700字范文 > 技术融合 technological convergence英语短句 例句大全

技术融合 technological convergence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-11 14:11:50


技术融合 technological convergence英语短句 例句大全

技术融合,technological convergence

1)technological convergence技术融合

1.With the phenomenon oftechnological convergence and industrial convergence getting universal unprecedentedly,co-operations between enterprises from different industries are occurring frequently.随着技术融合的日益盛行,产业融合的趋势越来越显著,企业跨产业的合作屡见不鲜。


1.The Trend of Technology Convergence and the Tactics of Technology Convergence in Our Country;技术融合趋势及我国的技术融合战略


3.Study on Technology Transfer System Combining Venture Capital with High Technology;风险投资与高新技术融合的技术转让体系研究

4.Research and Realization of Multi-algorithm Merging on Face Detection;人脸检测技术融合算法的研究与实现

5.The Application and Research of IDS Model Based on Multi-technique Fusion;基于多技术融合的IDS模型研究与应用

6.Biotechnology Meets Information Technology生物技术与信息的融合

7.Study on Convergence of DTMB and DVB-HDTMB与DVB-H融合技术研究

8.Digital Art--The Fusion of Art and Technology;数字艺术:艺术与技术的融合与创造

9.Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Technology Based on Maximal-ratio Fusion基于最大比融合的合作频谱感知技术

10.Information fusion based on radar/IR imaging compound guidance雷达/红外成像复合制导信息融合技术

11.Research on Integration of Construction Key Techniques and Information Techniques;建筑施工企业关键技术与信息技术的融合

12.Informational and calculative science : the fusion of mathematical technique and informational technique信息与计算科学:数学技术和信息技术的融合

13.On the Fusion of Traditional Arts and Computer Techniques from the View of Computer Arts;从数码艺术看传统艺术与数码技术的融合

14.Seminar on major problems of technical and financial cooperation技术和金融合作主要问题讨论会

15.Fuses the international vanguard technology, the making world first-class product.融合国际先进技术,打造世界一流产品。

16.Data Fusion Technology and Development of Submarine Command & Control System数据融合技术与潜艇指控系统的发展

17.Pattern recognition based on the fusion technique for counting of bundled bar steel基于融合技术的棒材定支数图像识别

18.Financing in Hi-Tech Firms: The Selection and Re-arrangement of Contracts;高技术企业融资:合约的选择与再安排


technology convergence技术融合

1.Beginning with the comprehension of background oftechnology convergence,this paper explores theory concerningtechnology convergence based on the inspection on the motivity intechnology convergence,essential process of technology diffuse lifecycle、structure and extent oftechnology convergence.从对技术融合提出背景的基本理解开始,在对技术融合的动力、技术扩散的实质过程、生命周期以及结构与程度考察的基础上,提出了有关对技术融合理论的探索,突破了把技术融合单纯理解为技术行为的认识。

2.This paper analyzes on the essence of three technical revolutions andtechnology convergences in the world technical development history, points out that the new global technical revolution has the high convergence of trans-subject, and advances some countermeasures and suggestions of carrying outtechnology convergence in our country.分析了世界技术发展史上三次技术革命与技术融合的实质,指出新一轮全球技术革命具有高度的跨学科的融合性,并提出了我国实施技术融合战略的对策与建议。

3)technological fusion技术融合

1.Beginning with the comprehension of cnnotation of independent technological innovation,this paper develops a definition of how to comprehend the extension oftechnological fusion based on the inspection on the prerequisite and requirement oftechnological fusion.本文从对自主性技术创新中的技术融合内涵的基本理解开始 ,在对技术融合产生的前提和条件考察的基础上 ,提出了对技术融合的拓展的理解 ,突破了把技术融合单纯理解为技术行为的认识 ,并对技术融合和相关概念的关系进行了讨

2.Thetechnological fusion is a kind of action of the technological innovation and is the successor activity of the technology import,it plays important part.技术融合是企业技术创新活动中的基本行为,它是技术引进的后续环节,对提升企业的技术能力有着重要的作用。

4)Technology Amalgamation技术融合

1.This research basic point of this paper is amalgamation of high-tech industry and traditional industry based on technology amalgamation.在研究技术融合——产业融合——区域创新纵向集成过程中高新技术扩散路径及其价值模式基础上,提出通过组织工具、技术工具、平台工具构建区域创新网络,利用网络化集成优势有力提升区域整体创新能力和区域竞争力。

5)Fusing Technology融合技术

1.Characteristic of Combined Interface and ItsFusing Technology in Modeling of Machine Tool Structure;结合部特性参数及其在机床结构建模中的融合技术

6)fusion technology融合技术

1.Application of Protoplast Fusion Technology in Potato Breeding原生质体融合技术在马铃薯育种中的应用

2.And afusion technology for autonomous navigation of constellation based on star sensor is presented which combines these two methods effectively.为解决单纯基于星间观测的星座自主导航系统的基准秩亏问题,利用星敏感器间接敏感地平的导航方法提出了一种基于星敏感器的星座自主导航信息融合技术。

3.Albuminfusion technology was a novel technology utilized to develop long-acting biologics.血清白蛋白融合技术是一种开发长效重组蛋白药物的新技术。


