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文艺本质 the essence of literature and art英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-24 04:48:42


文艺本质 the essence of literature and art英语短句 例句大全

文艺本质,the essence of literature and art

1)the essence of literature and art文艺本质

1.In probing intothe essence of literature and art, representation doctrine produces a profound and far-reaching influence.在对文艺本质问题的探讨中,“再现说”影响深远。

2.Deng Xiaoping has inherited and developedthe essence of literature and art of Marxism and has regarded literature and art as nourishment for the mind of the masses.邓小平继承发展了马克思主义的文艺本质观,把文艺看成是人民群众的精神食粮。


1.Thenature of Literary under the Cultural Studies in the New Period新时期文艺学文化转向下的文艺本质观

2.On Discussing the Nature of ‘Three Characters’ of the Natural Characteristics of Art;论文艺本质特性的“三态”构成之内涵

3.Essence of Arts and Ideology--On Pospelov s Thought of Ideological Essence of Arts;文艺本质与意识形态——波斯彼洛夫的艺术意识形态本性论述要

4.Lu Xun s description of art essence and duty at his later times--On Art and Revolution and others;鲁迅后期对文艺本质与职能的描述——《文艺与革命》及其他

5.Essence of Arts: Ideological or Formal?;文艺本质:是意识形态的还是意识形式的?

6.The Comment on the Historic Significance of Representation Doctrine-Concurrently Discussing on the Essence of Literature and Art;“再现说”的历史意义评说——兼谈文艺本质问题

7.Literature and Art Eulogizing Revolutionary Violence, Patriotism and Internationalism;歌颂革命暴力、爱国主义和国际主义的文艺──社会主义文艺本质论之二

8.The Intrinsic Meanings of Men of Letters "Art for art s sake" during the Period of Jian an;建安文人“为艺术而艺术”的本质内涵

9.The Humanity Principle in Creation of Literature and Art--On the Duality of the Spiritual Nature of Literature and Art;文艺创作的人学原则——兼论文艺精神本质的二重性

10.On the Nature of Literary Appreciation--Review of Modern Chinese Theories of Literary Appreciation;文艺鉴赏本质论──中国现代文艺鉴赏理论述评之一

parison between MAO Ze-dong Thought and Western Marxism on the Ideological Essence of Literature and Art;毛泽东文艺思想与西方马克思主义文艺理论本质论比较


13.Freedom of Creation Is the Prerequisite Requirement of Literature and Art--On Freedom of Creation自由创造是文学艺术的本质要求——论“创作自由”

14.Even the artists of the Renaissance sought to penetrate to the essence of reality.甚至文艺复兴时代的艺术家也企图透过现象去了解现实的本质。

15.A Query about the Theory of the Essence of Aesthetic Ideology of Literature--A Research on the Essence of the Affective language Art and a Consultation with Mr.Tong Qing-bing;文学的审美意识形态本质论质疑——向童庆炳先生请教兼论文学的情感语言艺术本质

16.the very essence of artistic expression is invention- Irving R. Kaufman; the very back of the room.艺术表现的本质恰好是创造——埃文·R·考夫曼;房间的正后面。

17.The art of construct mirrors and materializes trenchancy quality and susceptivity the essence of the dark culture.建筑艺术鲜明、感地反映与体现了文化深层结构的本质。

18.The paper presents the optimum conditions of preparing phytin in highquality and yield, The phytin was prepared by neutralizing the solution which contained aque.本文研究了制备高质量及高产量菲丁的最佳工艺条件。


nature of art and literature文艺本质观

3)angle view of artistic essence文艺本质视角

4)artistic text艺术文本

1.Once changed intoartistic text, the structure ofartistic text then embodies the dispositions of poetic intelligence.诗性智慧是人与生俱来的创造性的精神能力 ,它物化为艺术文本时 ,文本的结构便具有了诗性智慧的特征。

2.Generally speaking, while theartistic text transmits the meaning, it is the normal thing that the artist uses or involves essential characters, words.一般来讲,艺术文本传达意义的过程中使用或涉及必要的文字、话语是自然而然的事。

5)the essence of art艺术本质

1.In so thinking, the importance of spirit in art is indicated and given much attention, hence leading to a further discussion aboutthe essence of art.这种表达形式指明了艺术表达人的内在情感、精神的新途径,强调艺术中精神的精髓作用,从而促使美学对艺术本质问题进行进一步探讨。

2.This thesis rethinks critically the theoretical presuppositions onthe essence of art.本文是针对艺术本质论的理论预设作批判性反思。

3.AbstractThis thesis does not intend to propose new theories onthe essence of art, but to rethink critically the theoretical presuppositions onthe essence of art.本文不着意在众多的艺术本质的界定中再添新说,而是针对艺术本质论的理论预设作批判性反思。

6)artistic essence艺术本质

1.As a unique phenomenon of human creative practice , art with the existence, development and significance ofartistic essence canno t but relying on mans existence for its value of existence.摹仿说、表现说和形式说等从不同角度对艺术本质问题进行了探索 ,维特根斯坦的“家族相似”观和迪基的“习俗”论也拓展了艺术本质的研究视野 ,但都没有抓住其根本所在。

2.In the history of art theory,though people have grasped theartistic essence at different levels and angles, but, finally, a puzzled conclusion is made.关于艺术本质问题 ,在艺术理论史上 ,尽管人们从不同的层次、不同的角度去把握 ,但最终还是得出了令人困惑的结论。


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