700字范文 > 角色采择 role-taking英语短句 例句大全

角色采择 role-taking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-09 21:27:04


角色采择 role-taking英语短句 例句大全




1.Social Workers Feature of Role-taking in the Field of Harmonious Society.;和谐社会视野下社会工作者角色采择的特点

2.Select the source roles, then the corresponding target roles.选择源角色,然后选择相应的目标角色。

3.He can get his pick of roles.他有资格选择角色。

4.Choose people for different roles.选择演员饰演不同角色。

5.No roles are selected. Please select at least one role for the user.未选择角色。请为该用户至少选择一个角色。

6.Role Selection: Confusion and Analysis--Based on Tracing Origin of Teachers"Role角色选择:困惑与分析——基于教师角色的起源追溯

7.Choose this option to "Select" each of the roles in each role sequence for this constraint.选择此选项可以“选择”该约束的每个角色序列中的各个角色。

8.No rights are selected. Please select at least one right for the role.未选择权利。请为该角色选择至少一项权利。

9.Under their contracts the stars did not have the right to choose their parts.根据合同,明星们无权选择他们的角色。

10.Why had they chosen all that part?他们为什么都选择了这一角色呢?

11."Choose the role you want for this computer:"选择您想让此计算机担任的角色:

12.Invalid permissions setting. At least one role must be selected.权限设置无效。至少应该选择一个角色。

13.Select the rights to include in this role.请选择在此角色中要包括的权利。

14.Choose a role or roles for this user.请为此用户选择一个或多个角色。

15.Select the role you want this server to perform.选择您想要此服务器所承担的角色。

16.You must select at least one role, group, or user.必须至少选择一个角色、工作组或用户。

17.Select the role sequences whose populations must match.选择其人口数必须匹配的角色序列。

18.Press the "Reset" button and select compatible roles.按下“重置”按钮,然后选择兼容的角色。


role choices角色选择

3)play a dishonourable role充当不光采的角色

4)selective oil production选择采油

5)humanist conflicts技术采择

6)perspective taking观点采择

1.The nature ofperspective taking lies in decentration of individual s cognition, namely, he can think from others point of view.观点采择的本质特征在于个体认识上的去自我中心化 ,即能够站在他人的角度 ,从他人的角度看待问题。


