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欲望化 desire英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-20 09:01:54


欲望化 desire英语短句 例句大全




1.Desire Revel Perplexed--Describe writing of history in the novel of MoYaN;欲望·狂欢·迷失——试论莫言小说中的欲望化书写

2.The Desirable Other: On the China s Image in Defoe s Works;欲望化的他者——论笛福笔下的中国形象

3.As One of Media: Dynamic Text Shows Desired Narration;博客作为媒介:动态文本的欲望化叙述

4.On Origin of the Style of Desirized Writing in the Literature of the Change-in-nature Period and its Criticism;转型期文学“欲望化写作”根源与批判

5.The Desire Narrative of the Female Urban Writing in the Consumer Cultural Times;消费文化时代女性都市写作中的欲望化景观

6.The Influence of Concession Culture on the Desire Narrative of New Sense School论租界文化对新感觉派欲望化叙事的影响

7.Cultural exploration on desire--On theme of desire in Sun Hui-fen s novels;欲望的文化审视——论孙惠芬小说创作的欲望主题

8.Formation and Extinction of Desire in the traditional Culture of Male-supremacy;欲望在传统男权文化中产生和消亡——《奔跑的火光》的欲望叙述

9."What intensifies fear and desire is ignorance.“强化恐惧和欲望是无知的表现。

10.Cross-Cultural Misreading and Acceptance: A Streetcar Named Desire in China;跨文化误读与接受:《欲望号街车》在中国

11.Theatrical Metaphors in A Streetcar Named Desire;刍议《欲望号街车》中的戏剧化隐喻

12.“Poetic Realism” in A Streetcar Named Desire;《欲望号街车》中的“诗化现实主义”

13.Railway and Desire--A Culturally Symptomatic Reading on Iron Road铁路与欲望——电影《金山》的文化症候阅读

14.The way in regulating and guiding man"s social desire is against gastronomy, for abstinence;调控和引导人的社会欲望的手段是 :反对享乐主义 ,提倡节欲文化 ;

15.Desire is the ingredient that changes the hot water of mediocrity to the steam of outstanding success.欲望是化热水为蒸汽、化平凡为成功的东西。

16.driven by lust; preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires.欲望驱使的;表现出欲望的或专注于欲望的。

17.A strong, especially sexual desire or craving.怀有欲望,情欲强烈的、尤指性的欲望或渴望

18.inhibit desires [impulses]抑制欲望 [冲动]


poetic desire欲望诗化

3)desire-style writing欲望化写作

1.This paper talks about related problems with metropolis culture anddesire-style writing.本文对都市文化与当代欲望化写作的相关问题加以论述。

4)the desirable other欲望化他者

5)writing of lust欲望化书写

1.Thewriting of lust becomes the one of writing objects that writers represent the life realistic as a result of the spread of morbid individuation under the backdrop of culture diversification.个性化在文化多元化背景下的扩张,使欲望化书写成为90年代作家在表达现实生活时无法逃避的书写对象之一。

6)Lust Narration欲望化叙述

1.Elite Position And Folk Psychology——On the "Lust Narration "in Literature at Present;精英立场与民间心态——也谈当前叙事文学中的“欲望化叙述”


公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理
