700字范文 > 肌松弛 muscle relaxation英语短句 例句大全

肌松弛 muscle relaxation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-08 05:25:09


肌松弛 muscle relaxation英语短句 例句大全

肌松弛,muscle relaxation

1)muscle relaxation肌松弛


1.Improvement on enema for patients with anal sphincter loosening肛门括约肌松弛病人灌肠方法的改良

2.Correlativity between Sphincter of Oddi Laxity (SOL) and HepatolithiasisOddi括约肌松弛与肝内胆管结石症的相关性研究

3.Relax your muscles to rest them.松弛肌肉休息一下。

4.flabby muscles, thighs, flesh, etc松弛的肌肉、 松软的大腿、 松软的肉.

5.Train Triceps, avoid loose, flabby upper arm. Improve muscle tone.练习肱三头肌,防止上臂肌肉松弛。

6.Myotonia: Disorder causing difficulty relaxing contracted voluntary muscles.肌强直:随意肌收缩后松弛困难的一种肌肉疾

7.the old man"s muscles were sagging flabbily.这位老人的肌肉逐渐地松弛下来。

8.alcuronium chloride二丙烯基正箭毒碱 -肌肉松弛药

9.He isn"t just fat, he"s flabby.他不只是有点儿胖,而且肌肉松弛。

10.The runners are just loosening up before the race.赛跑者正在做赛前松弛肌肉的运动。

11.Massage helps relieve the tension in one"s muscles.按摩可使僵硬的肌肉松弛.

12.He"s getting fat and flabby because he doesn"t have enough exercise.他因为缺少锻炼而日见肥胖肌肉松弛.

13.Conclusion The relaxation splint and mandibular stabilization splint can relax the masticatory muscles.结论松弛性(牙合)垫和稳定性(牙合)垫均对咀嚼肌有松弛作用。

14.The failure of a ring of muscle fibers, such as a sphincter of the esophagus, to relax.弛缓不能指肌肉纤维不能松弛,如食管内的括约肌

15.Lacking firmness, resilience, or muscle tone.不结实的,松弛的缺乏结实、弹性或肌肉发达的

16.I became rather flabby after I stopped doing exercises regularly."停止了经常运动后,我的肌肉变得相当松弛了。"

17.Flaccid constipation is characterized by a lazy or atonic intestinal muscle.无张力性便秘的特点是肠内肌肉松弛无力。

18.I became rather flabby after I stopped playing football regularly.停止了经常踢球之后,我的肌肉变得相当松弛了。


Muscle relaxants肌松弛药

3)Tendon loose肌腱松弛

4)relax the muscles松弛肌肉

5)muscular relaxation肌肉松弛

6)muscle relaxant肌肉松弛剂


骨骼肌松弛药分子式:CAS号:性质:简称肌松药,又称神经肌肉阻断药(neuromuscular blocking drugs)。药物与神经肌肉接头后膜上N2胆碱受体结合,阻断了神经肌肉间传递,使骨骼肌松弛。可分为两类:(1)除极化型肌松药,代表药是琥珀胆碱,产生肌松作用前常有短暂肌束震颤,胆碱酯酶抑制药可加重其肌松作用;(2)非除极化型肌松药,又称竞争型肌松药,有筒箭毒碱、加拉碘铵等,产生肌松作用前无肌束震颤,胆碱酯酶抑制药可对抗其肌松作用。
