700字范文 > 大学六级英语翻译习题附参考译文


时间:2019-05-15 05:32:52






在中国,酒(white spirit)作为一种特殊的文化形式,有着5000多年的历史。确 超所著的《杯里春秋》(TheSpring and Autumn in the Cup)—书认为,喝酒有点像学问,而不是大吃大喝。中国历史上有很多关于酒的故事。唐代伟大诗人李白可以“斗酒诗百篇”,喝得越多,他的诗就作得越好。在中国民俗中,酒有着极其重要的地位。不论是君王还是平民,都用烈酒(spirit)庆祝各个节日、婚礼、生日聚会, 纪念逝者,为亲友接风或送行,庆贺好消息,摆脱焦虑和治疗疾病以求长寿。


White spirit,as a special form of Chinese culture, has a history of more than 5,000 years.According to the book The Spring and Autumn in the Cup by Lin Chao,white spirit drinking issomething of learning rather than eating and drinking. There are many stories about whitespirit in Chinese history. The great poet Li Bai in the Tang Dynasty could “write 100 poemsafter drinking white spirit”,and the more white spirit he drank, the better his poem would be.White spirit plays an extremely important role in Chinese folk custom. Spirits are used tocelebrate different festivals,wedding ceremonies and birthday parties,to memorize thedeparted,to welcome and send off relatives and friends, to congratulate the good news and toget rid of anxiety,to cure diseases and prolong life,both for emperors and ordinary people.

1.有点像学问:可译为be something of learning。这里be something of意为“有点像”,例如He issomething of a musician.(他有点像音乐家)。

2.而不是大吃大喝:可译为rather than eating and drinking。其中“而不是”用rather than表达更简洁,也可用instead of。

3.斗酒诗百篇:即“喝完酒后能写100首诗”,可译为write 100 poems after drinking white spirit。

4.有着极其重要的地位:可译为plays an extremely important role in…

5.各个节日、婚礼、生日聚会:可译为different festivals,wedding ceremonies and birthdayparties。

6.为亲友接风或送行:“接风”即“欢迎”,故此处可译为welcome and send off relatives and friends。其中send off意为“送行”,也可用 see sb off 为某人送行”。



脸谱(facial makeup)是指中国传统戏剧—京剧里男演员脸部的彩色化妆。 它在色彩、形式和类型上有一定的格式。脸谱运用红色、黄色、白色、黑色、紫色、绿色和银色代表不同的人物性格。各角色的脸谱由油漆、粉和油彩画成,基 本形式是整脸、三块瓦脸(San Kuai Wa Lian)和碎脸。这些脸谱类型被广泛用于代 表、官员、英雄、神灵和鬼魅。通过眼睛和鼻子周围形状各异的白色小块, 可以辨别出丑角(Chou actors)。有时这些小块以黑色勾勒,常称小花脸。


Facial makeup refers to the colorful painting on the face of the actors in Peking Opera, which isa traditional Chinese opera. It has certain format in terms of color,design and type.Red,yellow,white,black,purple,green and silver are the main colors used for facial makeupto represent different characters. The facial designs for the roles are made by painting,powdering and coloring in the basic forms of Zheng Lzan(keeping the basic face pattern),SanKuai Wa Lian(three-section face) and Sui Lian(fragmentary face).These types are widely usedto represent generals,officials,heroes, gods and ghosts. The Chou (clown) actors can berecognized by the patch of white in various shapes painted around the eyes and nose.Sometimes these patches are outlined in black, often called Xiao Hua Lian(partly painted face).

1.脸部的彩色化妆:可译为the colorful painting on the face。

2.在色彩、形式和类型上:可用词组in terms of表达,译为in terms of color,design and type。

3.整脸、三块瓦脸和碎脸:“整脸”是最原始的脸谱形式,利用双眉把脸分为额 和面两个部分的脸谱;“三块瓦脸”是在整脸的基础上再利用口鼻把面部分为左右的脸谱;“碎脸”是三块瓦脸的变种,其分界边缘花形极大,破坏了原有的轮廓。这里可先音译成汉语拼音,再在括号内加以解释说明。

4.形状各异的:即“不同形状的”,可译为in various shapes或in different shapes。

5.丑角:翻译为Chou actors,同样地,括号内可以加注解(Clown)。

