700字范文 > 主调音乐 homophony英语短句 例句大全

主调音乐 homophony英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-23 04:50:05


主调音乐 homophony英语短句 例句大全



1.The characteristics of Handel s cantata are expounded,such as,libretto and subject matter, the grand style,chorus and duet,and the tendency ofhomophony,in order to make people realize his important status and influence in art history of music.介绍了亨德尔清唱剧创作的背景,阐述了亨德尔清唱剧的唱调和题材、宏伟的风格、合唱与重唱及主调音乐倾向,使人们了解其在音乐艺术史上的重要地位和影响。

2)key music主调音乐

1.The author researches on the Bach s compound music from three parts: many sounds intension, the rhythm s no discontinuity and the simplicity, the difference between his compound music andkey music.从和声内涵、旋律的不间断性和单纯性及复调音乐与主调音乐的区别三个方面研究了巴赫的复调音乐 ,阐明了复调音乐的特征。

3)tone of music音乐音调

4)theme music主题音乐

1.Detecting the News Summary from News Video Based onTheme Music and Shot Cut;基于主题音乐和镜头切换检测新闻提要

2.It presents four characteristics of the music in the film with regards to thetheme music throughout the film, the music in and out of the pictures, the dominance of piano music and synchronization of music and pictures in the settings, etc.从主题音乐的贯穿全篇、画外乐与画内乐的结合、钢琴音乐的主导以及场景中的音画同步等方面提出了本部影片在音乐运用上的四个特点。

3.Edward Albee s play The Zoo Story is compared in the discussion to a symphony,one that bears the structural feature oftheme music and some features of program music.阿尔比的戏剧《动物园的故事》犹如一支交响曲,它有着主题音乐般的结构,还有标题音乐的一些特点;作品节奏型非常明确,且与全“曲”乐思的发展相呼应。


1.Similarly, in the music business there?s a run on patriotic and inspirational tapes and CDs.同样,在音乐界,也出现了对爱国主题和积极向上的主题音乐磁带和CD的需求。

2.A motif in art, literature, or music.主题艺术、文学或者音乐的主题

3.Zhao: " Love" is a theme for many kinds of music, especially for pop music.赵:“爱情”是很多音乐门类的主题,尤其是流行音乐。

4.the theme is announced in the first measures; the accompanist picked up the idea and elaborated it.在第一节中表明了音乐的主题。

5.Zhao: You have identified eight major themes of country music.赵:你曾经确定了乡村音乐的8个主题。

6.Excerpts from Opera Themes and Plots节译自《歌剧音乐主题及剧情梗概》

7.repeat an earlier theme of a musical composition.重复音乐作品的早期主题。

8.melodic subject of a musical composition.一部音乐作品的有旋律的主题。

9.a theme that is elaborated on in a piece of music.一曲音乐中精心制作的主题部分。

10.a musical form consisting of a theme repeated a fifth above or a fourth below its first statement.包含着一种重复的主题的音乐形式。

11.and very importantly there is the theme of " family" in country music;乡村音乐还有个很重要的主题,“家庭”;

12.On the Theme and Musical Quality of Edgar Allan Poe s Poetry;论埃德加·艾伦·坡诗歌的主题与音乐性

13.The Opening-up and Building of Websites of Musical Themes Resources in Xinjiang;新疆音乐主题资源库网站的开发建设

14.Development of Subject and Motive Theory in Modern Music;主题—动机理论在现代音乐中的发展

15.The Music Theme of Ke Xiang In the Modern Beijing Opera Mountain of Cuckoo;现代京剧《杜鹃山》中的柯湘音乐主题

16.On the Ferdinando Sor Variations on a Theme of Mozart索尔《魔笛主题变奏曲》的音乐学分析

17.The concluding part of a phrase or theme;a cadence.尾章一个主题或乐句的结尾部分;(音乐)终止

18.These themes set contry music apart from the music of, say, Britney Spears or N-Sync.这些主题使乡村音乐有别于诸如小甜甜与N-Sync的音乐。


key music主调音乐

1.The author researches on the Bach s compound music from three parts: many sounds intension, the rhythm s no discontinuity and the simplicity, the difference between his compound music andkey music.从和声内涵、旋律的不间断性和单纯性及复调音乐与主调音乐的区别三个方面研究了巴赫的复调音乐 ,阐明了复调音乐的特征。

3)tone of music音乐音调

4)theme music主题音乐

1.Detecting the News Summary from News Video Based onTheme Music and Shot Cut;基于主题音乐和镜头切换检测新闻提要

2.It presents four characteristics of the music in the film with regards to thetheme music throughout the film, the music in and out of the pictures, the dominance of piano music and synchronization of music and pictures in the settings, etc.从主题音乐的贯穿全篇、画外乐与画内乐的结合、钢琴音乐的主导以及场景中的音画同步等方面提出了本部影片在音乐运用上的四个特点。

3.Edward Albee s play The Zoo Story is compared in the discussion to a symphony,one that bears the structural feature oftheme music and some features of program music.阿尔比的戏剧《动物园的故事》犹如一支交响曲,它有着主题音乐般的结构,还有标题音乐的一些特点;作品节奏型非常明确,且与全“曲”乐思的发展相呼应。

5)music theme音乐主题

1.The Mountain of Cuckoo was a typical work in modern Beijing Opera with the figuralmusic theme used skillful.《杜鹃山》是现代京剧当中人物音乐主题用得比较成熟的代表剧目。

6)music advocation音乐主张


主调音乐多声部音乐的一种。其特点是以数个声部为伴奏形式,加强、陪衬主旋律。主调音乐的名称系相对于复调音乐而言,其主要旋律可位于任何声部,而以处于高声部为多。西洋音乐在历经了单声音乐、复调音乐时期后,约从17世纪开始,逐步进入了主调音乐时期。促使主调音乐发展的因素主要为:民间音乐中琉特所用的分解和弦织体的影响,能独立奏出和声的键盘乐器的广泛使用,歌剧的兴起以及 J.-P.拉莫在和声理论研究方面所作的贡献等。在马罗克时期,数字低音的运用,对促使主调音乐的发展也起了很重要的作用。18世纪中叶以后,主调音乐成为西洋音乐的主流,复调音乐则与主调音乐并存或互相结合,历经古典乐派、浪漫乐派等的发展过程而进入20世纪。20世纪代以来中国的专业音乐创作中,多数亦采用主调音乐形式,以主调音乐写作的作品体载众多,曲式多样。对主调音乐的写作,和声是最重要的作曲技术之一。
