700字范文 > 文艺政策 policies of literature and art英语短句 例句大全

文艺政策 policies of literature and art英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-26 15:52:13


文艺政策 policies of literature and art英语短句 例句大全

文艺政策,policies of literature and art

1)policies of literature and art文艺政策

1.Against the background of reform and open policies, China spolicies of literature and art, guided by Deng Xiaoping s theory, have undergone or are undergoing a series of historic conversions such as the conversions of guiding principle, functional crientation, content and structural system of literary policies.在新时期改革开放的历史背景下,在邓小平理论的指导下,中国共产党的文艺政策已经和正在发生历史性转变。


1.A Study on the Evolution of the CPC s Thoughts and Policies on Literature before the Anti-Japanese War;抗日战争前中国共产党文艺思想与文艺政策研究

munist Party s Policy on Literature and Art during Anti-Japanese War before the Speech at the Literature & Arts Forum in Yan’an;略论《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》之前中国共产党的抗战文艺政策

3.Soviet Literary and Artistic Policy and Chinese Socialist Realism;苏联文艺政策与中国的“社会主义现实主义”

4.Deepening the Research of Deng Xiaoping Theory about Literature and Art --On Deng Xiaoping Theory and the Policy about Literature and Art in the New Age;邓小平文艺理论研究的系统深化——《邓小平理论与新时期文艺政策》刍议

5.Agriculture and industry must be put in order, and the policies on literature and art need to be adjusted.农业要整顿,工业要整顿,文艺政策要调整,调整其实也是整顿。

6.P.R.China and the Soviet Union at the Initial Stage of Their Founding: Literary and Artistic Policies and Relevant Lessons;转折时期的艰难确立——论中苏建国初期的文艺政策及其经验教训

7.Leaders and the Mass-the Image Transformation of a Type of Painting Subject under the Influence of Literary and Artistic Policies in China;“领袖与群众”——新中国文艺政策影响下的一种绘画题材的图像转换

8.Theoretical Foundation and Policy Support for the Past 13 Years Development of Literature and Art in Guangxi;广西十三年文艺发展的理论政策基础

9.On the Formation of CPC s Policy of Literature and Art;中国共产党文艺方针政策形成之探索

10.the flowering of ante-bellum culture.文艺的繁荣很大程度上依赖于当局者的政策。

11.On Chinese Communist Party s Literary and Artistic Work and Policy in Hunan Hubei Jiangxi Base;湘鄂赣根据地党的文艺工作和政策探微

12."Therefore, the Singapore government would be well advised to map out policies on arts and culture conducive to fair competition in an open and liberal environment."政府制订艺文政策总体方向时,首先要拓展公平竞争和开放的空间。

13.The thought and policy of Chinese Communist Party towardsliterature and Chinese literature in the 1980s;中国共产党的文艺思想和政策与八十年的中国文学

14.A Culture and Heritage Commission will be established to advise the Government on the formulation of overall cultural policies and on broad funding priorities for arts and culture.政府会成立文化委员会,就制定整体文化政策和文艺服务拨款的总体优先次序提供意见。

15.The Comprehensive Survey of Japanese Colonialism Policy During East Asia War:A Explanation on 1st Volume 6th Issue of Literary Arts;“大东亚战争”时期日本殖民主义政策面面观——《艺文》第1卷第6号读解

16.The Analysis of Reforming Stalemate and Strategy of Art Unit Marketization in the Transformational Period政府管理视角下文艺单位社会化改革困境及对策分析

17.dabble in [ at ] art, politics, literature, etc涉猎艺术, 政治, 文学等

18.Renaissance political thought文艺复兴时期政治思想


Soviet literary and artistic policy苏联文艺政策

3)CPC"s policy of literature and art中共文艺政策

4)Kuomintang"s literature and art policy国民党文艺政策

5)Kuomintang literary policy in wartime战时国民党文艺政策



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