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薄弱 weak英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-10 15:29:37


薄弱 weak英语短句 例句大全



1.At present,archives consciousness of all walks of life is still tooweak in our country.我国现阶段社会各界的档案意识薄弱 ,社会档案意识水平的高低制约着国家档案事业的发展 ,所以研究和探索其提高途径显得十分必

2.At present,internal control of enterprise is ratherweak in our country.目前我国企业内部控制较为薄弱 ,主要原因是内控制度不完善、外部监督乏力等。


1.A feeble body makes a feeble mind.衰弱之躯造就薄弱意志。

2.the weakness of a country"s defences国家防御力量的薄弱

3.The back muscles of the thoracic region are thinner.胸段的背肌较薄弱。

4.(4) The enemy"s weak spots have been discovered.(四)发现敌人的薄弱部分;

5.If it were ever weak-minded,试想,假若它意志薄弱,

6.a well- [badly-] organized party组织坚固 [薄弱] 的政党

7.We must strengthen the weak links.我们必须加强薄弱环节。

8.Aviation was lamentably weak and primitive.航空设施极其薄弱简陋。

9.The country"s defences are weak.该国的防御能力薄弱.

10.A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.一环薄弱,全局必垮。

11.The chain is not stronger than its weakest link.〔谚语〕一环薄弱,全局不稳。

12.The first of these was the overall weakness of his force.第一是该军实力的薄弱。

13.Easily led astray;morally weak.意志薄弱的易被领入歧途的;道德观念薄弱的

14.If the work of the political power is weak, we shall intensify our efforts there, and if work among the masses constitutes a weak link, we shall concentrate our efforts there.如政权工作薄弱就加强政权工作,群众工作薄弱就加强群众工作。

15.Idleness is only the refuge of weak minds. --Philip Dormer Stanhope懒惰只是薄弱意志的避难所。——斯坦霍普

16.Middle column of large underground structures is the weak link in seism.大跨度地下结构中柱是抗震薄弱环节。

17.Causes include hereditary valve and vein wall weakness and internal or external pressure on veins.静脉壁及静脉瓣的薄弱可能为遗传性。

18.Weak-willed man always likes to cling to other"s assistance意志薄弱的人总喜欢依靠别人的帮助。



1.The thesis analysed microscopocally the reason of the interface structure being theweakness of the aggregates and celite in the concrete poured monolithically, and then further explored the reason of the bond face being theweakness of the existing and green concrete on the basis of the above.本文从微观结构角度分析了整浇混凝土中骨料与水泥石界面结构成为薄弱环节的原因 ,并以此为基础 ,进一步探讨了新旧混凝土结合面成为受力薄弱环节的原因 。

2.In traditional Chinese culture, cooperation spirit has always been aweakness.在我国传统文化当中,合作精神一直是个薄弱环节,优秀学生将来进入社会各层挑大梁,很有可能充当领导角色,同时在班级中起"榜样"示范作用,他们的合作精神更不容忽视。

3)thin point薄弱刃口

4)weak boundary薄弱界面

1.The results showed that the yield strength of composite depended on the shear strength at theweak boundary,which was determined by the boundary adhesion and the length,diameter and content of short fibre.结果发现 ,屈服强度由薄弱界面的剪切强度决定 ,而界面的剪切强度则取决于界面粘合、短纤维长度、直径以及含量等因素 ;拉伸过程中复合材料的界面按照剪切强度由小到大的顺序分段依次被破坏直至断裂 ;短纤维含量较低时 ,其拉伸强度主要由短纤维拔出后的基体承担 ,同时受应力集中影响很大 ,短纤维含量较高时断裂强度则更接近于屈服强度。

5)weak links薄弱环节

1.Against this background,theweak links of mining technologies used in Chinas open pit mines are analysed.针对我国加入WTO后 ,国内矿山面临的新形势、新任务和新挑战 ,剖析了露天矿开采的薄弱环节 ,强调指出国内露天矿应跟踪世界采矿科技发展的新动态 ,依靠科技进步和技术创新 ,缩小与国外同类矿山差距 ,保证我国矿产资源的可持续发

2.We should find out the ratios of the fault positions and the fault modes,theweak links of the reliablity.查清整机各故障部位、故障模式的比率 ,找到可靠性薄弱环节 ,并把故障分析的结果反馈给设计、制造、装配等部门 ,从各方面采取措施 ,明显提高了VMC加工中心产品的可靠性水

3.The research focus of a given period in the new century should be directed against theweak links in the general history of Chinese journal.根据到目前为止的研究状况 ,认为中国新闻史的研究应进入新的周期 ,新世纪一定时期的研究主攻方向应针对中国新闻通史中的薄弱环节 ,主要致力于专项史、个项史及其他空缺方面的研究。

6)vulnerable area薄弱环节

1.Based on the theory of fuzzy overall merit, it set up the model of distinguishing woodworking machine tool"svulnerable area and gave the fuzzy operation model under different rules of discrimination.在模糊棕合评判理论基础上,首先建立起木工机床在相同评价集上的薄弱环节判别模型,给出不同判别原则下的模糊运算模型。

2.Therefore,it is important to correctly distinguish thevulnerable area of vibration in the machine tool.降低机床加工过程中的振动是提高木工机床加工精度并降低噪声的重要手段,因此,准确识别木工机床的振动薄弱环节显得尤为关键。


