700字范文 > 每日一分钟 | 'keep my fingers crossed' 双手交叉是在祈祷吗?

每日一分钟 | 'keep my fingers crossed' 双手交叉是在祈祷吗?

时间:2023-05-31 19:20:20


每日一分钟 | 'keep my fingers crossed' 双手交叉是在祈祷吗?

今天的俚语是keep my fingers crossed,今日份的English in a Minute告诉你答案!

keep-your-fingers-crossed 来自英语挑战者 00:00 01:02

Welcome to English in a Minute, where we teach you all about idioms in American English.

What do you think this means? Let"s listen.


A: Hey, How are you?

B: Hey, I am doing great. Actually, I just had a great job interview the other day. I really hope they hire me.

A: Oh, have you heard back from them?

B: No, not yet. But I"m keeping my fingers crossed. Hopefully they"ll call me today.


They sound very hopeful, and that"s exactly what it means.

In American English, keeping your fingers crossed means that you are hoping for the best possible outcome.

outcomen. 结果、效果

This is a happy expression, and you can use it in any situation -- formal an informal -- and everybody will understand what you mean.

And that"s English in a Minute.

keepmy fingers crossed

