and Promote the Development of the Basic Medical Science;创建基础医学精品课程 促进基础医学学科发展

9.Isn"t science divided into basic and applied?科学不是划分为基础科学和应用科学吗?

10.Journal of Shanxi Medical University(Preclinical Medical Education Edition)山西医科大学学报(基础医学教育版)

11.On Theoretic Basis and Practical Ground of Scientific Developmental Outlook;试论科学发展观的理论基础和实践基础

12.Subject building is the basis of development and flourish of philosophical social sciences.学科建设是哲学社会科学繁荣发展的基础。

13.On the Value Orientations of "Scientific inquiry" in School Science Teaching;论基础科学课程与教学中“科学探究”的价值取向

14.Cell Biology is an Important Basic Subject in Life Sciences;细胞生物学是生命科学的重要基础学科

15.CPPCC MEMBERS ON NSFC WORK政协委员谈基础研究和科学基金工作

16.Physics is natural science, based on experiment.物理学是以实验为基础的自然科学。

17.Horological basic vocabulary--Technical and scientific definitionsGB/T9820-1988计时学基础术语科学技术定义

18.The Basis of Recapitulation Theory for the Teaching Mode of "History of Science-Exploration";“科学史—探索”教学模式的“重演”论基础


disciplinary bases学科基础

1.Thedisciplinary bases are exte nsive,inter -disciplinary and dy.针对目前关于生态经济学,尤其是基础理论的模糊认识,对于生态经济学的产生、基本问题、学科基础、研究手段和发展方向进行了探讨。

3)discipline basis学科基础

1.Circular economy practices have already had remarkable achievements, however, circulation economy theory should be further deepened, and it has important theory meaning of exploring todiscipline basis of circulation economy.循环经济的实践已经取得瞩目的成就,循环经济的理论研究还需要进一步深入,探析循环经济的学科基础具有重要的理论意义。

4)discipline foundation学科基础

1.Based on the definition of appropriateness, it suggests that the appropriateness of verbal communication between doctors and patients has very extensivediscipline foundation, covering medical ethics, medical sociology, medical psychology, semantics, pragmatics, etc.对医患言语交际的得体性作出定义,分析认为医患言语交际的得体性具有医学伦理学、医学社会学、医学心理学及语义学、语用学等学科基础。

2.The practice shows that the optimization and construction of the platform course have tamped students\"discipline foundation,strengthened students\" basic skill,improved students\" working adaptability,promoted the teaching level and pushed forward the progress of science and technology.围绕地方院校的人才培养目标,即培养基础厚、素质高、具有科学精神和实践能力的苦干、实干、会干、能干的应用型专门人才,采用树型人才培养模式,构建了生物与化学类专业学科基础课平台。

5)scientific basis科学基础

1.Earth system science-the frontier of earth science andscientific basis of the sustainable development strategy in the21st century;地球系统科学——21世纪地球科学前沿与可持续发展战略科学基础

6)basic discipline基础学科

1.Coordinatingbasic discipline and applied discipline is an important content of university disciplinary construction.基础学科与应用学科的协调是大学学科建设的重要内容。

2.Though the coordination ofbasic discipline and applied discipline is not the one-track content of university disciplinary construction,the relation betweenbasic discipline and applied discipline is one of important element of the promotion of disciplinary level.基础学科与应用学科的协调发展虽然不是大学学科建设的唯一内容,但两者之间的关系是提高大学学科水平的重要因素之一。


经济基础(见经济基础与上层建筑)经济基础(见经济基础与上层建筑)economical basisJ ingji Jiehu经济基础与上层建筑。(eeonomiealbasis)见经济基础
