700字范文 > Lagrange力学逆问题 inverse problem of Lagrangian mechanics英语短句 例句大全

Lagrange力学逆问题 inverse problem of Lagrangian mechanics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-31 04:25:42


Lagrange力学逆问题 inverse problem of Lagrangian mechanics英语短句 例句大全

Lagrange力学逆问题,inverse problem of Lagrangian mechanics

Lagrangian inverse problemLagrange逆问题

1.Traditionally the treatment ofLagrangian inverse problem and stationary variational principle in the presence of constraints are restricted to a special kind of linear constrained dynamical systems, i.通常处理带约束的Lagrange逆问题和稳定作用量原理都局限于一类特殊的线性约束动力学系统 ,即Chaplygin系统 。

3)inverse problem of dynamics动力学逆问题

1.Studies the inverse problem of the dynamics of Birkhoffian system,giving two ways of formulation and solutions of the inverse problem,including the composition of equations accrding to the general principlee and the characters of motion,the generalized Poisson s method and theinverse problem of dynamics.研究了Birkhoff系统动力学逆问题,给出逆问题的两种提法和解法,包括由普遍原理出发,根据运动性质组建运动方程问题,以及广义Poisson方法和动力学逆问题。

4)inverse problem of analytical mechanics分析力学逆问题

5)gravimetric inverse boundary value problem重力学逆边值问题

6)inverse problem of Lagrange mechanics拉格朗日力学逆问题


Lagrange问题Lagrange问题Lagrange problemb沙叻拳问题【I洲郎叨拳p润创妇11;几.印aII二a3幼朗:】经典变分学中的基本问题之一它是对泛函义2J(,)一丁,(二,,、,,)己二,,:R xR·xR一R xI在等式型微分约束:职(x·,夕,夕‘)=o,价:R xR”xR”~R’,m
