700字范文 > 凹叶厚朴 Magnolia officinalis英语短句 例句大全

凹叶厚朴 Magnolia officinalis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-24 15:21:46


凹叶厚朴 Magnolia officinalis英语短句 例句大全

凹叶厚朴,Magnolia officinalis

1)Magnolia officinalis凹叶厚朴

1.Studies on the alkaloids ofMagnolia officinalis;凹叶厚朴中生物碱成分的研究

2.A Study on the Timber Property of theMagnolia officinalis Plantation;凹叶厚朴人工林材性的研究

3.Study on theMagnolia officinalis Ground Diameter Volume Equation;凹叶厚朴地径材积方程的研究


1.Studies on the Structure and Cytochemistry of the Seed in Maganolia biloba凹叶厚朴种子的结构及细胞化学研究

2.Study on the Antibacterial Activity and Resource Utilization of Magnolia Officinalis Rahd.et Wils.var. Biloba Rehd.et Wils. Growing in Fujian Province;闽产凹叶厚朴抑菌活性及资源利用研究

3.Constituents with Inhibitory Activity against α-glycosidase from Magnolia offcinalis Rehder et Wils凹叶厚朴中具有α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性的成分

4.A Study on Ecosystem Productivity and Tree Growing Rules of Magnolia Biloba Plantation Stand;凹叶厚朴人工林林木生长规律和生态系统生产力的研究

5.Determination of Magnolol and Honokiol in Magnolia Leaves by HPLCHPLC法测定厚朴叶中厚朴酚与和厚朴酚

6.Variation of Leaf Characters and Seedling Growth of Magnolia officinalis With Different Provenances不同种源厚朴叶片性状变异及幼苗生长量研究

7.Purification of honokiol and magnolol from Magnoliae cortex extracts厚朴粗提物中和厚朴酚与厚朴酚的分离纯化

8.Studies on the Separation and Purification Technology of Magnolol and Honokiol in Magnolia厚朴中厚朴酚与和厚朴酚的分离与纯化工艺研究

9.Content Determination of Magnolol and Honokiol in Magnolia officinalis in Xiangsha Yangwei Pill香砂养胃丸中厚朴的厚朴酚·和厚朴酚含量的测定

10.the patterns were also drawn on the stones to add to their attraction and beauty.风格质朴厚重,劲健秀美。

11.Determination of Magnolol and Honokiol in Traditional Chinese Medicinal Preparation by HPLC with Fluorescence;HPLC-荧光法测定中成药中厚朴酚与和厚朴酚含量

12.The Effect of Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonds on the Fluorescence Spectrometry of Magnolol and Honokiol分子内氢键对厚朴酚、和厚朴酚荧光光谱的影响

13.Study on Extraction Technology of Magnolia officinalis Rehd.et Wils. in Magnolol QianBeis of Guizhou黔北产厚朴中有效成分厚朴酚的提取工艺研究

14.Rapid Determination of Honokiol and its Content in the Magnolia of Zhangjiajie快速测定厚朴中厚朴酚及其含量的方法

15.Determination of Magnolol and Honokiol in Shuganshunqi Pills by HPLC舒肝顺气丸中厚朴酚与和厚朴酚的含量测定

16.The iron sheet is too thick to be dented up这铁皮太厚,敲不凹。

17.Quantitative Determination of Magnolol and Honokiol in Baoji Pill by HPLC高效液相色谱法测定保济丸中厚朴酚与和厚朴酚的含量

18.Determination of the Main Composition in the Herb of Magnolia Officinalis for Eliminating Oxygen Radicals and the Anti-aging Effect of Honokiol;厚朴中清除氧自由基主要成份的确定及和厚朴酚延缓衰老作用


Magnolia biloba凹叶厚朴

parative studies of vessels of leptos branch and stout branch inMagnolia biloba;凹叶厚朴细弱枝与粗壮枝导管分子的比较研究

parative anatomical studies of bark and phloem of stout branchand leptos branch inMagnolia biloba;凹叶厚朴粗壮枝和细弱枝的树皮和韧皮部结构的比较研究

3.The Hydrology of Mixed Forest ofMagnolia biloba and Cunninghamia lanceolata;凹叶厚朴杉木混交林的水文特征

3)Magnolia officinalis subsp.biloba凹叶厚朴

1.Preliminary Study on Diversity of Endophytic Fungi inMagnolia officinalis subsp.biloba;凹叶厚朴内生真菌研究初报

2.Magnolia officinalis subsp.凹叶厚朴既是传统的药用植物 ,又是具备保健功能的食品资源。

4)Magnolia officinalis var.biloba凹叶厚朴

1.Predictive Models of Bark Production ofMagnolia officinalis var.biloba;凹叶厚朴树皮产量预测模型的研究

2.Study on Seed Storage and Seedling Annual Growth Rhythm ofMagnolia officinalis var.biloba;凹叶厚朴种子保存方法及幼苗生长规律

5)Magnolia officinalis var.biloba Rehd.et wils凹叶厚朴

1.Density Control of Difinite Direction Cultivation of Timber and Medical UseMagnolia officinalis var.biloba Rehd.et wils Plantation;凹叶厚朴材药两用林定向培育的密度控制

2.The Cultivaling Experiment and Developed Managing Technology of Timber and Medical UseMagnolia officinalis var.biloba Rehd.et wils Plantation;凹叶厚朴材药两用林栽培试验及经营管理技术

6)the leaf of Magnolia officinalis厚朴叶


凹叶厚朴凹叶厚朴介绍 凹叶厚朴 (Magnolia officinalis ssp. bil)科属: 木兰科 木兰属别名: 形态特征: 庭荫树、园景树分布与习性:我国东南部南部暖带落叶阔叶林区(主要城市:青岛、烟台、日照、威海、济宁、泰安、淄博、潍坊、枣庄、临沂、莱芜、东营、新泰、滕州、郑州、洛阳、开封、新乡、焦作、安阳、西安、咸阳、徐州、连云港、盐城、淮北、蚌埠、韩城、铜川)北亚热带落叶、常绿阔叶混交林区(主要城市:南京、扬州、镇江、南通、常州、无锡、苏州、合肥、芜湖、安庆、淮南、襄樊、十堰)中亚热带常绿、落叶阔叶林区(主要城市:武汉、沙市、黄石、宜昌、南昌、景德镇、九江、吉安、井冈山、赣州、上海、长沙、株洲、岳阳、怀化、吉首、常德、湘潭、衡阳、邵阳、桂林、温州、金华、宁波、重庆、成都、都江堰、绵阳、内江、乐山、自贡、攀枝花、贵阳、遵义、六盘水、安顺、昆明、大理)中性偏阴,喜凉爽湿润气候及肥沃排水良好的酸性土壤,畏酷暑和干热繁殖与栽培:暂无应用:庭荫树、园景树图片:
