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文艺观 view of literature and art英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-26 14:49:21


文艺观 view of literature and art英语短句 例句大全

文艺观,view of literature and art

1)view of literature and art文艺观

1.CUTTING OFF FROM THE BONDS OF THE WORLD AND LOVE——Once again on Feng zikai"sview of literature and art绝缘与有情化——再论丰子恺文艺观

2.From the transitional process of losing his heart to western politics to the mixture of Chinese and western culture,he took the philosophical view and universal view,combining the western culture and Chinese traditional culture to check,which shows his advancedview of literature and art.从醉心西方政治到融合中西文化的嬗变过程中,他在接受了西方的哲学观、世界观的同时,把西方文化和中国传统文化联系起来考察,表现了他极为先进的文艺观点。


1.The Literary Views and Practice of Luxun Affected by Marxism;马克思主义影响下的鲁迅文艺观和文艺实践

2.Reunderstanding the Left s Criticism on Lin Yutang s Literary and Art Outlook;反思左翼文艺工作者对林语堂文艺观的批判

3.Limitation of the Three Western Literary Theories;西方三大文艺观局限分析——否定主义文艺学之一

4.Popularization of Art and Literariness of People:Discussion of People s Literary Thought by Mao Tsetung;文艺的人民化与人民的文艺化——毛泽东人民文艺观刍议

5.Probing into Romantic Factors in Tolstoy s Views of Literature;托尔斯泰文艺观中浪漫主义因素初探

6.Poem Taching:Confusius Central View of Literature and Arts;以“诗教”为核心的孔子文艺观综述

7.I promised to attend the show.我答应去观看文艺演出。

8.Thenature of Literary under the Cultural Studies in the New Period新时期文艺学文化转向下的文艺本质观

9.Study on the Artistic Characteristic Value of Culture Pillar in the Landscape Art景观艺术中文化柱的艺术特征性研究

10.The Influence of Italian Renaissance Art Conception on French Art意大利文艺复兴艺术观念对法国艺术的影响

11.On Scientific Development Concept of Literature and Construction of Literature Systems;论文艺的科学发展观及文艺制度的建设

12.Subjective passions are the beginning and ending of literature and art"--The study of Guliyagawa Haguashao′s ideas of literature and art;“情绪主观是文艺的始终”——厨川白村文艺思想研究

13.Yi Wen Lei Ju and Chu Xue Ji in Relation with LiteraryConception at the Early Tang Dynasty;《艺文类聚》、《初学记》与唐初文学观念

14.Shen Congwen s literature ideas and the localization of the literature and art supplerend Ta kung pao;沈从文的文学观与《大公报·文艺副刊》的定位

15.Art in the Symbol Culture-On the Art Notion of Cassirer s An Essay on Man;符号文化中的艺术——论卡西尔《人论》中的艺术观

16.Utility and Literature and Art:Dual Character of Eight-Part Essay--To Know Mr. Qian Zhong-shu’s Concept of Eight-Part Essay from《Record of Talks on Arts》;功利与文艺:八股文的两面性——从《谈艺录》看钱钟书先生的八股文观

17.The Idea of “Mass”of the Mass Literature in 40~( TH) ~70~(TH)略论40—70年代群众文艺之“群众”观

18.On Harmonic Value of Marxist Literary Theory;马克思主义文艺学的和谐价值观探析


literary concept文艺观

1.The emergence of theliterary concept of Prince Huainan was of great importance in the development of literary and artistic ideas in ancient China.它着重强调了道家的文艺思想,并融合了儒道的文艺观,产生了一些新的发展,在文质、形神、言意三方面都有突出表现。

3)literature view文艺观

1.This paper aims to explore hisliterature view through the following three aspects: film literature, literary creation .王平陵对以上三方面的论述涉及面广,材料充实,从文学范围来看,他的战时文艺观呈现出一种体系化的特征,为当时的文学创作和文学运动提供了许多宝贵的意见。

4)literary views文艺观

1.This paper is based on the left-wing literary movement, reviewing theliterary views and practice by Luxun .本文从左翼文艺运动发展的角度,考察了鲁迅在革命文学论争过程中的文艺观和文艺实践。

5)view of literature文艺观

1.As far as theview of literature is concerned specifically, these two writers share theview of literature by combining ontology with epistemology, which is represented by “symbolism in a broad sense” in the devices used in their literary creation.在具体文艺观上,鲁迅与厨川白村都持一种本体论与认识论相结合的文艺观,这种文艺观在创作手法上的体现就是“广义的象征主义”。

6)viewpoint of art文艺观念


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