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欲求 Desire英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-17 20:43:26


欲求 Desire英语短句 例句大全



1.Desire,Struggle,Suffering an Explanation of Hardy s Novels;欲求·挣扎·苦痛——哈代小说的一种解读

2.Firstly, he elucidated the regulation of the choice from the choice itself by rebutting the viewpoint of equating the choice with desire, temper, hope and opinion.最后对选择做出尝试性的结论,即选择是达到目的善的手段的选择,就其自身,是具有现实理性能力的人对实现自身欲求的手段的有效考虑,它既是理性的,又是经验的。

3.Based on analyzing the definition of pleasure and happiness and the relationship between desire and pleasure and bitterness,this paper holds the view that desire is an adaptability,harmony and non contradiction of mentality caused by desire,an integrate balance of many desires and freedom of willpower.快乐是由欲求引起的心理的适应性、和谐性、不相矛盾性 ,是各种欲求的综合平衡 ,是意志力的顺畅 ;欲求是快乐之源也是痛苦之源 ,欲求越多快乐会越多 ,痛苦也越多 ;肉体快乐是一种肉体自由 ,精神快乐是一种精神自由。


1.The required partial derivatives are easily worked out.欲求的偏导数不难得出。

2.If you want peace, prepare for war.欲求和平,必先备战。

3."If you wish for peace, be prepared for war"欲求和平,就得备战

4.From "Want-to-be" to "Lack in being":On the Modern Transformation of Desire Narrative in Western Literature从“欲求”到“匮乏”——论西方文学欲望叙事的现代转换

5.Life is not the way from one enjoyment to another, but the way from one orexis to another.人生是从一个欲求到另一个欲求,而不是从一个享乐到另一个享乐。

6.curiosity:a desire to know or learn.求知欲:想知道或学习的欲望.

7.A desire to know or learn.求知欲想知道或学习的欲望

8.On Develop Thirst for Ability and Hurst for Blazing New Trails in the Creational Education;论创新教育中求能欲和创新欲的培养

9.He has a hunger for/after knowledge.他有强烈的求知欲。

10.Singapore"s strong quest for what"s new新加坡的强烈求“新”欲

11.He has a strong thirst for knowledge.他有很强的求知欲。

12.It depends on your desire for knowledge.这取决于你求知的欲望。

13.to gratify a child"s thirst for knowledge满足儿童的求知欲望

14.The teacher praised him for his anxiety for knowledge.老师称赞他求知的欲望

15.indulgent of your own appetites and desires.纵容自己的欲望和要求。

16.Excessive desire, especially for wealth; covetousness or avarice.贪欲过度的渴望,尤指对财富的贪求;贪婪或贪欲

17."cupidity:Excessive desire, especially for wealth; covetousness or avarice.""贪欲:过度的渴望,尤指对财富的贪求;贪婪或贪欲."

18.On Necessity to form concepts of thirst for abitityand thirst for blazing new trails;论建立求能欲概念和创新欲概念的必要性


desiring levels欲求水准

1.The significance, function, influential factors and the basic principles on the determination or thedesiring levels of enterprise growth rate, gross capital profit rate, interior reservation rate, bonus and share capital profit rate, and capital structure arc chiefly expounded.按照市场经济的运行规律,系统地研究了公司制企业经营目标的设置和目标决策中目标欲求水准的确定依据和方法,重点论述了企业成长率、总资本利润率、内部保留率、红利和股东投资利润率,以及资本构成等几个主要目标的含义、作用、影响因素和确定其欲求水准的基本原理。


1.In mathematics teaching, how to make use of example, exercise in the textbook to instruct students study of mathematics so that studentscuriosity and exploring creativity are improved, this question should be paid attention to by every mathematics educator.在数学教学中,如何利用课本中的例题、习题来指导学生的数学学习,提高学生的求知欲与探索创造能力,是每一个数学教育工作者应该重视的问题。

2.Through the chemical experiment, can excite the student scuriosity, train the student s observation ability, operate ability.可激发学生的求知欲,培养学生的观察能力、动手操作能力。


5)national desire国民欲求

1.Haruo Nishihara regarded "national desire" as the foundation of criminal law, which is mainly about human de-sire."国民欲求"的特征在于其道德性和个人法益保护性,所以对其认定是一种相对主义的价值判断。

6)thirst for knowledge求知欲

1.Idea of creative education ——Stimulate studentsthirst for knowledge;创新教育之我见——论激发学生求知欲


