700字范文 > 老年音乐偏好 Music preference of senior citizens英语短句 例句大全

老年音乐偏好 Music preference of senior citizens英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-29 10:54:28


老年音乐偏好 Music preference of senior citizens英语短句 例句大全

老年音乐偏好,Music preference of senior citizens

1)Music preference of senior citizens老年音乐偏好

2)Music Preference音乐偏好


1.The Mentality and Teaching Study about the Music Preferring of Being Not a Music Special Field College Student.;非音乐专业大学生音乐偏好的心理与教学研究

2.The purpose of this study was to examine the correlations between music preference and emotional intelligence (EQ).本研究的主要目的是验证音乐偏好与情绪智力之间的关系。

3.A study on the college students learning and preference in music;关于大学生音乐学习与偏好的调查研究

4.She has a prejudice against modern music.她对现代音乐怀有偏见.

5.They are biased toward (s) popular music他们偏爱流行音乐。

6.Research of the Relationship of Familiarity,Complexity,Sencibility and Favority of Music;音乐的熟悉性、复杂性、情感类别与偏好的关系研究

7.OK, Jane. Start the music.好 ,Jane。音乐开始。

8.She has a (natural) bent for music.她(生性)爱好音乐.

9.a lover of music [ horses, good wine ]音乐[马匹, 好酒]的爱好者

10.The orchestra was already tuning up when we reached the concert hall.我们到达音乐厅时,乐队已经调好音了。

11.SECOND LOVE: Music, ranging from gospel to rock and roll.业余爱好:从福音音乐到摇滚乐都喜欢。

12.a musical child有音乐天赋(或爱好音乐)的孩子

13."Recommendations by friends can often be skewed by personal preferences. Music retailers, on the other hand, may make recommendations Based on marketing and sales trends. "靠朋友推荐,则会带有朋友的个人偏好;销售商可能会根据市场和销售的趋势来向你推荐音乐;

14.posturing as a music lover装作音乐爱好者的样子

15.a live concert hall.回响效果好的音乐厅。

16.a lover of music, horses, good wine爱好音乐、 马匹、 美酒的人

17.She admitted to a liking for pop music.她承认爱好流行音乐。

18.But you have a good understanding of music.可你对音乐的感悟很好。


Music Preference音乐偏好

3)Music accepts preferences音乐接受偏好

4)musicology of geronoto-psychology老年精神音乐学

1.The article dissertated themusicology of geronoto-psychology with its background,research object,methods as well as developing tendency in the future.随着世界逐步进入老年化社会,在21世纪兴起了“老年精神音乐学”的新学科。

5)Music Preference音乐喜好

1.Music Factors and Individual Differences InfluencingMusic Preference of College Students;大学生音乐喜好及其影响因素的实验研究

6)have a liking for music爱好音乐


