700字范文 > 随机用户平衡 stochastic user equilibrium英语短句 例句大全

随机用户平衡 stochastic user equilibrium英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-29 09:25:48


随机用户平衡 stochastic user equilibrium英语短句 例句大全

随机用户平衡,stochastic user equilibrium

1)stochastic user equilibrium随机用户平衡

1.The model withstochastic user equilibrium assignment for elastic demand and the solving algorithm;弹性需求下的随机用户平衡模型及求解算法

2.Based on the basic idea ofstochastic user equilibrium assignment and the traffic flow theory,the concept of road traffic state was introduced in order to describe the problem of traffic assignment.运用随机用户平衡配流的基本思想和交通流理论,提出了道路交通状态的概念,以便讨论交通拥挤情况下的交通量分配问题。

3.Based on a new kind of route choice behavior, the α-cutstochastic user equilibrium(α-SUE) is established.基于一种新的道路选择行为,建立了α-截随机用户平衡模型(-αSUE),在这个平衡模型中其道路阻抗的估计值用在置信度1-α下的区间来表示。


1.The Function and Error settings are only used for Stochastic User Equilibrium.函数和误差设置仅仅用在随机用户平衡模型中。

2.Railway Stochastic User Equilibrium Assignment Model under Congestion;拥挤条件下的铁路随机用户平衡配流模型

3.Stochastic User Equilibrium Model Based on Generalized Cost under the Influence of ATISATIS影响下的基于广义成本的随机用户平衡模型

4.A New Method to Solve the Stochastic User Equilibrium Assignment with Elastic Demand for Traffic Network一种求解弹性需求随机用户平衡分配的新方法

5.Continuous Network Design under Elastic Demand and Stochastic Multiple User Equilibrium弹性需求和多用户随机平衡下的连续网络设计

6.Research on the Theory and Application of Multiclass, Multicriteria Stochastic Traffic Network Equilibrium;多用户多准则随机交通均衡理论与应用研究

7.Efficiency Loss of the Multi-Class Stochastic Traffic Equilibrium Assignment with Fixed Demand固定需求网络中多用户类随机均衡的效率损失

8.Bounding efficiency loss of multiclass stochastic user equilibrium traffic assignment under road pricing收费情形下多用户类随机用户均衡交通分配的效率损失上界

9.Analysis of Individual Account Pension System of Chinese Countryside Society: A Model of Balance-of-Payments by a Stochastic Method基于随机因素的农村社会养老保险个人账户给付平衡模型与分析

10.Pseudorandomness and Super Pseudorandomness on the Unbalanced Feistel Networks with Contracting Functions使用压缩函数的非平衡Feistel结构的伪随机性和超伪随机性

11.A Stochastlc User Equlllbrlum Model under ATIS and Its Evolutionary Implementation交通信息系统作用下的随机用户均衡模型与演进

12.Applications of Stochastic Processes into Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics and Systems Biology;随机过程在非平衡态统计物理和系统生物学建模中的应用

13.Assessing Occupational Exposure Via the Unbalanced One-Way Random Models不平衡单因素随机模型在职业接触评价中的应用(英文)

14.Kinematics Study of Servo Compound Balance Beam Pumping Unit随动复合游梁平衡抽油机运动学研究

15.The application of the new algorithm to stochastic traffic assignment illustrates the new algorithm"s efficiency.通过将该方法应用于随机用户均衡分配模型,说明了该方法的有效性。

16.Design and Implementation of Load-balancing System for Public Login Service大规模用户登录服务的负载平衡实现

17."Balance, to (an account)"轧平(帐户),平衡(帐目)

parison of Five Minimization Methods on Balance, Predictability, Randomicity and Balance Stability;五种最小不平衡指数法的平衡能力、正确预测率、随机分组率和平衡能力稳定性比较研究



1.The paper quantitatively discusses the attractive- ness of highway to the potential transport modes and its interfer- ence effects,establishes a tramport passage sharing model using the thought ofSUE(Stochastic User Equilibrium)and finally de- picts on the influence mechanism of highway in the other tram- port modes.随机用户平衡)的思想。

2.This model combined departure time with dynamic stochastic user equilibrium assignment problem(DDSUE).提出了一种基于LOG IT方法的交通分配模型,该模型是动态出发时间选择和随机用户平衡的联合模型(DDSUE)。

3.A flow-split model and its algorithm for inter-city transportation are presented based on theSUE theory and Chaos theory.分析在多种运输方式存在情况下乘客的交通选择行为,并基于随机用户平衡理论和混沌理论构造了综合运输条件下的交通方式分离模型及求解算法。

3)random user equilibrium随机用户平衡(SUE)

4)α-cut stochastic user equilibrium modelα-截随机用户平衡模型

5)SUE theory随机用户平衡理论


1.The paper provides a new dimension-reduced method of sensitivity analysis for stochastic user equilibrium assignment(SUEA) model based on the relation between its Lagrange function and logarithmic barrier function combined with a Courant quadratic penalty term.基于随机用户平衡分配扰动模型的Lagrange函数及带柯朗二次惩罚项的对数边际函数之间的关系给出了一种的新的降维灵敏度分析方法,与通常所说的灵敏度分析相比它的优点是大大减小了计算的维数,降低了复杂性。


随机数和伪随机数随机数和伪随机数random and pseudo-randan numbers随机数和伪随机数【喇间佣1 al川牌”山一喇闭..m.山娜;cJI了,a如曰e”nce,口oc月卿成.以叹“c月a】数亡。(特别,二进制数:。),其顺序出现,满足某种统计正则性(见概率论(probability Uleory)).人们是这样区别随机数(mndomn切mbe比)和伪随机数(PSeudo一mn由mn切mbe岛)的,前者由随机的装置来生成,而后者是用算术算法构造的.总是假设(出于较好或较差的理由)所得(或所构造)的序列具有频率性质,这些性质对于具有分布函数F(z)的某随机变量心独立实现的一个序列来说是“典型的”;因此人们称作根据规律F(习分布的(独立的)随机数.最经常使用的例子为:在区间【O,l]上均匀分布的随机数亡。,尸(亡。
