700字范文 > 老年钢琴 Piano education for senior citizens英语短句 例句大全

老年钢琴 Piano education for senior citizens英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-05 07:10:27


老年钢琴 Piano education for senior citizens英语短句 例句大全

老年钢琴,Piano education for senior citizens

1)Piano education for senior citizens老年钢琴


1.The Status of the Piano Curriculum for Senior Citizens in Shanghai and the Compiling of Primary-level Piano Material上海市老年钢琴学习调查及初级教材编选

2.Effect on Cognitive Processing Speed,Working Memory and Fluid Intelligence by Learning to Play the Piano in Senior Years钢琴学习对老年人的加工速度、工作记忆及流体智力的影响

3.a promising young pianist有前途的青年钢琴家.

4.The Piano’s Naissance,Development and Future--Comencemeration of the 300 Anniversary of Piano’s Birth钢琴的诞生、发展与未来——纪念钢琴诞生300年

5.Nan Qian admires her piano teacher very much.南茜很仰慕她的钢琴老师。

6.His teacher accompanied him on the piano.他的老师弹钢琴为他伴奏。

7.I can hardly play piano now. The5 years of piano lessons have all gone down the drain.我现在都不会弹琴了。5年的钢琴课都白费了。

8.His liaison with Suzanne Leenhoff, his brother"s piano teacher, had resulted in the birth of a son on 29 January, 1852.他与他弟弟的钢琴老师苏珊娜-利荷夫私通,在1852年1月29日生下一个儿子。

9.the piano, violin, cello, etc part钢琴、 小提琴、 大提琴等部.

10.case, for pians, organs or harmoniums钢琴、风琴或簧风琴箱

11.In my spare time, I have been learning the piano for five years.利用业余时间,我已学习钢琴五年了

12.Next year you may be ready to launch out as a concert pianist.明年,你可以开始作音乐会的钢琴手了。

13.She has been out of practice on the piano for a whole year.她已整整一年没有练钢琴了。

14.It takes years of discipline to become a pianist.要成为钢琴家需经多年训练。

15.My sister took lessons on the piano for nearly two years.我妹妹学了近两年的钢琴课。

16.For years, Li Qi has contributed to the growth of many piano talents.多年来帮助了不少钢琴人才的成长。

17.Graduated from the Piano Department of Central Conservatory of Music in 1962.1962年毕业于中央音乐学院钢琴系。

18.Pianist Jia Ran Impress名门才女 旅美青年钢琴家贾然印象


Research of Teaching Elderly People Piano老年钢琴教学研究

3)Primary-level piano material for senior citizens老年初级钢琴教材

4)piano plate钢琴琴板

1.Thepiano plate must have excellent vibration-absorbing capacity in order to avoid the unwanted vibration.钢琴琴板要求具有优秀的吸收振动的能力以便消除琴板产生不希望的振动,为此,铸铁琴板要选用高碳当量(CE>4。

5)piano string钢琴琴弦

1.The influence of damper with different pressures and positions on damp vibration ofpiano string is studied.研究了止音毡压力及位置对钢琴琴弦阻尼作用的影响。

6)piano[英][pi"?n?u][美][pi"?no, "pj?no]钢琴

1.Differential cognitive responses to guqin music andpiano music in Chinese subjects: an event-related potential study;古琴音乐与钢琴音乐对中国被试认知反应的不同影响:事件相关电位研究(英文)

2.On Chopin Piano Music and His "G Minor Ballad";浅谈肖邦钢琴音乐与他的《G小调叙事曲》


